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Who is the hottest KOTOR character?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the hottest KOTOR character?

    • Bastila Shan
    • Visas Marr
    • The Handmaiden
    • Mira

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Haven't seen one of these, so voila. There has been much debate over this, so we should decide, fair and square. Truely a clash of the Titans.( If your wondering who I voted for, just read my previous posts. :p ) Enjoy!



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body


Dang! Forgot her. Though I don't know many people who dig the cat thing. But hey, whatever floats your boat.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body


Kreia ain't so pretty (I think she was when she was younger...) ... But damn she has great attitude! Which makes her hot on her own way... Maybe not by looks, but...




I don't find women attractive, but then of course I am one.


Hmm. Atton, Carth or Disciple? Well, Carth is sweet but kinda old, and for some reason the whole son thing (Dustil) put me off. Atton is pretty good, but I always got the impression that Disciple had a bigger...lightsabre :(" Then again, Disciple is boring so I choose Atton. :p


PS. my poll vote went to Bastila coz she is Female Revan's 'sister'.


I'm voting Bastila not just because she's the hottest women in KOTOR, I'm voting for he particulary because of the story between Revan and her, it made them the best (if not the only....) love story in the whole KOTOR series( which could of been done much better, but I think it's not BioWare's fault, the reason are does stupid restrictions by LA who have a tendence to spoil everything they come across), and by that, they belong with each other.....


Have to be Visas.... not much as HOT but sexy and attractive....


C'mon no one finds Visas very interesting ? all the dark side.. blind.. nice looking woman thing ?

None of these are hot! They're all women!


I vote Atton. So there.  :lol:




I was thinking to myself the other day: "Self, if I was a pixilated personality looking to score, this is the crew I'd want to hang out with!" Even Kreia's got her own little disgruntled mystique going on...


Atton, Di, Visas, Mira: lots of digital eye candy.


I have too much free time. Or too much time that I spend as if it were free, anyway!




In times like this when i am undecided as to which hottie to choose, i susually just put it down to the size of certain body parts, but goddamnit they all have identical bodies!! so by a process of elimination


Visas - no too covered up and no eyes, freaky

Mira - nope too much attitude and war baggage

bastila - too prissy her accent annoys me too.

handmaiden - young impressionable and no qualms with scanty clothing :shifty:

In times like this when i am undecided as to which hottie to choose, i susually just put it down to the size of certain body parts, but goddamnit they all have identical bodies!! so by a process of elimination


Teehee! For me it's not the body that makes the hottie, it's the voice (part of why I like games with good voice-acting).




Obviously this thread was made by a guy, as there's a distinct lack of trouser in the choices we've got... I mean where's Carth, people?! You know he'd get the most votes... :blink:


Anyways, Mira got my vote, because have you seen her?! And no, I don't care if she's a chick either... :thumbsup:



The accent is hot, I don't know what is your problem is!


If you've ever played the game favoring Visas, she goes crazy. Even if you have no intentions of that kind, even if it is because of redemtion, she is angered and kinda bitchy about it. Too hot tempered for me.




Heheh. Glad for the number of Bastila Fans :) As for no Carth, Atton, choices, this is for GIRL NPC's, so inless you want your man to be a woman, ( Which I sincerely hope you don't) then you'll have to make due.



Seriously, only like, three people can touch my body

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