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Volourn's Final Jade Empire Review: I Am The Law!


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:thumbsup: This review will be long, boring, fanboyish, critical, and full of spoilers! It will tackle each chapter individually as well as combat, story, role-playing, characters, and things I feel didn't work. Thy have been warned....




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Chapter 1: Great opening chapter. I love the interaction with the various fellow students. Gao the Lesser was an awesome main villain for the chapter. There was a part of me who felt pity for him; because it was obvious he was raised in a horrible manner. I could also feel his pain because he was always second fiddle to the PC - both with the Master, and Dawn Star the Objection of his Obsession. Fantastic chapter that sets the mood. Pretty much perfect.


Chapter 2: The folks of Tien's Landing had me invisioning the Great Flood of 20 years ago. Their pain, sorrow, and loss. The various ghosts - even the locked up criminals - did this well. The Ghost Children and their revenge plot was a sad, poigant, and rather eery momen. Extremly well done and mature considering the subject matter. I love the rat demons. It's too bad rat demons forgot how to talk later on.. The whole pirate island and the forest was awesomely done. Another great chapter.


Chapter 3: WOW! Imperial Cityrocks. The Arena was awesome. It alone cost me several hours of my time as it was deep both combat and role-playing wise. It is eaisly the best arena/tournament type quest ever in games. The Lotus Assassin Hideout was accomplished. I actually felt cool playing their games and loved hopw bloodthirsty they were to each other. The Ghosts of Necroplis were touching in their sob stories espicially the mother who died in childbirth as well as the man who was 'murdered' by his wife. The doctor and his fatally injured duaghter was also poignant... This makes the game 3/3 as far as quality chapters go, and I haven't even touched other awesome chapter. Ch3 is eaisly one of the best gaming expeirences ever (as were the first 2 chapters).


Chapter 4: The first let down. the only wortwhile happening here was the confrotation with the Emporer, and Master Li's betrayal. Other than that, I didn't care for this chapter at all. I seriosuly believe this should ahve been the conclusion to ch3 (more on that later).


Chapter 5: Same as above. While the atmosphere here was top notch; not much else was worthy. I actually wish the Great Evil from beyond had appeared. It was a major letdown. I hope this will be something major in JE2. In fact, this Major Evil would be awesome as a new threat to the empire... Still, ch5 felt lacking to me.


Chapter 6: This was better, and it is one of the few games that made playing npcs fun. That said, I don't know what happens if you die as one fo them; but if you do; I hope the game wouldn't end (but, I'm sure it would). That's too bad...The chapter 6 Final with Death's Hand and the new Emperor Li was absolutely sweet and made the chapter a plus. it was masterfully done. Even though it was apparant through flashbacks that death's Hand was as evil as his brothers in life (if not less powerful); I had no chocie but to morally let him go 'into the light' espicially when he pleaded for mercy. I truly hope the lost soul can now find peace...


Chapter 7: Quick, and relatively painless. Two important choices and some cool combat was what made this chapter. A good ending; but I do wish there was more to the good ending. Perhaps, a scene of you and your romance getting married would have been a cool addition with Black Whirlwind as the Maid of Honour... LOL


The Full Game: Obviously, you can tell i prefer chapters 1-3 the most; but chapter 4-7 were good in their own right. Plus, they were only like 5 hours total of my 28 or so hours spent in the game so they only hurt the game experience a little.


Combat: I love the combat. It was very challenging, and very varied. The controls, once I got use to the controller (before JE I played the x-box for a grand total of a couple of hours - most of which was a NHL 2005 tournament at EB). Anyways, awesome combat. My biggest beef was the overpwoeredness of Jade Golem. And, the second half of the game I rarely died if at all. Why? that's simple. Whenever I found myself overwhelmed, I'd just transform into JG and kick butt. Didn't matter the enemy. that's too bad.


Role-playing: Totally awesome. Seriosuly, every quest had multiple ways to complete it and even though I only played the game once (so far), it's obvious they'd effect the grame greatly. I actually felt the decisions mattered both persoanlly as the character and in the game world. Good stuff.


Atmosphere: Breathtaking. Graphics, music, the mood. The music is the best ever. Only HOTU, FF8, and Acanum's theme music comes close to the magic of it. WOWSERS!


Minigames: I love the shooter. And, it actually fit the game and the world. I'm actually kinda disspaointed in the one quest involving them with that guy in Imeprial City. I lost the first mission, and think that I could just replay it, and finding when i returned to IC; he was unfortunately missing. Damn.

A minigame that hasn't been touched on is the dice game by the fellow at the Arena. I wish there wer eother ways to continually increase his max bet. I played this a few times as it was pretty fun..

I was dissapointed that the PC couldn't take part in those two masters' game in Tien's Landing in ch2. That would likely have been a fun mini game as well. JE2, perhaps?


Story/Characters: Poor Wild Flower. Sick and Twisted Judge Pervert. Diabloical Gravekeeper. Whiny Rat Demon. Overly Violent Whirlwind. These characters, and more were some of the best ever. Only BG2, PST, and BL cna match them in depth and soul.

The story was simply fantatsic. Master Li's plan was near perfect. near perfect. His only mistake was trying to control the uncontrollable - the PC. I also love the subtle touch of a deep and complex relationship between the Brothers Three. I wish more background on that was added. I also like the touch were Master Li expalins his reasoning behind his quest for power and that it wasn't *just* about power. Li beleived he was doing the right thing even though he wasn't. The fact that he didn't feel the need to apologize was magnificant.


Character Creation/Development: Deceptively simple is what I say. With three stats, multiple styles to level, techniques, 3 secondary stats, and 3 dialogue skills; there's alot to fool around with to make your character 'special'. The limited models doens't bother me one bit. A few things could be added (like more non combat skills like sneak, pick locks, and the like); but overall well done...


Complaints: Jade Golem way too powerful. Battle zones shouldn't be treated like a mini Arena. I actually felt more constricted in actual battles than the arena at times. Load times were too long for my taste. Do all x-box games have such long load times? If they do; gah. Robes, and rings to wear could have been added as 'loot' and still fit with the game, I think. Multiple followers and followers that actually *do* things in combat would be nice. They're just way too passive for my taste.


Conclusions: This is ana wesome game with few flaws. It is in my top three games. It migh thave been number one if some of my falws were fixed; but otherwise sweet.


Rating: 92%


Standing (In comparison): BG2/FO2: 95%

BG1/FO1: 90%

FF8: 88%

FF6: 85%


KOTOR2/BL/FF2: 80%

NWN/IWD1: 75%



Other Thoughts: This game is awesome, and anyone who claims this isn't a role-playing game doens't know what a role-playing game is. Period.


Final Warning: In a few days, I will make a topic with my suggestions on how I feel could have made JE an even better experience (arrogance am I, lol) and ideas for JE2 including combat styles and other stuff...


Enjoy the review... or not...



Good job, Bioware. :thumbsup:


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"Reminds me of Fable ... "


Good trolling. :thumbsup: Can you please repeat that another 20 times minimum. I still don't getw aht youa re trying to say.


Words of Advice for You Drakron: Don't buy BIO games. You won't like 'em.


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I dont find Fable "crappy" ... perhaps if people stop looking at Fable and compare it to Project Ego they would have the same opinion ... great game, no ... decent game, yes.


And from what he pointed out in the game events summary it looks like Fable in relation to story pacing, you got many side quests until a point (in fable case, The Arena quest) and then it starts to pick up speed until it rushes to the ending that so far is what most people are saying about the same.

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Let me get this straight: are you saying that the player starts off JE as a student too?


School for Martial Arts Adventurers?




The Bio "game intros ideas" book must be quite slim.





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Let me get this straight: are you saying that the player starts off JE as a student too?


School for Martial Arts Adventurers?




The Bio "game intros ideas" book must be quite slim.




It makes perfect sense - more so than in any other game perhaps. Play the game and you'll understand. 'Tis never wise to pass judgment where first hand experience is lacking.


The cuture is an ancient quasi-Chinese setting imbued with its mystical elements and mythological derivation(s); and quite frankly the best cRPG setting since Planecape and FO's post nuclear apocalypse IMO. There are no tradition schools/colleges as we know it in this society. People are sent to study at schools of various arts (encompasing that of the martial variety), under the supervision of a renowned Master or accomplished Scholar.

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Yes, people have the bad habbit of saying if we have not played we sould not say anything.


But still starting as a martial arts student makes more sense that being in a "adventurer school", I am not going to blame BioWare from being a "one trick pony" in relation to that since so far they only pull that trick once (NwN) before JE.

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Yes, very similar ...


I hope there was a "school for original ideas" so we could send BioWare staff there, after BG they are simply playing safe and using the same ideas over and over again.


Not other companies are better, OE simply adapted PS:T (a much overrated game) into being TLS storyline and we all seen the results ... Troika had many faults but they got a lot of things right ... pity they are dead now.

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Yes, by the sounds of it thoguh, DA will break the 'start as a student' trend... It works in JE; but it's time for something new... Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if JE2 uses the student scenario as that kinda of dynamic fits in a game centered around marital arts role-playing...


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I can agree with volourn for most of the time, except on a few things: The music, the characters and the overall score.


The music


Yes, it's there and sounds like it should, but as a musician, i see no extraordinary about it. There are two tracks that i would consider good: The intro and hymn of the Water Dragon, but that's it, the rest ambient background music from a Tai Chi-video. Saying that it exceeds any of the Final Fantasy games in terms of great music is just wrong IMO :geek: There's certainly no song of the same calibre as "One winged Angel", "Liberi Fatali", "Fithos, Lusec, Wecos, Vinosec" or "To Zanarkand" on that soundtrack. Jack Wall might be competent, but he's no Nobou Uematsu.


The Characters


Sure a couple of them are really good, with The Black Whirlwind and Wild Flower as my favourites. But on the other hand, no game has impressed me with perfect characters yet.


Overall score


It's better than KotOR in graphics and combat, but it's no game that i would rave about for years to come. It's a great game (i'll give it an 8.5) but it falls short on story-pacing, length and linearity.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Only as long as you understand that many of the usual Bio style is in the game. I don't wanna hear you whining about stuff that you whined about in KOTOR.. in NWN... in BG2... in BG1...


You see the picture? :p


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I justed started playing this game and am in Chapter 2.


So far, the game is excellent. Wonderful setting, excellent voice-acting, intriguing plot, and fun combat , and I must say, as a whole very original as a result. I hope there is a sequel, as I would love to see the wuxia elements further developed (e.g., more styles, greater emphasis on clans/schools, running on trees, etc.)


Although early, I am giving the game a thumbs up!

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I've been playing it, its strong as an action RPG imo. The writing and flow smack of bioware and their previous stuff, which can be good or bad or both. The return to certain bioware standby/crutch story and character elements made me cringe on my first play through personally.


There is also much that can be easily criticized such as the action. I read the bioware boards it looks like a 50/50 split between parapalegics and would have you think Soul Calibur masters. It is liniear and short with burn through later chapters...


As an end sum I consider it a very good offering. I felt like it was key hole glimpse into the IP's full potential though.

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I actually think this sounds a lot like Gothic.. Except for the loading times and the lack of exploration.


Gothic 3 will be getting more fighting styles too.. And you'll be able to take a job as a gladiator, working your way up from backyard fights to huge Colisseum-like arena fights.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I just finished playing through for the first time so I figured I'd add my own comments to this thread.


For the most part, I agree with Vol's review. I don't know if I'd gush as much as he did. The first chapter was well done and set the tone, but I didn't feel it was extraordinary or anything. It did a very good job of giving "background" for the setting and for what was to come.


The second chapter started giving the PC more quests to tackle and that's when the game picked up. I thought the quests were well done, but one minor complaint I had was it was relatively easy to figure out the "subtleties" of what was right and wrong. For instance, in the Forest section, they were a bit too obvious that the people in the Inn weren't "right" somehow and that the forrest fox goddess (I forget her name) was actually the "good" path. Overall, I thought it gave the player a good selection of choices where non-violent solutions could be used.


The third chapter was by far the best and the least linear of the entire game. IMO, if it weren't for the third chapter, the story would have been way too linear. But the third chapter allowed you (for the most part) to do the quests you wanted to in the order you wanted to, and had massive areas to explore. I was hoping for a bit more behind the Black Leopard School section. The story itself for that section was interesting, but it was a bit short considering it had an entire "area" dedicated to it. Same with the Scholar section. But overall, chapter three was great. BioWare also expanded on the KOTOR dueling ring by implementing a deeper aspect with the Imperial Arena. It took the duels from KOTOR, but also added plots and subplots to those duels, which was a great addition.


Chapter 4 to 7, IMO, were a let down. The story itself during these chapters was still interesting, but it felt like from Chapter 4 until the end, it was just a mad scramble to the end. You knew what was coming and it was just a matter of fighting your way there. The roleplaying and subquests pretty much end after Chapter 3, and then for the remainder of the game you're just wrapping up the story. It was more well done and fleshed out than the endings of KOTOR 1 and 2, but it still reminded me of from about the Unknown World (Rakatan world) until the end of KOTOR 1, and from about the Jedi Enclave meeting with the Jedi Masters until the end in KOTOR 2.



I thought they were well done, but I don't think they were exactly memorable ones, mainly because you could only bring one along with you, so often times the rest weren't part of your party. I thought Silver Fox's character was great, since she had such a direct tie to the story, and up until his "sacrifice", Sagacious Zu's character was intriguing because he had a secret to tell. But, IMO, the others were just "there". I was especially disappointed with Dawn Star's role. The first couple of chapters built her up to be like the main sidekick for the PC, and built up her story to make her something important, but unless I missed something major, I never saw her background explained fully. There were hints (such as the chat between Sagacious Zu and that chick you meet at the Tea House in Tien's Landing), but her storyline was sort of dropped once Silver Fox joined the group. It almost felt like Bioware initially wanted Dawn Star to be the main love interest, but then said "nah, we like Silver Fox better so we'll use her".



Very well done. Some of the deepest villains I've seen in a video game. Their stories were fleshed out, for the most part. For instance, Gao the Lesser wasn't just some "endboss" you had to go through for the sack of having someone to fight. He actually had a deep backstory that was told. Same with Death's Hand, and both Emperors. Even the minor villains like the Serpent guy (the arena endboss) was more fleshed out than most other game villains.



I enjoyed it. I'm not a big fan of twitch gaming, but the controls weren't cumbersome and weren't tricky at all. I think why I liked the combat in JE and not in BL was because you could automatically "target" your enemy in JE. So as long as your enemy was targeted, it was near impossible to miss with a hit. In BL, it felt like you had to get the enemy lined up, which for someone like me, got annoying when they're swinging away and hitting and I'm struggling just to get the target recticle on them.



-Linearity of the story after Chapter 3. As I stated above, even though the story didn't actually fall apart, rather it just kept going at a good pace, the game went from a roleplaying game to an adventure game where you basically spent most of the time fighting various enemies.

-Projectile shooting enemies. Ugh! I know this is more my own flaw rather than a flaw of the game, but since I rarely used the block button, projectile enemies gave me more trouble than anyone else. To put it into context, I had more problem with those tainted spirits that shot that green fireball at me than I did with the final battle against Sun Li!!

-NPC party members in combat. They were next to useless. The only purpose they served for me was distracting an enemy or two when there were large groups attacking me. That way I could finish off 3 or 4 enemies while they were busy getting killed by 1 or 2 of them. They were basically a diversionary tactic for me rather than actually helpful in combat. Except for Whirlwind. His axes were great against lesser foes.

-Load times. Annoying. Although they gave me a chance to flip back to checking the baseball scores on TSN while I waited for the next area to load.

-Game length. Yes, I felt it was too short. Even in comparison to the KOTOR series. Both KOTOR games took me over 30 hours on my first play thrus. My last save had me at 25 hours and 52 minutes, which was right before the final fight with Sun Li, so tack on maybe at most another 10 minutes and there's my playing time. I think if they maybe had dealt more with both Sky and Dawn Star's past, possibly even a side-quest for each, it could have increased game length.


I think that's about it. Overall, it was a great game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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WOW! Great post, GOA. I agree with most of your complaints even!



"first couple of chapters built her up to be like the main sidekick for the PC, and built up her story to make her something important, but unless I missed something major, I never saw her background explained fully. There were hints (such as the chat between Sagacious Zu and that chick you meet at the Tea House in Tien's Landing), but her storyline was sort of dropped once Silver Fox joined the group. It almost felt like Bioware initially wanted Dawn Star to be the main love interest, but then said "nah, we like Silver Fox better so we'll use her"."


You needed to do some more digigng. Her back story is in the game, and its very pertient to the main story. I could spoil you if you want...


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Wow, lot's of spoilers there, GoA. Overall, i agree with your review though.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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