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Looks like somebody got there first :(


Or my company firewall doesn't allow it to be viewed...

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Just posting a link and a wry comment does not a discussion make. If you seriously want to discuss the content of that website, please elaborate on your position in addition to providing the link.


Edit: Gorth, he forgot to put the period after www. Just put that in and it works.

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Edit: Gorth, he forgot to put the period after www. Just put that in and it works.

Ok, got it, thanks.


Took a brief look. Smiled a bit. Shook head. Closed browser again. Reminds me a bit of the godhatessweden thing, trying to promote antipathy against something.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I urge all American citizens to wake up and check out this website. Warning!!! You might experience an enlightenment after this! :ph34r:








    Dont blame us  :thumbsup: (Europe) you're the ones who gave him 4 more years...


This page hurts the eyes (optically). Can you seriously read this without getting mad?



Got to love Left wing nut jobs!


More likeable than right wing nutjobs. :geek:


Makes not much difference.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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Hi again folks. First off, I appreciate the moderator for helping me with the general rules of conduct within this forum. I just wanted that site to be better known to the public, but of course a more in-depth discussion is far more to my own liking as well. I was just in a hurry.


In regards to as whether or not this subject is even worth discussing is of course up to u guys. However, I believe that the accumulation, processing and distribution of knowledge is always a mentally healthy thing to do. After all, we're talking about some shady things going on. Ill admit that some of the links lead down some roads where we are no longer dealing with healthy scepticism, but rather blind conspiracyraging. Having said that, a great deal of the sources mentioned stem from retired US diplomats, students, Nobel Prize nominees and winners as well as just the guy next door.


Im not saying which way to go Im just asking for directions... :geek:

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EuroKnight has 1 post ? What's wrong with this picture ? Did someone split his message ?

Posting in WoT doesn't add to your post count ;)


(See note 2. on top)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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not just left wing nut jobs (or right wing) you gotta worry about with this site, i'd say nut jobs in general. i like the "rebuttal to popular mechanics" thing regarding 9/11... pure conspiracy theorist crap. shoulda labelled it "we're just going to ignore science and claim PM is full of it!" what maroons...



comrade taks... just because.

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This is all old news, althought the look on Bush's face when he got the info is priceless, he looks like a dog that's just been shown a card trick

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I urge all American citizens to wake up and check out this website. Warning!!! You might experience an enlightenment after this!


um, well, wow. I know a lot of Americans who hate Bush.


Dont blame us  (Europe) you're the ones who gave him 4 more years...

Drop the "you're" first, as 49% of America DIDN'T want to give him four more years. And the majority of America didn't want him elected in the first place.


Don't blame Europe, though? Okay, "our" president is a right-wing nut job, but last time I checked politics in Europe wasn't that great either. Chirac didn't want to go into Iraq because he didn't want to screw around with oil money that he wanted. Tony Blair is the Dubya of Britain. Putin hates democracy. What else is new?


Trust me, there are a lot of Americans who hate Bush as much as you. Despite this, he is one of many, many bad men.

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not just left wing nut jobs (or right wing) you gotta worry about with this site, i'd say nut jobs in general.  i like the "rebuttal to popular mechanics" thing regarding 9/11... pure conspiracy theorist crap.  shoulda labelled it "we're just going to ignore science and claim PM is full of it!"  what maroons...





I find your lack of faith disturbing... <_<

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not just left wing nut jobs (or right wing) you gotta worry about with this site, i'd say nut jobs in general.  i like the "rebuttal to popular mechanics" thing regarding 9/11... pure conspiracy theorist crap.  shoulda labelled it "we're just going to ignore science and claim PM is full of it!"  what maroons...





I find your lack of faith disturbing... <_<


Faith? Ever tried it with common sense/savvy...? ;) :ph34r:

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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I urge all American citizens to wake up and check out this website. Warning!!! You might experience an enlightenment after this!


um, well, wow. I know a lot of Americans who hate Bush.


Dont blame us  (Europe) you're the ones who gave him 4 more years...

Drop the "you're" first, as 49% of America DIDN'T want to give him four more years. And the majority of America didn't want him elected in the first place.


Don't blame Europe, though? Okay, "our" president is a right-wing nut job, but last time I checked politics in Europe wasn't that great either. Chirac didn't want to go into Iraq because he didn't want to screw around with oil money that he wanted. Tony Blair is the Dubya of Britain. Putin hates democracy. What else is new?


Trust me, there are a lot of Americans who hate Bush as much as you. Despite this, he is one of many, many bad men.




Finally! (w00t) You're the only one so far who's actually supporting your views with if not facts then at least commonly accepted views instead of the usual "you're stupid, I don't like you" comments. I agree that Europe is no saint in terms of ideology. Its no big secret that French Telecom has a major interest in Iraq and BP is gunning for those future oil contracts. Btw, the "you're the ones.." was just to create a response. In that respect I seem to have succeeded ;)

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not just left wing nut jobs (or right wing) you gotta worry about with this site, i'd say nut jobs in general.  i like the "rebuttal to popular mechanics" thing regarding 9/11... pure conspiracy theorist crap.  shoulda labelled it "we're just going to ignore science and claim PM is full of it!"  what maroons...





I find your lack of faith disturbing... <_<


Faith? Ever tried it with common sense/savvy...? :thumbsup: :ph34r:


Ease back, its a quotation from SW. It was meant as a way to alleviate the tension that always seem to follow in the wake of political discussions ;)

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As usual, I blame Europe.

Indeed. If it wasn't for the Old World, America wouldn't have been colonized in the first place. I blame Africa for ultimately giving birth to the human race.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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