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Cut Content (part 2) - Kath Hounds sold out

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LOL, that works too.  More content to use for both our imaginations and the mod.  BTW, was that just a screenshot?  Or were you able to extract the character model?


Screenshot of the DS/LS Status. I had the save game file for the Hidden Droid Planet (which was incomplete so you can't do anything) and whoever made it had stocks of "disguises" clothing. One of them was Atris as Darth Traya but that was the only model that the person had that was missing from the game. Unless you include Malak and Calo Nord. Shame that file crashes alot...

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On the first thread someone posted some extracted dialogue they had of Dustil Onasi going crazy in the Jedi Trials cave. I just wanted to point out that if you go to the room with the dead Jedi, the room that spawns the infinate monsters (every time you look at the corpse the monsters spawn), the corpse has a data pad. On that data pad is some of the dialogue that they extracted. It looks like maybe the dead Jedi was Dustil, and I'm wondering if you were supposed to maybe fight him or his ghost at some point.

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You know, I'm finding that a lot, if not all of the uncovered cut content, dialog in streamvoice folder, makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

Specifically Streamvoice/852/852mand. That's some of the best cut dialog that I've ever found, except for the cut ending dialog. The way Canderous talked about what Revan told him about the Sith in the Unknow Regions, it just sent chills up my spine.

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Hey all. I came here by way of Penny Arcade, and i am astounded. I read 37 pages of the thread last night, and the other this morning, and i have to say that I am severly diaspointed with whoever is responsible. When i played the game, I just assumed that I didn't really get it, because I only played it through once. I can't believe that they would cut something like this out. Even i na text form, the scene where your allies confront Kreia is one of the best scenes i have ever encountered. If they had included all this stuff, it could have been one of the best games ever. Unfortunatly, as it stands it is unfinished, a shell of what i could have been.

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I'm sure we can arrange for some dancers.


Funny you should mention that actually, I just played KOTOR's light side ending again, holding down L/R Triggers and Y on controllers in port 1 and 2. Very unique way of sorting out a dispute. Kudos to you Revan.


Also, some dialogue:


Number 1


{Mocking}So, let us wait here, you and I, for the "General's" orders, and calculate the probable fate of the galaxy.Unfortunately for you, I have arranged for friends to meet me here. And you seem to have brought none of your own.Statement: I hear and obey.Hmm, this HK unit is old, but it has its certain charm... in its obedience to me. I shall have to remember some of his traits when I build future generations from his schematics.Query: What am I doing here? What has happened?Statement: I understand. Assassination protocols activated. Let us see what you have in your arsenal, fat one.Statement: Come out, little one. I promise I will end you quickly, without a single lingering charge remaining in your behavior core. {Evil, hunting}Statement: Hiding from me is useless. I will find you eventually - you only delay the inevitable.Statement: As always, fat one, you have miscalculated. And while I find this small droid annoying in the extreme, I find my urge to shoot you takes a higher priority.Stop him.Unexpected Correction: We are not here to aid you. We are here because our predecessor unit summoned us.Ah... an unfortunate oversight.All I wished... was to fulfill my programming. Either way... the Republic is d...{Irritated}Observation: I thought he would never die.Stop him.Unexpected Correction: We are not here to aid you. We are here because our predecessor unit summoned us.Ah... an unfortunate oversight.All I wished... was to fulfill my programming. Either way... the Republic is d...Unexpected Correction: We cannot harm that unit. It is in violation of our self-preservation programming.Stop him.Unexpected Correction: We cannot harm that unit. It is in violation of our self-preservation programming.Stop him.


Number 2


{A little sarcastic, Mira just lost her temper with the player, and he's commenting on it}I heard you making friends with the bounty hunter. I don't blame you. She's a scrapper. You don't survive on Nar Shaddaa for very long if you aren't.I've known people like her. Maybe without the rocket launchers, but sort of the same. Maybe without the plunging neckline and the boots.I wouldn't let anything she says bother you - it's a wonder you cracked her attitude at all. She's cold as the ship's hull.


Number 3


{Scrap}{Atton Action Dialogue THIS LINE SHOULD BE SET TO NO VO}{Character is poisoned; Gritted teeth}Been poisoned.{Party has rejoined}Miss me?{Party has split up}Stand back a bit - I'll check things out.{Succeeded in opening a lock; Like saying "royal flush," means no problem}Pure pazaak.{Failed to open a lock}Damn thing's stuck.{Starting to open a lock}Let me take care of this.{Entering search mode}Let me look around.{Entering stealth mode}Wait here.{Disarming a mine}Too easy.{Laying a mine; Pleased}I'll just leave this right here.{Target immune to attack}I'm not even scratching this one!{Succeeds with critical hit}More where that came from!{Knocked unconscious}::Grunt as he falls::{At low hit points; Trying to keep it together}Hurting... bad...{Pain Grunt 2}::Pain Grunt::{Pain Grunt 1}::Pain Grunt::{Attack Grunt 3}::Attack Grunt::{Attack Grunt 2}::Attack Grunt::{Attack Grunt 1}::Attack Grunt::{Selected 3}Just say the word.{Selected 2}I hear you.{Selected 1}Yeah?{Battlecry 6; Grim, threatening}Your luck's run out.{Battlecry 5; Grim}Let's settle this.{Battlecry 4}Time to take you down to size!{Battlecry 3}Everyone, down!{Battlecry 2}Time to even the odds.{Battlecry 1; Not too over the top}::Rebel yell as he attacks::{[Temp Node: Sith assassins show up, materialize around Atton.]}{Casual response, he just murdered three Sith assassins, but he's playing it straight-faced so the player won't know}Nothing I couldn't handle.About time you got back. Find anything?{Speaking to enemies who have just turned off their invisibility fields, keep it serious, deadly - Atton is about to kill them}I thought I sensed something.{Form node}{Slight grumbling}I didn't know this training thing was going to be so much work.Got it - I'll be sure to make use of it.All right, I'm game. What did you want to show me?All right - I think I've got it. I'll try to practice it when I get the chance.Yeah - I guess I just had to prove something to myself, and I never had a chance to put it to the test until then. I thought getting in touch with the Force might leave me more vulnerable - but it's actually made me stronger. So... uh, thanks. For helping me.{A little firm, just been reprimanded}Right - I will. I won't let you down.That's for sure.So - something else on your mind?{A little rueful}Nothing I didn't already know. Anyway, it's over now... at least until the next disaster hits us.{Slight shame, slight anger at self}I don't really want to talk about it - we won, that's it. {Rueful}Yeah, well, we won the battle. That's about it.I don't really want to talk about it.Did you know Mira, Atton?I wanted to teach you some of the forms I have learned.I wanted to teach you some of the techniques I have learned in my travels.Did something happen on Dxun? You seem a little calmer than normal.What did you learn?Do not thank me - train, grow stronger. You are no use to me dead.Well, you still have a lot to learn.My pleasure.Did something happen on Dxun? You look unsettled.You don't sound like you won.


There is some after this for another character

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So the old topic got closed, but we're up for round two of discussing, debating and outright arguing, as well as the odd moan or five. Right? I'm just trying to keep such a lively discussion going; after all, the last was my homepage :p


Sadly, in the last topic, someone poisoned the Gizka, so (seeing as it''s mating season), you guys get a free Kath hound!


Anyway, the more serious stuff.


Thanks to Darth333 for linking to these tools: Kotor tool or tk102's dlgeditor. You'll find the links & other info in the following thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=143421


You'll get the Entries and replies in the correct order but you'll get much more info...


This is an example of what you'll get: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v608/D333/cutend.jpg


To hear sound files get Miles: here


To view movie files get Radtools: here


To view content so far, go to tubertarian: here (credit to tu2thepoo)


The original topic can still be found here



Here is the recieved email from Obsidian.


I understand your point about putting another version together that

answers the questions that some people have voiced on the forums and

articles about the game.  I wish I could say that we plan to do that and

that we will be able to go back and fill in the story where people felt

it fell flat.  Unforunately, we are still a new business and we just

don't have the money to do it.  Plus, I don't think that it's currently

a priority with LucasArts.  Like with most games, they are onto their

next priority and our producer at LucasArts is working 60 hours a week

on another game already.


What I can tell you is that we learned a lot about making games as a

smaller developer with KotOR2 and are going to use that knowledge on our

future games.  We already included our own QA team in with the budget of

NWN2 and if we get to do KotOR3 then we will do the same there.


For what its worth I do apoligize for the disappointment that you have

over the game,


Feargus Urquhart


Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.


Here are the contact addresses:


bizdev@obsidianent.com (official Obsidian Contact address - good, fast response)


pr@lucasarts.com (official LucasArts Public Relations address)


mbihr@lucasarts.com (Mary Bihr -- she's the Vice President, Global Publishing, and cares greatly about customer opinion)


rscott@lucasarts.com (Ronda Scott -- Community Relations Specialist, it's her job to collect & report customer feedback)


Thanks to markussun for finding the latter three addresses. Just don't be rude to them or bother them too much.


Thanks to Aurora for the original thread. Keep discussing, playing and working hard. May the force be with you.



Thanks for posting this, as Obsidian's response, while sad, at least helps in understanding. Unfortunately, while I played NWN and a mod or two, I never formed the same attachment to it as I have to the Kotor storyline. It didn't have the same depth; and I simply don't feel the compulsion to rush right out and buy NWN2. But after this post from Obsidian, I would pre-order K3 in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, from what I have read, they have not been contracted for it.

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It's important to keep in mind that Obsidian doesn't get any money from the customer. Their deal is soley with the game's publisher, Lucas Arts. Therefore, there is little that Obsidian can do for the customer as long as Lucas Arts remains unwilling to pay for it. Obsidian's CEO, Feargus Urquhart, made this quite clear in his message. This is why I direct my lobbying efforts at Lucas Arts and elsewhere instead of here at Obsidian.


I suspect that someone at Lucas Arts calculated that pre-Xmas sales were worth more than the reputation of the KotOR franchise. If nobody objects to such a comprimise in such a way that affects sales then that decision maker has been proven right and we can all expect similarly incomplete products in the future.


So how can Lucas Arts be proven wrong? I'll mention one small example.


In the past 24 hours, a bunch of us posted reviews at Amazon.com about the games incompleteness. Since then the game's sales ranking at Amazon.com has plunged from 14th to 21st. Now that's gotta hurt. :)


Perhaps KotOR II's product manager at Lucas Arts was already one of the 32 that got fired a few weeks ago. We can only hope. But if our message continues to spread and sales continue to falter then more heads will surely roll.


At the end of the day, all we can hope for is that Lucas Arts will grant the additional time/money that Feargus Urquhart's team needs to complete this episode in the KotOR saga.


Fingers crossed. :thumbsup:



[Edit: I've just checked again and the Amazon sales ranking has dropped further to 23rd.]

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DAMN IT! it's back up to twenty. Well, I just wrote a review for it. Maybe that'll dissuade a few buyers. Really, we have nothing to worry about in terms of KotOR 3. If they're going to make it, then they've probably already made their decision. But if they haven't decided yet and they they call it off all of a sudden, then good riddance because who wants to go through a repeat of KotOR 2. Perhaps, this time around they won't put out an incomplete product. I've got my fingers crossed.

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Interesting. I just discovered some audio files which involve the fight between the Handmaiden and her sisters, whihc imply that she has a choice about killing them. Yet when I just recently completed the game, at the time when the Handmaiden confrotned her sisters, she just killed them automatically. Weird. Maybe this is cut content, or maybe it just has to do with my choices earlier in the game.

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Nope scientist. It's cut content. You were originally meant to fight them yourself too,

Yah, that's what I thought. The indication I got from the recorded dialogue I listened to implied that there was at one time going to be many variations of that scene. There was even one line of dialogue where the Handmaiden was apparently talking to the PC, and she said something like "You have killed my sisters, now I will destroy you in Atris's name". Though perhaps that scene does happen, if you never train Handmaiden, and do a bunch of actions to get her to hate you. Maybe on one of my future DS playthroughs I'll see what happens if I get zero influence with the Handmaiden by the end of the game.

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DAMN IT! it's back up to twenty. Well, I just wrote a review for it. Maybe that'll dissuade a few buyers. Really, we have nothing to worry about in terms of KotOR 3. If they're going to make it, then they've probably already made their decision. But if they haven't decided yet and they they call it off all of a sudden, then good riddance because who wants to go through a repeat of KotOR 2. Perhaps, this time around they won't put out an incomplete product. I've got my fingers crossed.


We DON'T want people to avoid buying the game. That will simply cause them to decide KOTOR 1's good sales were luck and to avoid making any more KOTOR games, which they could do at the drop of a hat, previous decision or no. What would help out is for KOTOR 2 to sell just as well as the first game or better, and then to have hundreds or thousands of people complain very loudly.


Causing sales to fail will not help fix KOTOR 2, nor will it help LucasArts' behavior. They have deep enough pockets that one game with poor sales, even a dozen, will not hurt them badly. However, Obsidian is taking a big chunk of the profits from KOTOR 2 and they need every dime.


Obsidian was already hurt when they were made to release the game early. They were hurt again when people lashed out at them for the flawed game. Actively trying to discourage sales is just kicking them when they're down.

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We DON'T want people to avoid buying the game. That will simply cause them to decide KOTOR 1's good sales were luck and to avoid making any more KOTOR games, which they could do at the drop of a hat, previous decision or no. What would help out is for KOTOR 2 to sell just as well as the first game or better, and then to have hundreds or thousands of people complain very loudly.


Causing sales to fail will not help fix KOTOR 2, nor will it help LucasArts' behavior. They have deep enough pockets that one game with poor sales, even a dozen, will not hurt them badly. However, Obsidian is taking a big chunk of the profits from KOTOR 2 and they need every dime.


Obsidian was already hurt when they were made to release the game early. They were hurt again when people lashed out at them for the flawed game. Actively trying to discourage sales is just kicking them when they're down.


What are you talking about? Are you serious? I completely agree with Jambo.


If KotOR II sells better than the first one, as you hope, then what would be LucasArts reasons for *not* just doing the same thing with the next game? If they can sell half a product for the same amount as a whole product, you really think that they will bother to spend the extra money and time doing the full product? I think you are very naive and illogical.


I think the only thing to do is have people do poor reviews and discourage people *not* to buy it - while also encouraging LucasArts to have the game fixed in exchange for new and better reviews...


In a perfect world, LucasArts would say "We are ashamed of this broken game, let us fix it for you" - but obviously, they don't care about their fanbase and only about $$$...


Check out this petition to have them fix the game.

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What I mean is that without feedback, LucasArts the big company with dozens of products launched every year, so many products that they can sit back and rely on royalties for a time if they really wanted, would NOT get the message. Low sales could be taken as anything from 'poor economy' to 'I guess we won't hire THEM again' and their behaviour will not change.


Active response is the key. We must contact LucasArts and tell them that we love the game, that we love all the neat touches Obsidian put in, and that BECAUSE we love the game, we want to see it fixed. They're simply too big to hurt in their wallet by the lack of one game's sales. If there was a scandal that had them in the evening news, causing millions of people worldwide to boycott their company, that would hurt them. Costing them a few game sales is not only a weak message in their perspective, but a silent one. It doesn't tell them WHY you're angry, WHAT they should do about it. They'll just rush out the next game and hope it sells better, or worse yet, do what Ubisoft did with Prince of Persia 2 and try to increase sales with a different target demographic, completely ruining the series.


Yes, I did sign the KOTOR 2 petition, but that isn't enough. Everyone who cares about getting KOTOR 2 fixed should contact LucasArts and show them that it's worthwhile to keep their customers happy. I have also dedicated myself to ensuring that the missing content of the game gets restored, either by Obsidian or by the fans with the talent and interest to do so.


This is starting to get a bit off-topic..we should move to another thread if we want to keep this up.

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Emails, hand written letters, and websites/forum threads which explain the issue to other players, yes. Even if they actually decide to delete any incoming email that has requests for the restoration of KOTOR 2, that means they have to read the thing first, or at least look at the subject line if it's plain. An email filter would have to be very laboriously programmed to delete any emails JUST pertaining to the fix of KOTOR 2, and that in itself would need maintaining as more emails come in. They won't shut down their email address unless they're so flooded that they're desperate. So they would be getting the message, yes.


If one wants something to happen, they must work for it and believe in it. I'm doing that by using my spare time to encourage people to raise their voice, and to learn what I can of the game so that I can add content myself. I may not make much of a difference, but I'm prepared to try.


Lowering game sales hurts only Obsidian and the people who might enjoy the game even in its current state.

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It's important to keep in mind that Obsidian doesn't get any money from the customer.  Their deal is soley with the game's publisher, Lucas Arts.  Therefore, there is little that Obsidian can do for the customer as long as Lucas Arts remains unwilling to pay for it.  Obsidian's CEO, Feargus Urquhart, made this quite clear in his message.  This is why I direct my lobbying efforts at Lucas Arts and elsewhere instead of here at Obsidian.


In the past 24 hours, a bunch of us posted reviews at Amazon.com about the games incompleteness.  Since then the game's sales ranking at Amazon.com has plunged from 14th to 21st.  Now that's gotta hurt.


[Edit:  I've just checked again and the Amazon sales ranking has dropped further to 23rd.]


Well, all I can is 14th to 21 in a 24 hour period is one hell of a drop, and that Amazon is one of the major sources of computer/video games, especially among other online stores.


Personally, I couldn't care less if they decided not to make KotOR 3. Second sequels are always lame as hell and I'd much rather be disappointed that they didn't make it, than disappointed that I just spent $50 of my hard-earned money on four little plastic disks that I'd like to use as clay pigeons.

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Personally, I couldn't care less if they decided not to make KotOR 3. Second sequels are always lame as hell and I'd much rather be disappointed that they didn't make it, than disappointed that I just spent $50 of my hard-earned money on four little plastic disks that I'd like to use as clay pigeons.


Indeed. If they have no intention to do it right, they might as well stop. I'd rather not have another unfinished game to mock the heritage of the first one, much less do I want to feel I waste my money once again.

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