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Please stop complaing about Obsidian, you clearlly like them or you wouldnt be on there forum to complain.


If this doesnt persuade you im gunna try another method.


The game rocks it really does. So many choices so little time. Ok Lightside is boring and in some ways i find the lightside worse than the sith with there blantant stupidity and arrogance. Anyhow SPOILER AHEAD !!!!.


When in dantooine

for last time with Kreia on darkside i found it so compelling when she nocks you down and gives you a whole hearted conversation. I found it amazing i was shocked, before this point i hated Kreia thought she was a moaning old Hag. Then suddenly bang she reviels her plot and shows why she is so damn cool.

This just gives some points why i spend over 11 hours on Kotor 2 as i did on Kotor 1. Obsidian Well done keep making kick ass RPG's no matter what fools say !!!!! :)


Ya being unaware is great

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


I'm on the forums because I'd like to see the sequel to a great RPG try to match its potential. Unfortunately, from all I've read, it seems Obsidian and Lucas Arts are just going to sweep this mess under the rug. But it's always good to have hope, no matter how bleek.


I think a "complaint about people who complain about people who complain about people who complain..." thread is in order. You should get started now.



If this doesnt persuade you im gunna try another method.

Sorry to break this to you, but 12 year olds aren't entitled to firearms. And no, you can't [Force Choke] people either.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


"Please stop complaing about Obsidian, you clearlly like them or you wouldnt be on there forum to complain."


Stop trolling. Perhaps those are complaining are doing so because they DO like Obsidian and expected better from next.


Next lame whine, please.



You will always have people who complain. And not because it is "fashionable" or because they have nothing better to do.


The reason most people (consumers) complain is because they expect quality work for the money they pay... And rightfully so.


The $50 may not be much to most people... But that's just it. It it's not just the money. It is about feeling "cheated" that they spent their money on what is essentially an unfinished and unoptimized game.


Ergo, It's the principle of the idea that game developers and publishers can basically produce crap (no, I don't think TSL is crap), charge an arm and a leg for it, and consumers are just supposed to sit here and take it AND not expect any better in the future.


This is why most people complain.


I support those who are complaining or criticizing in this manner because what's going on in the games industry shows no signs of it getting any better in the next 5, 10 years unfortunately and definitely won't get any better if gamers are just forced "shut up and take it".


Maybe our "rants" won't change a damn thing. Fine. But it does give us a sense of closure to express our displeasure of the product and to actually put new companies (and old like LA) like OE on notice that if the same level of "quality" that was displayed in TSL is what consumers can look forward to in other titles... Then perhaps we will take our gaming dollars elsewhere. It's pretty simple if you look at it like that.


Ironic - This guy is complaining about people complaining. For this reason I would therefore like to complain about people who complain about people complaining. Should anyone else wish to complain about people who complain about people who complain about people complaining, please post below! :thumbsup:


All im trying to say is apart from the bugs. The game is great i may have used a different way of doing it though :) . And on the spoiler i said SPOILER AHEAD so dont complain... !!!!

All im trying to say is apart from the bugs. The game is great i may have used a different way of doing it though  >_< . And on the spoiler i said SPOILER AHEAD so dont complain... !!!!


It's all too easy to scroll through a thread and hit something like that accidentally. Spoilers really ought to go in the spoiler forum. Or be enclosed in "{spoiler}...{/spoiler}" tags (replace braces with square brackets ofc)...


Dear Hudson,


Constructive critism is important form of feedback.

This post is not to be enjoyed, discussed, or referenced on company time.


The complaints don't affect you in a negative way and has more potential to benefit the buyers anyway, so why go against it? Is it a duty or sense of your own morality?


The complaints don't affect you in a negative way and has more potential to benefit the buyers, so why go against it? Is it a duty or a sense of your own morality?

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