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Well, I know there have prolly been a million Kotor 3 topics but I thought it would be cool if we could have a place to say things we wanted in the next game. And possibly have good'ol chris take a liking to a few. :huh:


Not to whine about the current game or critize it.


For me:



Something that tells you how many days you have been playing (in the game) like the one on vice city.







Somebody who wields a light saber and a blaster at the same time maybe.....

Reven for me isnt a must nor is the Exile or anyone from previous games for that matter.



I just want another twist to blow my mind like the you = Revan thing. That was sweet.



Finding the forge robes would be nice those things looked so sweet.


Thats all for me what about you??

(please dont flame if you are tired of kotor 3 topics Im just a newb o:) )


i want to go to coruscant in a sw game like kotor that would be awesome

i also want to see a True Sith if there are any around and i want to go to new world mostly Sith Worlds and also where you either ally yourself with the Sith and join there forces or join the jedi an example of what i mean lets take Exar Kun you join him or the jedi Master Yoda you join them



More feets, maybe special attacks or new abilities.


More diversified classes: Make the strengths and weaknesses more profound.


Able to keep your party even for the last few battles - because, frankly, it sucks to be a consular with no offensive spells in the Malak battle, or someone without hte proper buffs for hte Kreia battle. I build by characters to work as part of a team, not solo.






True Sith worlds



Not looking for anything specific, but cameos from past characters would be nice.


HK-47 is a must.



No obvious plot twist like the Revan deal. Continued moral ambiguosity, but maybe with more structured and obvious sides (not neccessarily good and evil, but factions).



Sexier robes and a full mask and all that good stuff.


Maybe a hoverbike that doesn't really do anything but let you travel faster on land.


oh yeah i forgot i also want to see really evil stuff if they make a 3rd game like you kill everybody in a city or go nihilus on them and kill the whole planet


"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"





Eh...nothing really needs to be changed. Since I'm perfectly happy in what they did with Sith Lords except maybe the stuff they cut like training and reading the minds.




Rebuilt Taris

Corellia (obviously before its large city status)



True Sith World (Yavin?)






Bastilla Shan

Carth Onasi

Revan (duh)



No clue. As long as you choose how the Exile and Revan stories were told and maybe how they looked...



Armored Jedi Robes.



um, I'm actually perfectly fine with the feats available to you in TSL. They were very neat and I enjoyed them. If the devs want to add a few more feats, then by all means go for it. But, even if they don't it wouldn't bother me in the least -- that is of course assuming I would still have my feat list available to me in the third game :)



I think Coruscant is a must-see. It's been mentioned in both games and I would actually like the real deal.


some Sith worlds would be neat, too. Heh, can't offer much else to the planets division because I lack much of an imagination when it comes to setting.



To see some returning characters would be really neat in my book.

Such as...(depending on your alignment)

Jolee Bindo

Carth Onasi

Bastila Shan


HK-47 and/or T3

Mission and/or Zalbaar





Mandalore - it would be a real treat to see these guys again.


But some new characters would also be cool. Maybe an integrated party of old NPC with new NPC ~ oh and, don't scrap T3 or the wookies - they're cool ;)



No surprises needed here, but if the devs wish to have it then go for it. But I would like the plot to involve more of Revan/Exile's journies through the Outer Rim rather than a new PC running around. The open ended ending for TSL is left as a toss up for many ideas. But, Revan I feel was given another quest/journey to complete as it was originally s/he who had set out to confront the Sith and Exile joined soon there after. I would just like them to close the stories of Exile and Revan through their hands on view. Something I feel would be sacrificed should there be another PC - either gameplay or storyline (for me at least anyway).



Some new and unique robes would be neat. I think that if you should come across 'famous x's' robes that they shouldn't look like all the rest that you have and have a slightly better defense than yours. I think they should look like nothing you've ever seen before and uniquely set apart from the customary robes of the Order and the Sith. Also, some Jedi armor would be a neat addition too. :blink:


Whelp, that's my two bits.


Well tehy are talking about a complete engine overhaul so if the new engine is state of the art and cope with large cities so that they feel large instead of small colony like like telos and nar shadda (this said i was still thaught they were acceptable and decent looking for the game) then i guesse Id go for any city world.


i think it is important to finish the storyline of Kotor1 & Kotor2 in Kotor3.

Kotor2 only renewed the speculations about Revan and what happened to him. This storyline shpuld be closed in Kotor3, because i don't think it wise to make a Kotor4.

  jshall101 said:
Well, I know there have prolly been a million Kotor 3 topics but I thought it would be cool if we could have a place to say things we wanted in the next game.  And possibly have good'ol chris take a liking to a few. ;)


Not to whine about the current game or critize it.


For me:



Something that tells you how many days you have been playing (in the game) like the one on vice city.







Somebody who wields a light saber and a blaster at the same time maybe.....

Reven for me isnt a must nor is the Exile or anyone from previous games for that matter.



I just want another twist to blow my mind like the you = Revan thing.  That was sweet. 



Finding the forge robes would be nice those things looked so sweet.


Thats all for me what about you??

(please dont flame if you are tired of kotor 3 topics Im just a newb o:) )

Hoth? ;) Why would you want hoth it is just a ball of ice. The only slightly interesting thing to occur there does not happen for 4 thousand years. :lol:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!


Party Members:




HK(with remote)


Dustil Onasi(non crazy version)





Non Party Members:




Admiral Dodonna

Cassus Fett

Calo Nor








Planet Mandalore: (The Mandalorians have become a big part of the series. Why shouldn't they have their planet in the game?)


Hapes/Korus Major

Manaan/Unknown World


New Planet


New species:










PLOT: No idea. Something epic and explosive; with the feeling of ROTJ and a conclusion. A good ending, and a rememorable enemy in the True Sith.


Other stuff:


Influence system should allow player to get influence no matter what alignment is.


Respect for continuity: I have no problem with things looking different, but stuff like a Basilisk War Droid should look almost like a Basilisk War Droid, not something entirely different.


Better Planet Maps with more interesting places

KOTOR 2 must be completed






Naboo (and meet the gungans!)



The Droid Planet (I don't know what its called)




HK-47 (of course)



Atton (I prefer him to Carth)


Canderous (or Mandalore)

Loads of new characters


The most important thing is for me: A PC, where it is logic, that you're Level 1.

No isolation thingy and force-closed. Maybe a Padawan of an lost LS-Jedi.

Hey, you could be Jolees Padawan, so that it's more logic, that you can choose an alignment. Maybe it's the following: After long years Bindo finally dies. You have no home or else, he found you as an ten year old boy/girl and took care of you.

You have nothing to live for, but Jolee told from Revan many times, so you try to find him and give your life a sense, either help him against the sith(LS of course) or try to challenge him and become the mightiest dark-jedi ever(DS).

On your journey you will find two damaged and offline droids, a Protocol-Droid(Hey you now which one :D ) and a small T3-Unit. They fell out of the Ebon-Hawk after they tried to get help, because Revan and the Exile needed more Jedi to fight against the sith. The Ebon-Hawk is in a museum or in the hands of a criminal collector. So you have to get it.

If Revan was LS(you choose at a conversation with someone), he reprogrammed HK-47 to the LS...of course he likes killing with the same passion and has the same phrases, but now he enjoys to kill bad guys who attack helpless ones and see the nerds, who are bad, explode after being so self-confident with their meatbag-skills.

Something in this way, but just a HK-47, who can be influenced by a LS-PC. Don't get me wrong, I like this rampaging killing-machine, but a LS-PC couldn't get this funny dialouges out of him :D . Hey and he has to stay this sarcastic :p .


For the Party I would like to see:








Juhani (she hid somewhere over the jedi-civil-war)






The planets of my choice would be:

Coruscant this cool city-planet (you need to find some Jedi)

Dantooine (same as above and the crystal-cave)

Manaan (Kolto will be needed)

Tattooine (a must in Star Wars)

Shleyeron (where else would you find Yuthura)

Droid-Planet (A must!)

Some nearly unknown planets, where some Jedi could hide and where you find crystals or artefacts.


And I would like to see some force-allied feats:

A feat that gives you more powers per Lvl-Up, more after a higher feat-level.

And much more...


*Sigh*...but I we can only hope that Lucasarts ans Obsidian make a good game, better than KotoR 2 and maybe even better than KotoR 1. Both games where great, but a greater one is even better :D


i think most of what i want is detailed by other psoters above, but there are some things i really want


1. new FMV movies. I dont know what goes into the movies in the game but it would be awesome if there were FMVs of final fantasy quality. I would also love to see characters if the FMVs and make them a little dramatic.


2. HUGE EPIC APOCALYPTIC plot. No really, this should be set during a huge war. Set 15 years after no 2, the republic has been healed. The jedi order is now huge, bigger than it has been in thousands of years. You are a lone jedi knight sent to investigate talk of rebellion on the outer rim, but what follows is a huge invasion of not only the True Sith army led by revan and a true sith lord, but also another invasion by the ressurected darth nihilus (look at my thread called darth nihilus in the storyline section).


3. Major set piece battles. 3 actually. 1 space battle about a third into the game. A second city battle where we see cool FMVs of troops fighting like in saving private ryan and we witness a crushing republic defeat. A third and final space battle over coruscant as the republic, nihilus and the true sith/revan clash.


4. I want to see loads of old charcters return, but be killed off all through the game. No nice long speaches, just plain old death.

Here is an example set during the aforementioned city battle. the republic troops and jedi are engaging nihilus' legions of HK droids. One jedi, maybe jolle bindo or some one from a previos game orders a retreat. He guards an escape route as troops flee from the advancing droids. Just as he is about to run, a shot rings out and he falls dead. There, wasnt that nice, simple and realistic.





Maybe some kind of gas planet like Bespin

Corusant that'd be cool



Revan/Exile (of course)




T3 & HK


some new super cool character



Just to tie up loose ends and have the awesome battle to save the galaxy or rule the whole galaxy. Really I wan't my people to end up happy :) and to have some fantastic movie parts (I liked it when the HK droid shot down my shuttle on Telos that looked great) and more dialog options all throughout the game or as much as possible. Let your female Exile have Bao-Dur as a love interest :wub:


Extras- I think it would be fun to see how the KO2 characters would interact with KO1 characters. Carth with Atton's personality and Bastilla with the Handmaiden some interesting conversations there I bet. :thumbsup:


Don't really care what characters return or don't.


Like I said in another thread I would like to see an academy like the one seen in Ep2 with the archives and tons of other Jedi. Plus I would like to see a Yodaling like Vandar and to see one in action would be a huge plus.


I would like to see Illum from the EU. It was an ice or snow planet that had a force sensitive cave.


Of course I would like to see the return of the robes from K2, which were done beautifully, but I would like more colors like pink or yellow :ph34r:


Plot: An invasion has begun on the outer rim. A young padawan sets out with his Master to seekout the Exile and bring him back to lead the Jedi and save the Republic. The Master is brutally cut down by a Sith, one born of the Sith Homeworld. And so the apprentice must grow up on his own, or return to Coruscant to find a new master. His choice will have dire effects on the Galaxy. Will the knowledge he gains, and the friends he makes give him the tool he needs to defeat this enemy? Or will he succumb to the darkside in a quest for vengeance against the Sith who slew his master?



Coruscant is a must. We been hearing about it for the past two games. Or maybe I'm crazy.

Yavin IV. Just for the novelty of it all. Find the saber of Exar Kun or clue to the real Sith.

Tatooine. Just like the original trilogy, just to wrap things up. Get clues about Revan, or finally free that world of Czerka.

Alderaan. Meet the Organas and save them from bounty hunters maybe? I would like to see it in vigeo game form.

Hoth. It could just be a crash landing type of adventure, where we pick up a "mysterious stranger" and fight monsters.

Dantooine. For memories and a lightsaber of course.

The Empress Teta System. Just one planet in this system. Maybe the one where Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma became allies.

Cathar. Maybe we will find a long lost Jedi there :thumbsup: , while convincing the Republic to aid their recovery efforts?

Endor. Our actions there will give Ewoks a serious case of xenophobia, but they will join us and defeat the Sith Empire singlehandedly. :wub:

An Unknown World. This could be the launch pad from whence the enemy started their campaign against the Republic.



Bastila. Just to get Revan to show up. She feels spurned and abandoned.

Dustil Onasi. The future of the Jedi and in need of redemption.

Mira. I like her spunk. Let there be more attitude. She want to find the Exile's whereabouts and "thank" him for leaving her and the others.

Mission. All grown up, and ready to start a free the Twilek females movement.

Davrel(sp?), the young Mandalorian from TSL. Sent to aid the PC by Mandalore himself.

HK-47. Let finds his home factory and his "children", the HK-50 models.

T3-M4. No explanation needed.

Zaalbar or a random Wookie. Ready to kick some Sith butt!

Atton Rand. Got some payback for Revan's part in his dark past? He is of course, in prison. :)

Yuthura Ban: She is now redeemed and a Jedi Knight. She needs to find out what happened to the Jedi who saved her. She is obsessed.


Guest Characters:

Admiral Carth Onasi leading the Republic fleet into Battle.

Mandalore, allied to the Republic and determined to drive away this enemy from the known galaxy. He will lead the ground forces of the Republic.

Visas Marr. She will give the PC the gift of sight, and clues to the Exile's whereabouts.

Shasa, and up and coming Jedi Knight from Manaan.

The spirit of Master Vandar. His wisdom is beyond the Jedi council, and only he can right the PC's darkside tendencies.

Vima Sunrider. Having hidden during the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War and TSL, she will return and use her Battle Meditation to save the Republic fleet, IF the PC can give her a reason to return. She can aid Bastila. However she is old and bitter about the wars between Jedi, and wants nothing to do with them.

Freyyr. On his deathbed, Zalbaar becomes Chief of his village.

Revan and Exile. Either let them die, or have them join in the fight against the new threat.



Can't get better than TSL. The Classes were perfect IMHO. Nothing to change here.



Finally, please cut as little of the game as you must. Cut very little in fact. Take three or four years to make the game. If LA gives an impossible deadline, expose them to us fans. We got some clout. If this is the last KoTOR game, complete all plots, minimize glitches and bugs. Make it the biggest and the best.

  • 1 month later...
  Odinson said:
Plot: An invasion has begun on the outer rim. A young padawan sets out with his Master to seekout the Exile and bring him back to lead the Jedi and save the Republic. The Master is brutally cut down by a Sith, one born of the Sith Homeworld. And so the apprentice must grow up on his own, or return to Coruscant to find a new master. His choice will have dire effects on the Galaxy. Will the knowledge he gains, and the friends he makes give him the tool he needs to defeat this enemy? Or will he succumb to the darkside in a quest for vengeance against the Sith who slew his master?



Coruscant is a must. We been hearing about it for the past two games. Or maybe I'm crazy.

Yavin IV. Just for the novelty of it all. Find the saber of Exar Kun or clue to the real Sith.

Tatooine. Just like the original trilogy, just to wrap things up. Get clues about Revan, or finally free that world of Czerka.

Alderaan. Meet the Organas and save them from bounty hunters maybe? I would like to see it in vigeo game form.

Hoth. It could just be a crash landing type of adventure, where we pick up a "mysterious stranger" and fight monsters.

Dantooine. For memories and a lightsaber of course.

The Empress Teta System. Just one planet in this system. Maybe the one where Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma became allies.

Cathar. Maybe we will find a long lost Jedi there :shifty: , while convincing the Republic to aid their recovery efforts?

Endor. Our actions there will give Ewoks a serious case of xenophobia, but they will join us and defeat the Sith Empire singlehandedly. :devil:

An Unknown World. This could be the launch pad from whence the enemy started their campaign against the Republic.



Bastila. Just to get Revan to show up. She feels spurned and abandoned.

Dustil Onasi. The future of the Jedi and in need of redemption.

Mira. I like her spunk. Let there be more attitude. She want to find the Exile's whereabouts and "thank" him for leaving her and the others.

Mission. All grown up, and ready to start a free the Twilek females movement.

Davrel(sp?), the young Mandalorian from TSL. Sent to aid the PC by Mandalore himself.

HK-47. Let finds his home factory and his "children", the HK-50 models.

T3-M4. No explanation needed.

Zaalbar or a random Wookie. Ready to kick some Sith butt!

Atton Rand. Got some payback for Revan's part in his dark past? He is of course, in prison. ;)

Yuthura Ban: She is now redeemed and a Jedi Knight. She needs to find out what happened to the Jedi who saved her. She is obsessed.


Guest Characters:

Admiral Carth Onasi leading the Republic fleet into Battle.

Mandalore, allied to the Republic and determined to drive away this enemy from the known galaxy. He will lead the ground forces of the Republic.

Visas Marr. She will give the PC the gift of sight, and clues to the Exile's whereabouts.

Shasa, and up and coming Jedi Knight from Manaan.

The spirit of Master Vandar. His wisdom is beyond the Jedi council, and only he can right the PC's darkside tendencies.

Vima Sunrider. Having hidden during the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War and TSL, she will return and use her Battle Meditation to save the Republic fleet, IF the PC can give her a reason to return. She can aid Bastila. However she is old and bitter about the wars between Jedi, and wants nothing to do with them.

Freyyr. On his deathbed, Zalbaar becomes Chief of his village.

Revan and Exile. Either let them die, or have them join in the fight against the new threat.



Can't get better than TSL. The Classes were perfect IMHO. Nothing to change here.



Finally, please cut as little of the game as you must. Cut very little in fact. Take three or four years to make the game. If LA gives an impossible deadline, expose them to us fans. We got some clout. If this is the last KoTOR game, complete all plots, minimize glitches and bugs. Make it the biggest and the best.



I agree with O


Plotwise, I think it would be cool, if we go by the cut information that was supposed to be at the end of KotOR II, you are one of the force users who is directed to the Outer Rim by the Disciple/Handmaiden. You have to find Darth Revan or the Exile and then get to choose either side to join, Exile or Revan. Then you fight a huge battle in the Outer Rim versus the REAL Sith who come back to try to conquer the galaxy and in the process you get beaten back to the border worlds where you meet up with some old pals from the earlier games.


I don't know, just thinking.


I think for the plot, you're going to find Revan and the Exile and fight the "Real Sith" mentioned in both KOTOR's. (In KOTOR 1 Canderous Ordo explains that they don't know where the Sith went after the Exar Kun wars. So it's obvious that Revan and Malak's sith are sith in name, not reality.) On the way, you end in interesting locations trying to find out where the Exile and Revan went. Coruscant is a good idea, but I think Sleheyron is a definite must. I also believe Iridonia (the home world of Darth Maul and Bao Dur) might be a good posibility. For side parties, I think T3 and HK definately must be present, but everyone else can be secondary, possibly important NPC's but not actual side party particapants.


I heard from my brother's sister's cousin's former roommate that there will be non-human playable races, such as:






I guess I'll throw my thoughts out there...




Coruscant- It is the Republic capital, after all.

Illum- Snow world and one of the secret sources of Jedi lightsaber crystals.

Falleen- Before lil' Ani Skywalker pulls an Exon and contaminates a decent chunk of the planet.

Nal Hutta- Come on, everyone loves Hutts.

Tatooine- If only to pay homage to the OT's pattern.

Kamino- Might be interesting to see what those crazy cloners were up to four thousands years before getting the ultimate government contract.

Zeltros- Everyone loves Zeltrons. Literally...

Ryloth- A subterranean city could prove very interesting.


There's dozens of more planets I'd like to see, but I'll leave it at that for now. On to...




Revan- Exile or no Exile, KOTOR is her story.

Jolee Bindo- One of the biggest standouts from either game, and my personal favorite NPC. He almost seemed like a father (or grandfather, maybe) figure to my Revan.

T3-M4 & HK-47- Again, homage to the OT.

Zaalbar- As the Wookiee leader, as said by others.

Mission- As Zaalbar's "diplomatic liaison".

Juhani- Now a Jedi Knight (or Master, even.)

Visas- Not sure where she'd fit in, but she was so likable in KOTOR 2.

Bao Dur & Remote (II)- Again, very likeable characters.

Calo Nord- I think this is an opportunity for a hilarious satire of the "undying Boba Fett" trend that runs through the EU. Just let Calo wander through the background once...

Canderous- Hey, why not.





Rodian Cryogen Whip


Hold-out Blasters

New, varied robes



I guess that's enough for now, though there are far too many things I'd like to see to fit in just one game. No matter how KOTOR 3 turns out (if it turns out at all) I hope, above all else, for a good, strong story.

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