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Kudos, Obsidian!


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Okay, I'll confess I'm only about half-way through the game... and I'll confess I've seen some of the kooky bugs folks are talking about... and I understand that my opinion may change during the final half, since many folks are apparently disappointed in the ending... but damn. I simply must say that when it comes to innovative story-telling and gameplay, not to mention slipping in the brilliant and unexpected in ways that make me stay up all night wondering what happens next, KoTOR 2 even beats KoTOR 1, and that's saying something.


No matter what happens during the second half of this game, I felt I simply had to tell Obsidian that I am impressed to my toenails with the creative brilliance I've seen in the first half. I love it. I flat love it.


After all the complaints, the whines, the criticisms around ye olde forums, I figured y'all could use a few sincere thank yous... so here's mine!



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If only George Lucas hadn't sterilised the Star Wars universe with his crappy prequels, I would pick this up in a second. Right now I'm going to wait till my WoW addiction isn't so pathetic, but I'll get it eventually. I'm not very good at making it through the second half of a game unless it really grabs me (I mean really really grabs me, I haven't even finished Half-Life 2 yet, or Throne of Bhaal, or Grim Fandango, or Deus Ex) so if part 1 is great, it might be good enough.

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I... agree. There, I said it. :D


I must admit that I found Paragus a bit dull and overly long, but after that, the game really picked up speed and I was sucked into the story. There were several very Torment-like moments so far, and a couple of them made me shiver with anticipation. The NPCs are very well done, and I am enjoying the dialogues, so I am willing to forget the numerous bugs I have thus far experienced.

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

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Okay, I'll confess I'm only about half-way through the game... and I'll confess I've seen some of the kooky bugs folks are talking about... and I understand that my opinion may change during the final half, since many folks are apparently disappointed in the ending... but damn.  I simply must say that when it comes to innovative story-telling and gameplay, not to mention slipping in the brilliant and unexpected in ways that make me stay up all night wondering what happens next, KoTOR 2 even beats KoTOR 1, and that's saying something.


No matter what happens during the second half of this game, I felt I simply had to tell Obsidian that I am impressed to my toenails with the creative brilliance I've seen in the first half.  I love it.  I flat love it.


After all the complaints, the whines, the criticisms around ye olde forums, I figured y'all could use a few sincere thank yous... so here's mine!




Great, but why did you post this twice in two different forums?

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I am in the same boat - I have played about 20 hours and so far have had no mentionable bugs and the story and dialogue completely blow away KOTOR1, hands down. I played KOTOR1 again and finished it about a week before buying KOTOR2, and now in retrospect, KOTOR1's story feels more like some Saturday morning cartoon. I suspect the deeper dialogue and more required reading has turned off some of the younger twitchy customers, but I am really digging it at this point. I expect that in the next 10 hours of gameplay this wonderful deep story is going to fall apart and turn to crap, but it has been great up until this point. Even when it does go downhill, I will still have gotten many more quality hours out of this game already than most others I've played recently. I think now that I am expecting it, it won't be so disappointing. I think a bad ending might actually appeal to me anyway. I am not much for the standard scooby-doo endings (i.e. everyone starts laughing, then freezeframe and the credits roll) anyway. The lightside ending in KOTOR1 was so corny it just made me ill.

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Honestly, the game is pretty good. As others have said, it does get off to a slow start, but that was true of KOTOR I as well.


That said, the final ending area is pretty awful, not only in how short it is, but in how obviously unfinished it is. That and the final ending leaves you with a "huh?" feeling.


Still it is worth playing.

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The only real difference is that KOTOR II dosnt have it's "beach scene" otherwise the end is pretty much a solo Star Forge.


Even down to encountering the apprentice then the master..


I made my own wrap up scene anyway :)

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Somebody please tell me when to stop playing... I love it so far, but I might want to skip the ending altogether from what I've heard :)


Besides the obvious and usual things, I like the interface. That I hardly even noticed the interface is probably a compliment. That means, unlike the first one, it's no more a struggle Gorth vs. Game interface ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Alot of the folks at Uni are playing KOTOR II, some have finished it. I myself haven't bought it, no money at this moment to think about it.


But I will note that one of my friends was raving about how cool it was, he'd come across a few bugs but it was a really awesome game in his opinion, he finished it this weekend and for him atleast he did say the ending spoilt the whole game.


I'll find out for myself but after 10 hours of the first KOTOR i was bored, so I doubt this will be any different. I hope I get to see a patch before I buy it.


Oh yeah and lots of bug complaints silly bugs aswell.



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Couple quick questions:


1). Is it worth paying full price for, or should I stick to Torment, and the Fallouts, until the price drops, maybe with an interval of Blood Money and Chaos Theory in between (those are two titles I KNOW I'll be impressed with).


2). How longs is it, total? It sounds like 30 hours is the general consensus?

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Yes it's fantastic.


Put it this way. No way are you ever going to get the whole story from one play without a walkthrough and even then there is at least one gender and alignment specific character which you cant have.


My first game was around 50 hours but I was enjoying myself a lot so I played Pazzak and swoop raced a lot.


It's bigger than the first one though dont think there is much doubt about that.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I just finished the other night.

Finishing made it ....eh.


Seriously though, there is a lot to like about KOTOR2, the dialog, skills system, and ranged combat is much improved. However, combat was seriously meek. Usually I play games solo to both increase the challenge and to avoid cumbersome NPCs. However, so much of KOTOR2's story is wrapped up in the NPCs that you either have to or should bring them along.


For those of you that like the game, do you enjoy the combat?


I started a second game when my first was 2/3 way done and tried using just blaster pistols and going solo more. It was a tiny bit more challenging, I do have to say that the replay value was great, even when playing the same sex and making mostly light side choices (even when I try to play dark side I have a hard time choosing the evil path).

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For those of you that like the game, do you enjoy the combat?


I didn't, but it still ranks pretty highly using my personal criteria.


I can't think of any RPG where I enjoyed combat on the merits of the system. I just prefer that combat is quick and easy so it doesn't distract much from the rest of the game. If the animations are fun to watch, so much the better.


For the record, I do like tactical combat games such as Jagged Alliance 2 or X-com. It's just that RPG systems tend to be simplified in comparison, and are not why I'm playing the game at any rate.

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I didnt not enjoy it if that makes any sense. In KOTOR ranged weapons became a liability in the end game but the new feats here made them more than viable.


It was easy but it wasnt bothersome or annoying like some games which is a plus.


It never got particularly repative either even though there were a few easy win tactics available.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Without pointing at anybody specifically, I'd like to ask all parties involved to avoid posting spoilers. Even hinted events can lead people like me who haven't finished the game yet to draw the right conclusions and maybe destroy the suspension of discovering things for themselves.


Thank you ! :)

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Great, but why did you post this twice in two different forums?


I didn't. :">


Seriously, I have no clue why it ended up here. I only posted it in the KoTOR II General Discussion forum. I figured a mod must have moved it, until I popped in and saw that all the replies were different.


I know I've had a glass of wine or two this evening... but...


:"> :"> :">

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