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Mine right now are...



Battlefield 1942 - Desert Combat

Freelancer TNG

Dawn of War


Then for xbox


Halo 2...i suck but its a fun game for on campus matches....i can usually kill my self in the coolest ways.


World of Warcraft. Closed Beta.


I won't go retail.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

  mkreku said:
World of Warcraft. Closed Beta.


I won't go retail.


Mind if I ask why not? Just uncomfortable with the monthly fee? A certain feature or problem that you cannot stand?


Lately I've been splitting my time evenly between WarCraft III and Dawn of War. In the middle of a department-wide WC III tournament and I've been practicing a bit to make sure we win it.


Ive been playing City of Heroes. Its about $13 a month here. If anyone plays it my name is Lord Zaine and Im in the Guardian server.

  Aaron Contreras said:
  mkreku said:
World of Warcraft. Closed Beta.


I won't go retail.

Mind if I ask why not? Just uncomfortable with the monthly fee? A certain feature or problem that you cannot stand?

Actually, this might sound stupid to most veteran MMORPG players around here but.. I hate when a game changes the rules in mid-game! Just like Blizzard has done with the Diablo's, they keep changing (balancing) the classes in World of Warcraft over and over. As soon as you get used to one system, they change it to another. I've been playing a paladin from the start and those poor bastards have been redone more times than I can remember.


They are currently patching the game as I am writing this, and the biggest change in the new patch is that they're wimping paladins again (turning Seal of the Crusader from useful to useless, if that tells anyone anything). I used to play a MUD before for six years, and that game suffered from the same problems. One day when you logged in, your class was useful and fun to play. The next day someone had been complaining and your class had been turned into an unplayable piece of junk.


Also, I don't feel comfortable paying a monthly fee for any game. I play most games perhaps.. two hours per day, max. Most often I'm playing games I have to review. Paying 15 dollars per month (on top of the purchase price) is just not worth it, especially since the only thing I seem to experience from it is an unstability in classes.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

  NeverwinterKnight said:
  Oerwinde said:
I played City of Heroes until I ran out of money from the $22 monthly fee(Canadian).


thats how much it is per month? ouch. :thumbsup:


my cousin gave me his copy because he said he didnt have time to play and justify the monthly charge, but i havent opened the box and didnt realize thats how much it was.


Well it was $15 US, and at the time the canadian dollar was like 60 cents US, so on my credit card with the exchange it came to 22 bucks. It should be more like 18 now, but thats still too much. Anything more than 10 bucks US a month is too much for a monthly fee.

  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



operation flash point


and freelance is pretty good

If I tell you I'm good

You would probably think I'm boasting

If I tell you I'm no good

You know I'm lying

---Bruce Lee


mkreku -


I feel you on monthly fees. Guild Wars will be a great alternative if they pull it off right.


Try to look on the bright side of 'changing the game' - the developers are actively involved in making the play experience better for everyone. All the testing and careful design in the world can't really be expected to stand up to 600,000 players banging on the game 24/7.

  mkreku said:
They are currently patching the game as I am writing this, and the biggest change in the new patch is that they're wimping paladins again (turning Seal of the Crusader from useful to useless, if that tells anyone anything).

Seal of the Crusader is by far the best paladin seal. Seal of Righteousness stinks. Seal of Rage is kind of pointless considering you could just give a fellow party member a Blessing of Sanctuary. Seal of Command is -- eh. So is Seal of Light.


When I attack without Seal of the Crusader, I have a pretty modest DPS. As soon as I turn that seal on, my DPS skyrockets. Toning it down certainly isn't going to kill the class. Paladins are ultra-tanks. They don't need to be damage masters on top of that.


UT2004 (with my LAN buddies) and Jedi Academy.

JA is actually very playable online on my 56k modem.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:


I used to play UT2004 online - biggest bunny hopping game ever made. V amusing cos noone stays on the ground for more than 1 sec. But I got fed up with it so I'm sticking to singleplayer games on the whole.


I occasionally still play War3 when I want to connect to the over-competitive cheating Barstuds out there

  J.E. Sawyer said:
When I attack without Seal of the Crusader, I have a pretty modest DPS.  As soon as I turn that seal on, my DPS skyrockets.  Toning it down certainly isn't going to kill the class.  Paladins are ultra-tanks.  They don't need to be damage masters on top of that.

Yes, this is true. We paladins were megatanks and damage masters, and the game was fun to play (I like being able to solo zones). When I play now, I'm not having fun. My seal lasts for 30 seconds, my Blessing of Might lasts for 5 minutes. All I have to do in combat is watch that seal timer tick down, and when it reaches zero I renew it. Occasionally I renew my blessing too..


I used to hit for 140-150 dmg per hit. After the patch I'm hitting for 90-100. That means I'm doing alot less damage per hit and the average time I spend in combat against every enemy has increased by 30-40%. Before the first major patch, paladins had a small spell that did minimal amounts of damage, but was usable every combat round. That made combat both tactical and dependant on player input (spend lots of mana on damage or save it to be able to heal?). They removed that and replaced it with the Seal-system. Seal of the Crusader was ok because it shortened the length of the now fully automated combat considerably, which was a good thing because Blizzard reduced the player combat input to nothing. The last patch lengthened the combat considerably. So what's left? Lengthy combat sequences without any form of player input. It's actually so bad, I've started playing WoW in windowed mode, just so I can surf the net while my character auto-fights in the background. All I do is initiate combat (turn on a useless seal and bless myself) and wander off to look for naked ladies on the net. Every five minutes or so, I check the game to see if I won or lost. That's not a good sign for a game, in my book.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!


My personal opinion is that the Paladin will continue to get some tweaks. Have you tried to make the most of Judgement? My impression was that it adds to the amount of semi-fast effects the Paladin can whip out in combat.


They are the easiest/simplest class to play. I believe this is by design. One of my co-workers loves the Paladin and really doesn't like to play any other class. He enjoys going into a situation and not really having to tweak his tactics too much. He likes being able to take his time to react to a situation when soloing and not having to click around or bang out of a bunch of hotbutton keys. I'm not saying he isn't a good gamer - he is probably the best WoW duellist and won second place in a recent WCIII Tournament - he just likes the simplicity and straightforward design of the Paladin.


If you don't feel like you're using abilities enough to keep interested, try out a different class. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Rogue, who require you to rapid-fire commands. Hunters, Warriors and Warlocks also require a lot more attention than the Paladin.


Different classes not only have different roles, but are designed for different types of players. The paladin is very easy to play. I didn't know that when I picked the class; I just like role-playing them. Warlocks, on the other hand, require a lot of micromanagement in combat.


Also, here are some laffo shots from WoW:


A spirit polymorphed this dwarf hunter into a sheep. He ran into the fireplace to get away from her, then transformed back into a dwarf and couldn't get out.



My guildmate and I joined three other people who were attempting to kill Eliza near Raven Hill Cemetary. They didn't wait for us.



P'zowned one day before they disabled Alliance vs. Horde duelling.



For me, it's always been StarCraft and Wacraft 3: TFT.

I love cyber-sport games. I'm really happy to see that it's getting more and more solid. It's actually a sport and I'm sure sometime it will be in the olympics. Wel, there is WCG now, anyway.


World of Warcraft. I was lured in by assurances that it supported a solo playstyle and much to my surprise I'm loving it. So much that I won't be playing Kotor 2 as soon as I'd thought.


Lady E.

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