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NWN2 or Dragon Age?


Which are you looking forward to more?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Which are you looking forward to more?

    • Neverwinter Nights 2
    • Dragon Age

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I simply took the wrong approach at it. I think it is best that I don't because if I reviewed everything based off my tastes and expectations hardly no game would get above a 70%. That is why I went on the approach of reviewing a game based on the target audience. The target audience of KotOR was a Star Wars fanbase first and CRPGers second, so I reviewed it as a Star Wars fan, and yes I know enough of them that I can get into the mentality.


In my gaming group this was a Star Wars fanatic that one other person in the group liked to torment. He had a very convincing argument that R2 D2 was the main character of Star Wars, and everyone was secondary. Drove the Star Wars fanatic bonkers. :D

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I simply took the wrong approach at it.  I think it is best that I don't because if I reviewed everything based off my tastes and expectations hardly no game would get above a 70%.  That is why I went on the approach of reviewing a game based on the target audience.  The target audience of KotOR was a Star Wars fanbase first and CRPGers second, so I reviewed it as a Star Wars fan, and yes I know enough of them that I can get into the mentality.


In my gaming group this was a Star Wars fanatic that one other person in the group liked to torment.  He had a very convincing argument that R2 D2 was the main character of Star Wars, and everyone was secondary.  Drove the Star Wars fanatic bonkers.  :D



Oh, Visc, you're so cool. Will your adventures never end?


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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For the record, two completely separate teams are/were working on Kotor2 and NWN2 (not that it makes a difference)...so, no you haven't seen the true potential of Obsidian's technical talent.



Actually that takes out a boulder 'bout the size of Mt. Everest off my shoulders. :blink:


Even if it weren't two separate teams, I'm not sure I understand how people can complain, knowing the full circumstance of having to develop the sequel (Kotor2) in literally less than 12 months.  What can you seriously expect a developer to do in so little time?  A complete rewrite of anything is totally out of the question on such a short time line.  I think it's important to try and keep thing inperspective.  :)


Yeah, but you knew where you were getting into, so the fault still lies with Obsidian.


And BTW my "beef" with KotOR II wasn't the bugs (I really didn't encounter many, only some slowing on battles and once got stuck on load screen), it was with the game design itself.

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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Eh. Horrid is way too extreme.
Translation: Likes the OC


The OC was solid.
Translation: Predictable


It, at least, ahd interesting npcs,
Translation: Cleavage


enjoyable quests,
Translation: Follow sign, grab object, return to cleavage... ehh I mean Aribeth


and a decent main story even if it wasn't horribly original.
Translation: I don't read many books


That surely beats most games.
Translation: Only VMBL had more cleavage...




Anyway, voted NWN2, I'm yet to be disappointed by any Obsidian game that I've tried so far.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Oh, Visc, you're so cool. Will your adventures never end?


Wow. Shameless Hades fanboy. :ph34r:


Personally, I think that Obsidian did the best job they could. They tried. I've grown to find Bioware games predictable and unfun. (I can't get past the first chapter of HOTU. I mean, I can, but I don't see a reason to.)


Whatever happened to the good old days where RPGs were known as "interactive fiction", written by writers (Douglas Adams wrote two interactive fiction games! Douglas Adams = Writer.), and you started next to a little white house? Where are the grues, the Great Underground Empire, and sailors? What happened?


People are becoming unoriginal with games, movies, and books. People aren't willing to thing up things new. We've got D&D take offs, Pern take offs, and Star Wars take offs. Nobody really writes an original movie anymore - War of the Worlds, anyone? And the games are turning into just carbon copies of the movie where you get to move a little character all around the screen hacking a sword.


Look. Instant classic.


Anyways. I voted for NWN2. Yeah.


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People are becoming unoriginal with games, movies, and books. People aren't willing to thing up things new. We've got D&D take offs, Pern take offs, and Star Wars take offs. Nobody really writes an original movie anymore - War of the Worlds, anyone? And the games are turning into just carbon copies of the movie where you get to move a little character all around the screen hacking a sword.

Huh? Surely you don't think this is a new trend? Authors have been ripping off other's ideas since the dawn of time. Take something you like, change its color, give it a little of your own personal style, stick it into a new package, and TADA! There ya go, your new groundbreaking [insert work here]. o:)


The problem is with technology. When technology allows for anything you can imagine, then games will not be limited so much. Until then, we will have to make do with whatever recycled crap is released. The first 'uns were good, mostly because they were the first.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I'm not that excited about NWN2 since I really disliked the tile system in the original and it looks like it will be making a comeback.


Also I have some doubts about Obsidian's ability/commitment to provide the same after-product support that Bio has for the original.


DA appeals because it will use rendered backdrops (my favourite) and at least its not D&D for a change.

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Oh, Visc, you're so cool. Will your adventures never end?


Wow. Shameless Hades fanboy. :ph34r:


Personally, I think that Obsidian did the best job they could. They tried. I've grown to find Bioware games predictable and unfun. (I can't get past the first chapter of HOTU. I mean, I can, but I don't see a reason to.)


Whatever happened to the good old days where RPGs were known as "interactive fiction", written by writers (Douglas Adams wrote two interactive fiction games! Douglas Adams = Writer.), and you started next to a little white house? Where are the grues, the Great Underground Empire, and sailors? What happened?


People are becoming unoriginal with games, movies, and books. People aren't willing to thing up things new. We've got D&D take offs, Pern take offs, and Star Wars take offs. Nobody really writes an original movie anymore - War of the Worlds, anyone? And the games are turning into just carbon copies of the movie where you get to move a little character all around the screen hacking a sword.


Look. Instant classic.


Anyways. I voted for NWN2. Yeah.


Haha does anyone else see the irony of complaining about originality and then voting for a FR sequel over a new intellectual property? Or atleast using originalty as the reason for this particular vote?

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To this date in time, there are only a handfull of true RPG masterpieces.  They are:



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"but the Ultima series and the Fallout series aren't?"


Not to everyone. I disagree with them; but still; does everyone have like the same things? Hmm..



Some people, including you, dislike the BGs, and KOTOR while most consider them "masterpieces).


Some think the FOs suck; I think they're drunk.



The cycle continues.


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Hmm... 4 great bio games? the balders gate series counts as half?

I dont know if im correct, but I do believe that bioware only wrote the engine for that and another company did the stories. Maybe im thinking of another game, but didnt black isle actually make those games?

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"I dont know if im correct, but I do believe that bioware only wrote the engine for that and another company did the stories. Maybe im thinking of another game, but didnt black isle actually make those games?"


Ahh.. Another one whose listened to too many fanboys. No offense this time meant. :p


BIO did the engine, story, characters, rules systems, graphics, items, areas, and almost anything else you can name.


BIS did the publishing which included (lots of bug fixing and QA), music and voice overs, and overall support for the product.


The games that BIO did just the engine for BIS are the IWD series, and PST. Those are BIS games.


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Ultima 7 has more dialogue in it than Fable, and wasn't Fable supposed to be the greatest RPG ever?


Ultima 7 has countless stories written of fan-fiction. Ultima inspired the first real MMORPG, and drew 100,000 players at launch with no real advertising for a reason.


The world of Britannia, the characters and stories are quite good.


I got really choked up in Ultima 7: SI when

Dupre sacraficed himself to save the Avatar's life



It's one thing to have a character in a 40 hour game. It's another to have the same characters develop over a series of games.


I actually miss Dupre, Iolo, Shamino, Blackthron, British and the gang.

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Hey, I think the gold box SSI games belong in the classics column. I'm buying both NWN2 and Dragon Age, although I'll wait for some word on both before purchase.


I'm playing KoTOR2 right now. I haven't seen anything that's caused me any real irritation so far.


I think there are a couple of really shining moments, including the prologue. First of all, the player can skip the prologue, which is quite nice for a lot of folks. The prologue itself is quite well done at any rate. The whole package is a lot darker than KoTOR, which isn't a surprise to me. I have to agree that KoTOR2 does have more of an expansion feel than a true sequel, but I'm quite happy to have it.


I'm looking to see what happens with NWN2. As I understand it, KoTOR2 has done well, but I don't know that it has established Obsidian as a premier developer.


What I do know is that, after a week of hard manual labor, it's quite good to sit down to a game of KoTOR2, but NWN2 will have to do more to make me happy. Giving me more of the same with some improvements might work for KoTOR. For NWN, I demand some substantial improvments to the single player game.

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"ultima 7 had more dialogue then fable. Wasnt fable supposed to be the greatest RPG ever."


Welll your hardly going to sell alot if you hype your pretty game up as " A nother RPG, only shorter. But the graphics are cool and the people sound british."

Come one who hypes anything up truthfully, you always talk your product up, its just common sense.

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