Boiler98 Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 I would like to piece together a single thread talking about the party member Influence, how to gain influence and what it provides you in the end. Influence can be tricky at times and it would be nice to put it all together so folks (including myself ) can have a complete conversation with all our party members without testing things over and over. If you know where to gain, or where to lose, Influence for a given party member then please respond with the information. What planet, who were you talking to, who was in your party, your sex, your alignment and how Influence was effected should all be included. I will continue to update the second post on this thread with the most up-to-date information so everyone can pull the information out quickly and easily. This first message will also serve as a spoiler buffer -- if you wish to seek out to Influence your party members on your own, go no further. What is "Influence"? Influence is your ability to affect the actions of your party members. This can manifest itself by allowing you to gain additional dialog with a party member ("[influence: Failer]" vs. "[influence: Success]") and to begin training a party member in the ways of the force. How do I gain Influence? Influence is gained through dialog in two ways. The first is through dialog between your playing character (PC) and the party member; depending on your actions within the conversation you may gain or lose Influence with that individual. The second is through dialog with other NPCs when a particular party member is in your traveling party; by responding or acting in a certain way you will gain or lose Influence with that party member. What's a pWIKI? A pseudo-Wiki. It's not really a Wiki, but what the heck else are you going to call it?
Boiler98 Posted December 12, 2004 Author Posted December 12, 2004 ***** Atton ***** Atton joins your party after you free from the Peragus cells. With the correct influence, you can gain further dialog options and train Disciple to become a Jedi. At many points within the game, Atton may offer suggestions on a course of action when in your party. Accepting his suggestions is a good way to gain further Influence. Killing innocents will cause Atton to become flustered. If you ask him if he is okay, or give a positive justification on your actions, you can often times gain Influence. Location: Telos, Academy Description: Speak with one of the Handmaidens about your friends and where Atton may have picked up his Ecchani training. Effect: Before leaving the Telos station, ask Atton about it. Press the matter, do not call him a liar, and comment that it is an asset to gain Influence. Location: Nar Shaddaa, ?? Gang Base Description: Select the speeder/transport inside the base. Effect: Using the Repair option, letting "the export handle this", will increase your Influence with Atton. Note: This process can be repeated for both unlimited Influence and Experience. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Port Description: A citizen being harassed by a pair of thugs will great you with the claim you have the thugs money. Effect: Fighting off the thugs will gain Influence with Atton. Effect: An act of characty will increase your Influence. Effect: Cause the thugs to jump to their death, but defend your actions as Light to Atton to gain Influence. Note: The duality of these effects is yet to be confirmed. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Refugee Quarter Description: Speak with the sick man just inside the entrance. Effect: Heal him to gain Influence. Location: Harbinger Description: Just after boarding the Harbinger, after receiving the "tool tip" concerning party Influence. Effect: Select Atton's plan, to go to the bridge, to gain Influence. Location: Harbinger Description: Upon reaching the Engine Deck, Atton will get a "bad feeling about this". Effect: Ask how he knows and reply that "we'll have to be careful then" to gain Influence. ***** Bao-Dir ***** Bao-Dur served under you during the Mandalorian Wars, and will join your party on the surface of Telos. With the correct influence, you can gain further dialog options and train Disciple to become a Jedi. Location: Dantooine, Landing Pad Description: There is a maintainence worker near the Ebon Hawk. If you approach him while equiped with a lightsaber, he will become terrified and say he needs to warn the others. Effect:: If you threaten him, then kill him, your influence in decrease. Location: Dantooine, Crystal Cave Description: After learning that Zerron might be trying to stir up trouble with the mercenaries, go outside and get Sadhe's quest to look for the Atmospheric sensors. Effect:: Allow Bao-Dur to examine the sensors, telling him he did a good job after finding the cameras, to gain Influence. Location: Dxun, Dxun Wilderness Description: When helping the helpless Mandelorean, trapped on the cliff. Effect: Kill the beasts and promise not to report his failure to gain Influence. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Port Description: Just beyond the ramp to the Ebon Hawk are two thugs ruffing up a civilian. Effect: Tell the thugs to leave the guy alone to gain Influence with Bao-Dur. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Port Description: A citizen being harassed by a pair of thugs will great you with the claim you have the thugs money. Effect: An act of characty will increase your Influence. Location: Nar Shaddaa, ?? Gang Base Description: Select the speeder/transport inside the base. Effect: Ask Bao-Dur to check your work, complimenting him, to gain Influence. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Refugee Quarter Description: Speak with the sick man just inside the entrance. Effect: Heal him to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Cantina Description: Give a blank port pass to the Republic spy. Effect: Influence will be gained. Location: Telos, Jedi Academy Description: When released from his cell, he appologizes for being knocked unconcious. Effect: Reassure him it is OK to gain influence. ***** T3-M4 ***** T3-M4 is a utility driod, also a member of your party in the first game, who joins your party at the beginning of the game. It is unclear what higher Influence will gain you with this droid. You can gain a large amount of Influence though standard dialog options aboard the Eban Hawk and in other locations. Reassure of actions of actions he may, or may not have, taken. Location: Telos, Jedi Academy Description: When you free him from his cell. Effect:: Reassure him it is OK to gain influence. Location: Nar Shaddaa, Port Description: Bring T3-M4 with you when you speak with the droid merchant to buy back the mechanic's droid. Effect:: Speak with the red T3 unit and treat it like a person to gain Influence. Effect:: If you just buy the droid brain from the dealer, T3-M4 will lose Influence when you return the protocol droid. Location: Peragus (*) Description: Speak with T3-M4 and comment on his battle damage. Effect:: Reply that you are glad to have him along to gain influence. ***** HK-47 ***** Influence with HK-47 can generally be gained through actions which directly result in the death of an innocent person. Location: Onderon Description: Just after ariving on Onderon a guard will stop you on your way to the Merchant Square. Effect:: Use Force Persuade to tell him you don't need to talk to him, to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Cantina Description: When Tobin interupts your meeting and attacks your party. Effect:: Agree with HK-47 to kill everyone to gain Influence. Location: ?? Description: While speaking with HK-47, during one of his personal dialogs. Effect:: HK-47 will ask you a question before you can continue, tell him if he stops you again you will kill him to gain Influence. ***** Disciple ***** Disciple will join your party on Dantooine, if you are playing a female character. With the correct influence, you can gain further dialog options and train Disciple to become a Jedi. Disciple is actually very easy to gain influence and train as a Jedi. You can, with little trouble, convince him to become a Jedi before you leave the library in the Jedi Enclave, where you meet him. ***** Handmaiden ***** Handmaiden will join your party on Telos, if you are playing a male character. With the correct influence, you can gain further dialog options and train Handmaiden to become a Jedi. Acts of kindness and mercy will increase your Influence with Handmaiden. You can gain a great deal of Influence with her simply through your conversations with her about the Eban Hawk. Location: Dantooine, Crystal Cave Description: Leaving the Crystal Cave, after saving Vrook. Effect:: Refuse to help the mercenaries to gain Influence. Location: Ebon Hawk Description: After fighting Visas for the first time. Effect:: Your responses to the Handmaiden's comments will affect her Influence. ***** Visas ***** Visas is a Sith assassin who joins your party after her defeat. The effects of higher Influence is not yet clear with Visas. "Cleansing" the Galaxy of individuals who should be silenced is one way to increase Influence. However, Visas will also respond to acts of kindness and charaty when converting to the light side. Location: Ebon Hawk Description: After fighting Visas for the first time, she will be moved to the medical room where you will have a conversation regarding your reactions to her. Effect:: You can gain Influence with Visas by saying you didn't want to hurt her. Location: Dantooine, Landing Pad Description: There is a maintainence worker near the Ebon Hawk. If you approach him while equiped with a lightsaber, he will become terrified and say he needs to warn the others. Effect:: If you threaten him, then kill him, your influence in increase. Location: Dantooine, Enclave Sub Level Description: After freeing Jorran. Effect:: As Jurran runs away, kill him to gain Influence (and a few DS points) Location: Nar Shaddaan, Port Description: A citizen being harassed by a pair of thugs will great you with the claim you have the thugs money. Effect: An act of characty will increase your Influence. Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: Two citizens debate the current power struggle. Visas will show interest in your response to the final question asked of you by the citizens. Effect: Selecting the General seems to have no effect. Selecting the Queen seems to allow you to first lose but then gain back Influence. Location: Onderon, Cantina Description: When attacked by the General's men, Visas will suggest that the entire Cantina be cleansed of the noise that is within it. Effect: Refusing her request will lose Influence. Accepting her request seems to have no effect. ***** Mira ***** Mira is a bounty hunter who will join your party on Nar Shaddaa if you are playing a light side character. With the correct influence, you can gain further dialog options and train Mira as a Jedi. Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: A citizen will ask in your help in removing 3 guard captins from their posts. Mira will show interest in the bounty and will ask if you plan to take the job. Effect: Influence is gained with Mira if you accept the job. Location: Dynamic (?), Zhug Bounty Hunters Description: When you run into the the Zhug Bounty Hunters, with Mira in your party, you will have the dialog option similar to "You'd better watch out because Mira's a real bounty hunter, unlike you scum". Effect: Influence is gained with Mira if you select this option. ***** Kreia ***** Kreia is your mentor as you learn of you regain your connection to the force. With higher influence, you can gain further dialog options. Killing an innocent person will cause Kreia to lose Influence, however she will normally use a mind trick on the 3rd party member to cause them to accept the action and gain Influence. Location: Dantooine, Landing Pad Description: Fix the malfunctioning droid. The maintainence worker will call you a Jedi. Effect: You will lose Influence if you tell the worker you are indeed a Jedi. Location: Dantooine, Crystal Cave Description: While speaking with the mercenaries about Vrook. Effect:: Comment that you hope Vrook likes it on to gain Influence. Location: Dantooine, Crystal Cave Description: Leaving the Crystal Cave, after saving Vrook. Effect:: Agree to help the mercenaries with their plan, lieing or not, to gain Influence. Location: Dantooine, Enclave Sub Level Description: Just before freeing Jurran. Effect:: Tell him no Laigreks remain, when there are some left. Influence is gained with Kreia as he is eaten. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Port Description: A citizen will ask for 5 credits, shortly after you arive. Effect: Speak with the citizen wanting 5 credits, and listen to Kreia's lesson. Understand her point and say you will less eager to give charity in the future to gain Influence. You can give the begger the credits or refuse. Note: Kreia does *not* have to be in your party for this. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Refugee Quarter Description: After speaking with the sick man, just inside the compound. Do not heal him. Effect: Tell the Exchange leader he should kill the sick man before the disease spreads, to gain Influence. Location: Nar Shaddaan, Flophouse Description: Speak with the name searching for his wife. Effect: *Lie* to him, saying she had died, and then tell him to trust you to gain Influence with Kreia. Location: (?) Description: When given the dialog option "What is wrong with your eyes". Effect: Allow Kreia to show you the world throug the force to gain Influence. Note: You can repeat this process for unlimited gains in Influence. Location: Ebon Hawk Description: Kreia will speak to you about the acts of charity and kindness you've shown, pointing out that your companions are disposable. Effect: Tell her that you will consider her disposable as well to gain Influence (+ DS points) Location: Ebon Hawk Description: After speaking with Kreia concerning the destruction of Visas homeworld, return and select "I have thought more about the destruction of Visas' homeworld". Effect: Select the first dialog option in the next list, and then the only option in the third, to gain Influence. Note: This can be repeated multiple times for more Influence gains, but will eventually stop rewarding. Location: Ebon Hawk Description: Speak with Kreia about her trust of the Handmaiden. Effect: Accept that the Handmaiden can be used to against Atris if needed, telling Kreia you will keep a close eye on her, to gain Influence. Location: Korriban, Tombs Description: Approach each tomb and listen to Kreia's stories. Effect: When told of how Revan saved Ajunta Pall, reply that "no one is beyond redemption" to gain Influence. ***** GO-TO ***** GO-TO is a military droid, "loaned" to you by Goto after you finish Nar Shaddaa. With higher influence you can gain further dialog options. You can gain a large amount of Influence though standard dialog options aboard the Eban Hawk. Influence can also be gained through actions which directly result in the death of an innocent person. Location: Dantooine, Outpost Description: While preparing for the mercenaries to attack, retrieve the Sullustan's hydrospanner from the droid. Effect: Tell the Sullustan you will turn him into the Police for his crimes. He will fight your party, and GO-TO will gain Influence. ***** Mandalore ***** Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: While listening to the man addressing the crowd to support Vaklu. Effect: Show your support for General Vaklu to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: Two citizens debate the current power struggle. Visas will show interest in your response to the final question asked of you by the citizens. Effect: Select General Vaklu as your best bet, to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: When the crowd begins to riot in support for Vaklu. Effect: Select the dialog "we want Vaklu as an ally, we have to show our support" to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Merchant Square Description: A citizen will ask in your help in removing 3 guard captins from their posts. Mira will show interest in the bounty and will ask if you plan to take the job. Effect: Influence is gained with Mira if you accept the job. Location: Ravager Description: You will run into Tobin in one of the rooms. Effect: Influence will be gained if you kill shortly after meeting him. Effect: Influence will be lost if you ask to help you "for Onderon". ***** Hanharr ***** Location: Dxun, Dxun Wilderness Description: When helping the helpless Mandelorean, trapped on the cliff. Effect: Kill the Mandolorian with the Permacrete detonator to gain Influence. Location: Onderon, Cantina Description: When attacked by the Tobin's men Effect: Reply that you do not care about the civilians to gain Influence
Seifah Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 Here's ways to gain influence for certain characters: Handmaiden: Acts of mercy will please her the most. Do enough of them in her presence and she'll say that she finds you fair and generous. Visas: Killing people who deserve to be killed pleases her. I killed a duros for some quest, and she said she felt it inside her that he needed to be killed to restore order. More to come.
Boiler98 Posted December 12, 2004 Author Posted December 12, 2004 *cough*cough* Oh gosh. It would appear I accidently bumped this post while coughing. Excuse me. If you know any points of influence, please reply. Let's help eachother out!
Vistaer Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 Bao-Hur: On Telos, at the Academy, when he, Kreia, and Anton are released from their cells, he appologizes for being knocked unconcious. Reassure him it is OK, and not his fault and influence will be gained (As will LS points I believe). T3-M4: When you free him from his cell on Telos at the academy, reassure him its OK he got captured and you will gain influence (And LS points I believe)
GSpotFrenzy Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 I've got most of these in the guide. maybe I'll type them out. I played it without the guide to reduce spoilers, then bought it to find all I missed
Vistaer Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 GSpotFrenzy said: I've got most of these in the guide. maybe I'll type them out. I played it without the guide to reduce spoilers, then bought it to find all I missed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good Idea. I may pick one up
Boiler98 Posted December 12, 2004 Author Posted December 12, 2004 I'm certainly not going to buy one, but maybe I'll borrow the one my friend was suckered into buying.
Peekaboo Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 You can gain "unlimited" influence with Kreia when you get the dialogue option "What is wrong with your eyes" and then letting her show you the world through the force. Just repeat this and you get influence every time.
starwarskid15_19 Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 so what about mandalore how do you inflence him? the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together
Naga Sadow Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 On Nar Shadaa I found a way to get unlimited influence with Atton. There is a speeder/transport thing in that gang base, I did the computer thing and gain about 300xp, and then for the repair option I say something like "I'll let the expert handle this" and Atton says he likes how that sounds. I can keep doing these over and over so I got all the influence on Atton I needed and I gained 2 levels before I got way too bored.
DartsiniZ Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 At Duxon(sp?) in the quest to retrieve equipment from the dead scout you can gain influence with Bao-Dur. If you help the scout by killing the hostile animals, possibly you allso have to promise not to tell the guy who gave you the quest that he lost his equipment. This will trigger a dialog where you get influence, I picked some line about soldiers having to help each other if I'm not misstaken.
sickboycp Posted December 12, 2004 Posted December 12, 2004 I'm on my second playthrough (trying the characters I didn't have much use for the first time) any advice for influence on G0T0, Hanharr, and HK-47??
Boiler98 Posted December 13, 2004 Author Posted December 13, 2004 Just keeping things on top. Anyone have any updates for some of the members we are missing so far? Sorry for the bumping. I really hate bumbers myself, so I'm being very hypocritical here I know. I just think this would be really useful to have in one spot.
Annakie Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 On Dantooine, if you fix the malfunctioning droid just outside the Ebon Hawk, the nearby maintainence worker will come running over if you fix the droid and he calls you "Jedi." You'll lose influence with Kreia if you confirm that you're a Jedi. If you tell him you're not, nothing will happen. Didn't see a way to gain influence through this one.
Vistaer Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 G0-T0 can become "highly influenced" through his regular dialogue tree (which doesnt require you to leave the Ebon Hawk. Other characters are like this too, such as Visas, Handmaiden, and T3-M4)
City Blues Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 I've found Atton to be pretty easy to gain influence with. Throughout the story there will be many points in which Atton suggest some sort of plan or gives you advice. If you accept it and express confidence in his suggestions, you'll gain a lot of influence. He doesn't comment too much on acts or charity or goodness that you committ, though. Also, there's one conversation you can have with Kreia regarding trusting your allies and committing yourself to them. She warns you that you create weaknesses for yourself by becoming so close and if you pick a dialogue option to the effect of: I would die for my companions, etc, you lose influence with Kreia and gain influence with Atton. I've only done this with Atton in the party along with Kreia, so I'm not sure if it happens with other party members or if he's not there. Kreia is not a fan of the morality of a Jedi. If you don't agree with the cynical, pessimistic lessons she imparts on you, you lose quite a bit of influence (it adds up with the lessons). She also criticizes acts of charity or mercy. T3 is also like Atton in that at various plot points, T3 will communicate some information to you or express guilt over something he did/did not do. As long as you're gracious and reassuring in all your interactions with T3, you'll gain influence. Example: T3 shares with you an urgent message from Kelborn. You thank him and tell him you'll head to Dxun immediately, and you've gained influence. One specific instance in which you can gain influence with Mira is when you run into a group of bounty hunters (I believe the Zhug). If you have her in your party and say something to the effect of, 'You'd better watch out because Mira's a real bounty hunter, unlike you scum'. Mira replies that flattery will get you nowhere, but after the conversation ends you'll see the influence gained sign pop up. Oh, and regarding Visas: after you first beat her, she'll be in the medical bay. You and Atton will have a conversation regarding your reactions to her actions, and if you select that you didn't want to hurt her, etc, you'll gain influence. A substantial amount, I believe.
Boiler98 Posted December 13, 2004 Author Posted December 13, 2004 Thanks everyone for your responses so far! City Blues, Do you remember what planet you were on for your Mira Influence? Who do you gain Influence with in the medical bay after Visas arrives (I remember this action, but not the results)?
City Blues Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 Boiler98 said: Do you remember what planet you were on for your Mira Influence?Who do you gain Influence with in the medical bay after Visas arrives (I remember this action, but not the results)? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For the Mira instance, it was either Onderon, Dxun, or Nar Shadaraa. I wish I could remember more specifically which one it was, but my feeling was that the bounty hunters were triggered similarly to the first KOTOR--certain people will appear based on how many Star Maps you've collected, rather than being tied to the planet. I don't know if that's the way in works in K2, but that's the assumption I made. Heh. Re: Visas in the medical bay, you gain influence with Visas.
Vistaer Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 Handmaiden also comments on Visas, and your responce will affect Handmaiden's influence.
Boiler98 Posted December 13, 2004 Author Posted December 13, 2004 Thanks again. Vistaer, do you remember the dialog options and their effect? I'll have this option the next time I play so I'll be sure to write it down if you can't recall.
starwarskid15_19 Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 i noticed that there is still no info in this thread regarding mandalore or hanharr. im interested in what mandalore wants us to say for influence since Reveal hidden contents canderous was one of my favorite characters last game the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together
BC83 Posted December 13, 2004 Posted December 13, 2004 How can I get enough influence to where I can train Bao-Dur to be a jedi and how many companions can turn to jedi?
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