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About the level cap (POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!)

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sorry to say but what are level caps? blink.gif

Level caps are the max level you can reach. For KOTOR the max level was level 20.

With no level cap, there is no max level to reach, you just keep going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

and going

you get the idea

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Can u feel the power?



and you thought Revan was powerful

can you imagine the number of force powers and feats we could have


Can u feel the force?



besides having an uber powerful PC, how about uber powerful NPCs


Can u feel the constapation?



imagine the power you could wield as the dark lord, or a jedi master


Can u feel the steroids?


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I like the idea of being really powerful and able to wipe the floor with those foolish enough to oppose me :rolleyes::lol:


Besides if you've seen some footage, there are some occasions where 10 or even more NPC are attacking your PC alone, so I guess power is needed.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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not really, in the review it sounded as though you could choose wether or not to become an uber powerful jedi. if ppl like you nd hades wanted to you could go into the final fight at a comparitively low level if you wished. at least thats the message i got

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This is bad news espicially since the combata ccording to IGn is easier... <_<


maybe the reviewer was playing it on easy to get the game finished quicker.

Blue lorry yellow lorry blue lorry yellow lorry blorry. D'oh.

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So they made the game from bad to worse in regards of leveling.  Lovely.  Hey, lets just have a level 1000 uber-Jedi and wipe out anything that moves from a parsec away.  Oh yes, that makes good sense in the d20 game mehanics.  :devil:

see I knew you would eventually come around Hades. :D

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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They probably DID do something in compensation for the raised, or even lifted level cap. (Keep in mind that "Lifted" can only mean so much; if the total XP in the game doesn't allow you to possibly go above level 24, say, then that's technically your "limit"... that said, IGN going, "They removed the level cap" could just mean you'll never reach whatever the level cap was raised to.) However, when they tried that in the first game it didn't make much of a difference. 40 AC and 211 HP, Master Flurry and Speed make you pretty much invincible. I think they should've made Master Speed MUCH more exhausting than it was in FP; whatever their "calculations" can deem necessary on such a subjective thing I don't know, but I do know that 5 hits a round for 30-100+ damage was extremely excessive. With all the added levels and saber mods and such, who KNOWS the sort of damage you'd be dealing?


The first KotOR was extremely subject to, "Right choice, wrong choice," stuff as per Diablo II. Something's should work better than other's, yes; A consular shouldn't be as good at saber combat when put one-on-one to a guardian. However, Sneak attack and Stasis and Master flurry and Double-blooded saber's with the most powerful crystals possible made things way easier for you than someone who went without sneak attack, had high intelligence and lower physical/wisdom and charisma stats, and used only 1 saber. Also, one could spam Force Wave and get through the entire game that way, and if you were a lightside consular, that's just about the only thing you could do.


It's too bad if Obsidian didn't pay much attention to these issues. It's too bad it was any issue in the first place. From what I can tell, they either didn't pay attention to the balance problems of the first game, thinking that everyone liked it the way it was, or just made it equally easy for every class/stat/feat combination. Certain skills were far more useful than others; the computer use skill was kind of the only way to make the star forge not painful.


In summary: there's a lot more to the issue of bad (as in WAY too easy) gameplay than levels, and I suspect levels are the least of the issue.

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