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Which Sith Lord is your personal choice?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Sith Lord is your personal choice?

    • 1) Darth Vader
    • 2) Darth Sidious (empreror Paplatine)
    • 3) Darth Revan
    • 4) Exar Kun
    • 5) Darth Maul
    • 6) Darth Bane
    • 7) Darth Tyrannus (Count Dooku)
    • 8) Marka Ragnos
    • 9) Darth Malak
    • 10) Ajunta Pall

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I would hope not. I always thought the Emperor as being all powerful and didn't need to use a lightsaber.

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Well if 2-3 Jedi are attacking you a lightsaber can come in pretty handy..

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom


Vader had the most potential, but we haven't ever seen him capitalise on that potential, and of course he had his body all but destroyed. Can't wait to see Anakin in Revenge of the Sith ;)

  The Yeti of 66 said:
Didn't bioware also create Revan and Malak?


Yep. And look how that turned out, at least in Malak's case. :thumbsup:

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?


and if you believe in that medichlorian thing, then having his body partially destroyed would aslo severly reduce his M-count .. so he wouldn't have that much force power!? since they reside in cells ..

Fortune favors the bald.

  Rosbjerg said:
and if you believe in that medichlorian thing, then having his body partially destroyed would aslo severly reduce his M-count .. so he wouldn't have that much force power!? since they reside in cells ..


Midichlorians never happened.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?


i agree midichlorians never happened its all a big joke that lucas is gonna admit to lying about (hopefully)


i voted for bane. i mean its because of him the sith still survived to have the emperor and vader and maul and tyrannus. without his sneakiness half of the choices wouldnt be there. oh and they wouldnt have the cool title darth.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


I said the Emperor was the greatest. Remember, the Star Wars universe would hardly exist without the movies. And Sidious was by far the greatest Sith Lord in the movies.


Firstly, In my opinion Vader would kick everyones ass (cept palpy). I think we will see this in the next movie when he wipes out many jedi. Some rumors say he fights and anihilates multiple jedi at the same time.


Secondly, i honestly didnt think Malak was all that bad. He was an iron fist who wasnt to be challenged (cept of course by Revan). Hell, when you find him on the forge in the elevator, he is killing 2 jedi at the same time...and he hasnt even powered up yet. If we thought he was bad, then the Sith Lords in the next game will really suck, because he ruled all sith unchallenged until Revan returns and kills him. There was no-one even near challenging Malak, and these 3 SL were no exception. They only managed to take over after Malak dies...but I would bet he was probably stronger than Ajunta Pall, Ragnos and even Exar Kun.


If you read the comics about Exar Kun, he doesnt even appear that strong. The guy seemed weak compared to Master Arca and Master Thon (the big rhino beast). Hell, Master Arca could whoop the crap out of Ulic Qel-Droma and he fought Exar Kun to a standstill. Exar Kun only managed to kill his master by using a saber staff, and that too when his master was using a stick to fight him.


Nur Ab Surd will be here shortly to defend Exar Kun, he's really sweet on him.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  Darth Desann said:
  If we thought he was bad, then the Sith Lords in the next game will really suck, because he ruled all sith unchallenged until Revan returns and kills him.  There was no-one even near challenging Malak, and these 3 SL were no exception.  They only managed to take over after Malak dies...but I would bet he was probably stronger than Ajunta Pall, Ragnos and even Exar Kun.


That's assuming an awful lot. We still don't know where these three came from; they might have only shown up after Malak's death.


And I hardly think they'll make these three weaker than Malak, given that by the end of the game we'll be stronger than Revan. Where's the fun in that?

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

  Ivan the Terrible said:
  Darth Desann said:
  If we thought he was bad, then the Sith Lords in the next game will really suck, because he ruled all sith unchallenged until Revan returns and kills him.  There was no-one even near challenging Malak, and these 3 SL were no exception.  They only managed to take over after Malak dies...but I would bet he was probably stronger than Ajunta Pall, Ragnos and even Exar Kun.


That's assuming an awful lot. We still don't know where these three came from; they might have only shown up after Malak's death.


And I hardly think they'll make these three weaker than Malak, given that by the end of the game we'll be stronger than Revan. Where's the fun in that?

This brings back the eternal discussion. Do game mechanics have a meaning storywise? I don't think so. Granted, the PC will be level 30-40 at the end of the game, but that doesn't mean the PC will be twice as powerful as Revan was at the end of K1. That's absurd. Revan was supposed to be an epic character, and I'm guessing the new PC will be as well. So was Malak, but again, having a PC that by the end of the game would be able to mop the floor with Malak makes no sense storywise, since it would be so anticlimactic. And since Revan had 5 years to become more powerful, I doubt the PC will be more powerful than him/her (that's assuming Revan's still alive).


In any case, Malak managed to keep the Sith united under his rule, and it was a rule by force. So, unless they give a pretty convincing explanation, it makes sense that the new 3 Sith lords stepped forward to fill the power vacuum left by Malak's death. If that means we'll be playing a less powerful character than Revan was (again, from a story standpoint), that's fine with me. But no way I want TSL to follow the EU tendency to get more and more powerful characters each time. Enough is enough.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I'd like to think my Revan kicks most ass outta the lot of em, I just like my revenge story that played out. Malak stood no chance... neither did anyone who turned against me :thumbsup:


I saw that Revenge of the Sith movie and game trailer though and it looks like Anakin is gonna give my character a run for his money. He's one crazy mofo.


I don't really know much about those guys from the EU since I am not really into Star Wars apart from buying those Jedi Knight games and the KOTOR games.

  213374U said:
In any case, Malak managed to keep the Sith united under his rule, and it was a rule by force. So, unless they give a pretty convincing explanation, it makes sense that the new 3 Sith lords stepped forward to fill the power vacuum left by Malak's death. If that means we'll be playing a less powerful character than Revan was (again, from a story standpoint), that's fine with me.


I hope to god these new Sith showed up from somewhere else. If they were so unmemorable that three generic Foot Clan Sith with generic Sith voices could top them as 'the best of the Dark Jedi who have sworn allegiance to me', as Malak says, then they must really suck.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

  Ivan the Terrible said:
I hope to god these new Sith showed up from somewhere else. If they were so unmemorable that three generic Foot Clan Sith with generic Sith voices could top them as 'the best of the Dark Jedi who have sworn allegiance to me', as Malak says, then they must really suck.

I don't know about that. Darth Bane wasn't the 'leader' of the Sith at his time, and in the end he was proven to be one of the best Sith ever. The fact that Malak was the leader of the Sith at the time doesn't rule out the possibility that some of his dark Jedi would have eventually bested him. Just because these new Sith weren't powerful enough to beat Malak back then, doesn't mean they are weaklings today. Remember that Malak was at the peak of his power, and was using the SF to empower himself. He must have been one tough nut to crack, from a story standpoint. :thumbsup:


Besides, there's still the question of why are there 3 visible Sith lords, instead of just one. There should be a clear leader, but speculation aside, there is not. And since the Sith impose their rule by power, the logical conclusion would be that none of them is more powerful than the others.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

  213374U said:
This brings back the eternal discussion. Do game mechanics have a meaning storywise? I don't think so. Granted, the PC will be level 30-40 at the end of the game, but that doesn't mean the PC will be twice as powerful as Revan was at the end of K1. That's absurd. Revan was supposed to be an epic character, and I'm guessing the new PC will be as well. So was Malak, but again, having a PC that by the end of the game would be able to mop the floor with Malak makes no sense storywise, since it would be so anticlimactic. And since Revan had 5 years to become more powerful, I doubt the PC will be more powerful than him/her (that's assuming Revan's still alive).


In any case, Malak managed to keep the Sith united under his rule, and it was a rule by force. So, unless they give a pretty convincing explanation, it makes sense that the new 3 Sith lords stepped forward to fill the power vacuum left by Malak's death. If that means we'll be playing a less powerful character than Revan was (again, from a story standpoint), that's fine with me. But no way I want TSL to follow the EU tendency to get more and more powerful characters each time. Enough is enough.


I think this is why I think it's ridiculous to use a character's so-called stats in d20 to discuss how powerful he/she might actually be in terms of (for lack of a better word) "real" Star Wars universe.


By the end of KOTOR I, my entire party was level 20. But I think it's absurd to suggest that characters such as Juhani or Jolee are more powerful than Darth Vader just because the d20 system may indicate it.


I realize that my reply doesn't really provide a better way to compare a character's strength to another character, but either way, I do think that comparing their d20 stats is NOT the way. IMO, it's apples and oranges. Unless, of course, someone actually wants to argue that Jolee and Juhani could wipe the floor with Darth Vader and give the Emperor and Yoda a run for his money.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
I realize that my reply doesn't really provide a better way to compare a character's strength to another character, but either way, I do think that comparing their d20 stats is NOT the way.  IMO, it's apples and oranges.  Unless, of course, someone actually wants to argue that Jolee and Juhani could wipe the floor with Darth Vader and give the Emperor and Yoda a run for his money.

Err... yeah. That's exactly what I meant. I'm tired so I guess I can't very well write down what I think I'm thinking.


I always thought it was not very consistent to have the Big Bad Hero guy of the story be exactly the same level as the rest of his companions, even more so considering that he was some kind of a gifted unique person. So, last time I played K1, I stopped leveling up the NPCs at level 14-15. I still found the game too easy though...

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

  213374U said:
Err... yeah. That's exactly what I meant. I'm tired so I guess I can't very well write down what I think I'm thinking.


I always thought it was not very consistent to have the Big Bad Hero guy of the story be exactly the same level as the rest of his companions, even more so considering that he was some kind of a gifted unique person. So, last time I played K1, I stopped leveling up the NPCs at level 14-15. I still found the game too easy though...


Actually, I know you meant that (or something very similar). I just happened to quote you more for reference about the subject I wanted to comment on rather than because I disagreed with you.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Ajunta Pall because he was strong enough in the end to look back on his life and realize he made some mistakes. He then proceeded to try to redeem himself for those mistakes. Because the Bioware writers didn't give us any info on his life we don't know how powerful he was in raw power but we do know as much that he was strong enough to not let the darkness take him in the end unlike most Sith Lords. :devil:

  Darth Desann said:
Firstly, In my opinion Vader would kick everyones ass (cept palpy).  I think we will see this in the next movie when he wipes out many jedi. Some rumors say he fights and anihilates multiple jedi at the same time.


Secondly, i honestly didnt think Malak was all that bad.  He was an iron fist who wasnt to be challenged (cept of course by Revan).  Hell, when you find him on the forge in the elevator, he is killing 2 jedi at the same time...and he hasnt even powered up yet.  If we thought he was bad, then the Sith Lords in the next game will really suck, because he ruled all sith unchallenged until Revan returns and kills him.  There was no-one even near challenging Malak, and these 3 SL were no exception.  They only managed to take over after Malak dies...but I would bet he was probably stronger than Ajunta Pall, Ragnos and even Exar Kun.


If you read the comics about Exar Kun, he doesnt even appear that strong.  The guy seemed weak compared to Master Arca and Master Thon (the big rhino beast).  Hell, Master Arca could whoop the crap out of Ulic Qel-Droma and he fought Exar Kun to a standstill.  Exar Kun only managed to kill his master by using a saber staff, and that too when his master was using a stick to fight him.


You're an idiot.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

  Nur Ab Sal said:
  Darth Desann said:
Firstly, In my opinion Vader would kick everyones ass (cept palpy).  I think we will see this in the next movie when he wipes out many jedi. Some rumors say he fights and anihilates multiple jedi at the same time.


Secondly, i honestly didnt think Malak was all that bad.  He was an iron fist who wasnt to be challenged (cept of course by Revan).  Hell, when you find him on the forge in the elevator, he is killing 2 jedi at the same time...and he hasnt even powered up yet.  If we thought he was bad, then the Sith Lords in the next game will really suck, because he ruled all sith unchallenged until Revan returns and kills him.  There was no-one even near challenging Malak, and these 3 SL were no exception.  They only managed to take over after Malak dies...but I would bet he was probably stronger than Ajunta Pall, Ragnos and even Exar Kun.


If you read the comics about Exar Kun, he doesnt even appear that strong.  The guy seemed weak compared to Master Arca and Master Thon (the big rhino beast).  Hell, Master Arca could whoop the crap out of Ulic Qel-Droma and he fought Exar Kun to a standstill.  Exar Kun only managed to kill his master by using a saber staff, and that too when his master was using a stick to fight him.


You're an idiot.


I knew you'd come through Nur Ab :D


Everyone whos "down" knows that the most powerful Lord of Sith is Darth Calaminous. Ya I know what you're saying, "I've never heard of him, but he sounds totally awesome and if thats the case then hes good enough for me, he already sound stronger then Vader."


The beauty of Darth Calaminous was that he hid out on the planet Cybertron during most of the time after ROTJ waiting to strike. Then he got some of the wool that was sheared from Marko Ragnos(half man, half goat, all amazing), and as we all know that if something belonged to someone else who's dead then you get all there power, its in the EU so don't question it. Anyway he used his power to abstract energon cubes from various places where the force was strongest throughout the galaxy and fight the jedi master Omega Supreme (he was awesome because he was also a diesel truck and instead of a lightsaber he used an exhuast manifold), but in a peculiar twist of fate, the energon cubes he sought so tirelessly, gave him dysentery and he died. :'(

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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