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Do You Prefer The Dark Side Or Light Side?

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I prefer the light side just because they never make a good dark side plot. It's always to much just being evil for the sake of being evil. :ermm:

A real dark side plot would make the dark side choices look like they were the lesser of two evils in the situation. As they say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", and I think that road would be interesting to walk if done right in a video game.


I take it you've never been exposed to the "practical incarnation" in PS:T ?




Newbie's these days... :)


I actually did play Planescape:Torment :p So no Eye rolling!

That's still not the player character though.

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"Fear is the path to the dark side....fear leads to anger....anger leads to hate....hate leads to suffering." -Yoda :)


Fear is my ally, and a powerful ally it is. -My PC :ermm:

"If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving." - Henry Youngman.

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Well, for me when I choose what my character says it is a reflection of what I would say.  This is always true for my first play through.  As you all know it is very easy to get involved in a RPG and this was very true for me in Kotor.  I knew the decisions I made were in a game and purely fictional, but there was always a sense of consequence for me.  I only played DS once just to see the ending, and it was the least amount of fun for me since I had to detach myself from the game.

same, but reversed.

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Lighside definatly! I can do Evil genius or Dungeon Keeper evil! I just can't do Star wars evil! I have to go by my own moral code that life is precious and it seems like you actually hurt characters and other people where as in other games your a faceless dictator abusing faceless masses!


The point on what the dark and light is all right and wrong at the same time! I t can be weakness on desire to join the darkside, or good intentions that are on the dark path!


"I did you know that 1/8 padwaan's reach out with the the force and destroy the training remote. Reaching out to olve the problem at the source and allowing the ends to justify the means, though with no ill intentions." Master Luminara.


Lightside you fall in love with Carth?!!! (w00t) (w00t)



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I just can't do Star wars evil! I have to go by my own moral code that life is precious and it seems like you actually hurt characters and other people where as in other games your a faceless dictator abusing faceless masses!

Thats all the fun of evil :- If you aint got that, whats evil about it? I want to destroy some lives, and then for them to see and realise just what I've done, just before I end it for them. Hmmmm :thumbsup:

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I enjoy playing both sides. When I play LS, it's pretty much true to what I'd do in real life. I'm a good guy. I also like DS though, because it's the complete opposite of what I actually am, and it's kind of fun to use a video game to get away from who you really are for a while. Regardless of which side I play, I try to think of how that character would act, not how I would act. It makes it a lot more fun, and I thing I get a lot more out of it that way.


I also think the DS powers are cooler, although the LS mastery bonuses are better (in KotOR 1 that is).

Live forever or die trying.



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I enjoy both very much. For me its getting in character and playing that person. If I decided beforehand that he's evil, then I enjoy it, I am that character. If he's a Jedi and righteous, then I follow the code of the Jedi. For me its a roleplaying thing, I have to get IC and then I enjoy the story. I'll probably play DS first and then LS. No real preference but sometimes I get urges to commit deeds that don't coincide with the alignment of the character that I created, then its a bitch, I have to force myself IC and then I regain my character composure.

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Darkside, hands down.


Jedi fear the force. They don't embrace it's power for what it is but instead put limits and restrictions on their own humanity. The Sith are willing to let themselves become one with the force, something Jedi are not capable of without snuffing out their own true being.

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I'm one of those people who considers her characters to all be an extension of herself.


Bastilia always made a very convincing argument for the dark side. Just as how I thought that Mr. Mummy Guy in SoU made an interesting case for joining his evil folks of dooooom.


I guess it's just the human part of me being tempted by power. Last time I played a total run through of KOTOR Malak said something along the lines of "You call yourself a Jedi, but you still use anger and hatred." I guess that means I'm pretty darn neutral.


After that encounter I couldn't even use my Star Forge Robes. :">


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