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Something I don't understand...

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Ok, I know the explaination for your character looking all creepy evil is Darkside corruption from channelling darkside energy, but in the dark side wallpaper, Atton and Bao-Dur are all corrupted too. Now from the info I gather, they're not force users, so why would they get all grey skinned and corrupted?

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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your own negative energy is effecting them also. like if u go to a party, someone with a s***ty mood can kill the entire party. they were just corrupted by the negative force or aura u had about yourself. It basically tainted them like Juhani did in the meadows of Dantooine. Remember how the kathar hounds went berzerk? Its all the same

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your own negative energy is effecting them also. like if u go to a party, someone with a s***ty mood can kill the entire party. they were just corrupted by the negative force or aura u had about yourself. It basically tainted them like Juhani did in the meadows of Dantooine. Remember how the kathar hounds went berzerk? Its all the same


What this dude said. You don't necessarily have to be Force Sensitive or a Jedi even to be considered Light or Dark.

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your own negative energy is effecting them also. like if u go to a party, someone with a s***ty mood can kill the entire party. they were just corrupted by the negative force or aura u had about yourself. It basically tainted them like Juhani did in the meadows of Dantooine. Remember how the kathar hounds went berzerk? Its all the same


This doesn't answer his question/point about why they are physically affected. The DS of the Force only affects FORCE USERS with regards to their deteriorating physical appearance. As far as I know, there's never been an example where an "evil" character who didn't use the Force turned all wrinkled and grey like the Emperor.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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your own negative energy is effecting them also. like if u go to a party, someone with a s***ty mood can kill the entire party. they were just corrupted by the negative force or aura u had about yourself. It basically tainted them like Juhani did in the meadows of Dantooine. Remember how the kathar hounds went berzerk? Its all the same


This doesn't answer his question/point about why they are physically affected. The DS of the Force only affects FORCE USERS with regards to their deteriorating physical appearance. As far as I know, there's never been an example where an "evil" character who didn't use the Force turned all wrinkled and grey like the Emperor.


the man has a point

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This doesn't answer his question/point about why they are physically affected.  The DS of the Force only affects FORCE USERS with regards to their deteriorating physical appearance.  As far as I know, there's never been an example where an "evil" character who didn't use the Force turned all wrinkled and grey like the Emperor.


While you may be right, the force affecting their physical apperance seems to be the only answer.

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Okay, then whydoes the republic soliders follow revan and the dark jedi?


if it is only  force secetive people.  '


Uh? Didn't you see me specify the words "PHYSICAL APPEARANCE"? I didn't say that non-Force users don't BECOME evil. I said that their physical appearance isn't affected by turning evil. And that's what the original poster was asking.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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but, it does forget star wars and think about real life. It has the same affect. You can look at soeme one and tell alot about that person.


Forget Star Wars? This IS Star Wars.


That argument is like saying "forget the fact that in Star Wars you can travel through hyperspace. Think about real life instead" with regards to why space craft blow up in space.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Hmm, funny thing is also that the physical appearence of some dark force users haven't been that effected... but perhaps, they weren't that deep in the dark side... (Thinking of C'Baoth...)

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Hmm, funny thing is also that the physical appearence of some dark force users haven't been that effected... but perhaps, they weren't that deep in the dark side... (Thinking of C'Baoth...)


The evil C'Baoth was a clone. So maybe the cloning part of it has something to do with that. The real C'Baoth was a Jedi Master.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Hmm, funny thing is also that the physical appearence of some dark force users haven't been that effected... but perhaps, they weren't that deep in the dark side... (Thinking of C'Baoth...)


The evil C'Baoth was a clone. So maybe the cloning part of it has something to do with that. The real C'Baoth was a Jedi Master.


Perhaps so. Or perhaps it all has to do with C'Baoth's way of thinking. HE did not think himself evil, or his actions went in and out of the dark/light side so often that he never really sank as deep in the Dark Side as some of the worst dark jedi we've come to know in the Star Wars universite did.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Perhaps so. Or perhaps it all has to do with C'Baoth's way of thinking. HE did not think himself evil, or his actions went in and out of the dark/light side so often that he never really sank as deep in the Dark Side as some of the worst dark jedi we've come to know in the Star Wars universite did.


At the risk of being a Star Wars nerd here, I actually disagree with that too. It has been said (most recently in the Clone Wars novel Medstar: Battlesurgeons) that that's the problem with the Dark Side. Those who use it, in their own twisted mind, don't believe they're being evil. In their own twisted logic, they believe they're using the power to keep order in the galaxy THEIR way. From the outside looking in, obviously they're being greedy and power hungry. But it's believed that in reality that's not how they see it. And thus why it's so tempting to fall to the Dark Side. Because the person at the time believes that they're doing so for a "good" reason.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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but, it does forget star wars and think about real life. It has the same affect. You can look at soeme one and tell alot about that person.

Ever heard the expression "Don't judge a book by its cover"..? It has a deeper meaning. Search for it!

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At the risk of being a Star Wars nerd here


Nothing to be worried about :blink:. I think pretty much all of us here knows more of Star Wars than the average person does :huh:


I actually disagree with that too.  It has been said (most recently in the Clone Wars novel Medstar: Battlesurgeons) that that's the problem with the Dark Side.  Those who use it, in their own twisted mind, don't believe they're being evil.  In their own twisted logic, they believe they're using the power to keep order in the galaxy THEIR way.  From the outside looking in, obviously they're being greedy and power hungry.  But it's believed that in reality that's not how they see it.  And thus why it's so tempting to fall to the Dark Side.  Because the person at the time believes that they're doing so for a "good" reason.


Hmm, that doesn't fit with the image of at least a few of the dark jedi we've encountered. But I suppose that we should assume that at least some of them knows that they're evil **** (pardon my Klatchian) >_<.


Well, if his way of thinking wasn't it... Unless, of course, his insanity had something to do with it. But what about his deeds, then? He did quite a few evil things, but we also saw that he saved the lives of a few people and to me it seemed like C'Baoth disliked to have to kill some one unless it was the very last choice there was...

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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And then there's the example of count Dooku not being at all withered, to the extent of being able to pose as the public head of an apparently fair cause.


I can't remember very well but didn't admiral Karath seem a bit... dark in KotOR? It was stated that he had been corrupted by the dark side.

Or maybe this whole thing has to do with having the characters mesh well with the dark theme of the wallpaper. It may not necessarily mean they are physically affected in the game.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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but, it does forget star wars and think about real life. It has the same affect. You can look at soeme one and tell alot about that person.

Ever heard the expression "Don't judge a book by its cover"..? It has a deeper meaning. Search for it!


very good point so they are not bad justbad looking. they just run around with a sith and look dark, but are really jedi spies. exaclent idea.

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well they say the force runs through everything and everyone so it would stand to reason that anyone who was sliding towards the dark side would start to show the effects of that slide. So with the PC affecting the allignment of the NPCs it would make sense that they would start to show the same traits as a dark jedi or sith would when they reached a certain level of DS alignment.

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Hmm, I just throught of something that COULD solve the debate of "Non-force-users not being able to be affected by the dark side so much that it changes their physical appearence" thing...


In the "Dark Empire II" comic, Palpatine used the Force to make some of his followers into dark jedi. It could be speculated whenever they were Force sensentive to begin with or not, but what matters is that he apparently used the Force to make some people who had apparently never used the Force before, as far as I know, at least, and their physical appearence changed after this. So, it seems possible for the Force to corrupt someone who is not a Jedi if it is done so by a dark jedi or dark force user...

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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