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Korriban Fly-By

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Eduardo: Sorry man, I'm not ignoring you but I don't have the X-Box nor have I ever played the original game in it. I only know how Korriban looks in the PC version.


Darth Sun_Tzu: As to what happened in the planet after KotOR 1; the Republic might have attacked it, the Academy was in complete disarray in LS version after Revan wiped out everyone there not sure of DS, maybe the Siths abandoned Korriban, maybe they killed themselves trying to get the mantle of Dark Lord. I suspect Korriban is not nearly as abandoned as we're being led to believe, I think there will be some surprises waiting for us there.


As to why we go there in the first place, the most logical assumption is pursuing Revan to find out what happened to him/her. We could be going there on clues of the Sith cults being based there or trying to find out who is leading the Sith and trying to wipe out the Jedi.


Sorry I can't be more helpful on this.

No thats good, i just want to get the thread off the pointless discussion about the valley being wrong and back onto something interesting.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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Think how hard it would be if it was Kotor but with the JA vallay and we had to jump over stuff and use push of things that arn't attacking us, and than walk off the edge on cliifs(witch we can't do in kotor).

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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Actually there have been depictions of Mara Jade as a brunette also. Though the vast majority do depict her as a redhead.




Oh I thought you were talking about the EU that established Boba Fett as a space cop who was frmaed by the intergalactic mob for his partner's murder...or the EU that claimed that Boba was in fact a woman like Metroid's Samus Aran...


More clear examples please...


or the EU that claims Coruscant is 25K years old when the movies have clearly expressed it is 1K...


Don't rely on Palpatine's word so much. GL also stated that Republic (and Coruscant) is 25K old.


rhe EU where Coruscant is a cest pool where the citizens have to live in the very peaks of the sky scrapers because ground level is filled with pollution, disease, gremlins and ewoks


Oh You're refering to McQuarrie's vision that GL supported right? Becouse such vision GL with Quarrie designed long time ago and ITS OFFICIAL


We must be talking about two different EUs right seeing as the EU's continuity is flawless...


The fact that were lame authors doesn't mean that EU shuld be tored apart. Personally I respect Sue Rostoni and James Luceno (from Lucas Licensing) for their efforts to bring some order to SW universe. And ordinary fans like Darth Nuke also.


There is no continuity except what's set in the movies. Everything else is up for debate, change, modification, alteration, redesign and expansion


Sad, sad but that's bullsh...t. Every licensed book, comic, game and rpg accessory is canon. And LFM officials stated many times (together with authors like Zahn or

Schweighofer) that coming star wars material CANNOT contradict previous. I don't care what looong posts you will reply with. These are facts. Bioware lackeys should

stick to material that was released before KOTOR. While other planets are superb Korriban is weak and non-ancient. I'm not making a tragedy, its just a game but why should I cover them? They screwed up many things in KOTOR, although the game is great and it could be even greater.


If I pay for EU material I expect that all elements will be coherent. Lame explanations that "EU means nothing" are useless. Even if there were contradictions in the past, present creators should make an effort to not make more.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Concerning Korriban, probably our character will find out that this new threat is somehow linked to whatever happened to Revan, so we will try to find out what happened to him. Remember that we don't know exactly how Revan & Malak became Dark Lords of the Sith, we were shown some steps into the dark side, but not how they came into contact with the Sith rules. Revan proably went to Korriban to find out that.

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Concerning Korriban, probably our character will find out that this new threat is somehow linked to whatever happened to Revan, so we will try to find out what happened to him. Remember that we don't know exactly how Revan & Malak became Dark Lords of the Sith, we were shown some steps into the dark side, but not how they came into contact with the Sith rules. Revan proably went to Korriban to find out that.


Indeed, hopefully there's more to explore this time than in KotOR.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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From the previews I've read so far I get the feeling that this game will be more in-depth and fullfilling. For example having to find your lightsabre or have to learn new force powers not just be presented them in the level up screen.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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Actually there have been depictions of Mara Jade as a brunette also. Though the vast majority do depict her as a redhead.


Oh I thought you were talking about the EU that established Boba Fett as a space cop who was frmaed by the intergalactic mob for his partner's murder...or the EU that claimed that Boba was in fact a woman like Metroid's Samus Aran...or the EU that claims Coruscant is 25K years old when the movies have clearly expressed it is 1K...rhe EU where Coruscant is a cest pool where the citizens have to live in the very peaks of the sky scrapers because ground level is filled with pollution, disease, gremlins and ewoks. We must be talking about two different EUs right seeing as the EU's continuity is flawless...


There is no continuity except what's set in the movies. Everything else is up for debate, change, modification, alteration, redesign and expansion. I fully respect your opinion Darth Nuke but that's all it is, just like mine.


Again take Korriban in KotOR as is or go play something else. You are making way (And I seriously mean way) too much out of the design of the Valley. Boy you'd think this were a topic as so critical as Han shooting first or something... ;)


You must really have a lack of Star Wars knowledge. Boba was never a space cop, he had a Slave 2 that was a police vehicle. He and 212 MAndalorian warriors are Protectors of the world known as Mandalore. This happened during the Clone Wars, and is still continuity.


Corusant is 25 thousand years old. You making something out of the line, "I will not let this Republic that stood for a 1000 years." Already fixed. After the Sith War between the army of light and darkness the Galaxy and republic were messes up. A new republic was born and it was we see a 1000 years later.


So there is continuity, everything is EU besides the movies. The Valley of the Dark Lords is the same in TOTJ as it is 4000 years later. So the Valley is just wrong. There is no continuity with that Valley. The Valley of the Darklords is establised in TOTJ and JA, KOTOR didn't make the cut.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Actually there have been depictions of Mara Jade as a brunette also. Though the vast majority do depict her as a redhead.


Oh I thought you were talking about the EU that established Boba Fett as a space cop who was frmaed by the intergalactic mob for his partner's murder...or the EU that claimed that Boba was in fact a woman like Metroid's Samus Aran...or the EU that claims Coruscant is 25K years old when the movies have clearly expressed it is 1K...rhe EU where Coruscant is a cest pool where the citizens have to live in the very peaks of the sky scrapers because ground level is filled with pollution, disease, gremlins and ewoks. We must be talking about two different EUs right seeing as the EU's continuity is flawless...


There is no continuity except what's set in the movies. Everything else is up for debate, change, modification, alteration, redesign and expansion. I fully respect your opinion Darth Nuke but that's all it is, just like mine.


Again take Korriban in KotOR as is or go play something else. You are making way (And I seriously mean way) too much out of the design of the Valley. Boy you'd think this were a topic as so critical as Han shooting first or something... ;)


You must really have a lack of Star Wars knowledge. Boba was never a space cop, he had a Slave 2 that was a police vehicle. He and 212 MAndalorian warriors are Protectors of the world known as Mandalore. This happened during the Clone Wars, and is still continuity.


Corusant is 25 thousand years old. You making something out of the line, "I will not let this Republic that stood for a 1000 years." Already fixed. After the Sith War between the army of light and darkness the Galaxy and republic were messes up. A new republic was born and it was we see a 1000 years later.


So there is continuity, everything is EU besides the movies. The Valley of the Dark Lords is the same in TOTJ as it is 4000 years later. So the Valley is just wrong. There is no continuity with that Valley. The Valley of the Darklords is establised in TOTJ and JA, KOTOR didn't make the cut.

Give it up allready, this topic is about Korriban not about incosistancies in EU and films, if u wanna talk about that start your own thread. There you can cry as much as you want about the valley not being the right one!

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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IIRC, he is refering to the Jaster Mereel story in one of the short stories anthologies, which for some years was the "origin" of Boba Fett. This was later fixed in the Open Seasons mini, to reconcile the Episode II info with the previous Fett origin, making Mereel the mentor of Jango and not Boba himself. And Dark Horse brought back part of the Marvel Comics Continuity with a couple of mentions of Fenn Shysa and all that, but the exact way it played it is unknown.


Boba Fett story is a big headache. And the worst part is that I haven't read Star Wars novels for a long time, and I still know this...

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I've seen some artworks, not really sure if they were comics, novels or what but there was one particluar I remember where she was brunette. And it wasn't fan art this was a while back still it was in EU books published under Lucasbooks.


More clear examples please...


I don't recall the exact titles of the books, these are VERY old, only that these were two of the mysteries revealed about Boba Fett. Oh and I'm certain the cop Boba Fett and the female Boba Fett were two different interpretations of who Fett supposedly was. These books were released well before the prequels were even planned, late 80s maybe.


Don't rely on Palpatine's word so much. GL also stated that Republic (and Coruscant) is 25K old.


Sio Bibble also claims there hadn't been a full scale war for over a thousand years in Ep1, supporting Palpatine's statements. Morevover no one in the movies debated or denied the claim that the Republic is 1K years old. Lucas probably changed his mind as he does about many things in his stories.


Oh You're refering to McQuarrie's vision that GL supported right? Becouse such vision GL with Quarrie designed long time ago and ITS OFFICIAL


Yep that's the guy :)


It may have been supported by Lucas at the time it was written, nonetheless the movies presented a very much different Coruscant and no longer has that interpretation as the official one. As you know the movies overule anything in the EU, good or bad, so if Lucas changed his mind how Coruscant is then the version he put in the movies is the true one.


The fact that were lame authors doesn't mean that EU shuld be tored apart. Personally I respect Sue Rostoni and James Luceno (from Lucas Licensing) for their efforts to bring some order to SW universe. And ordinary fans like Darth Nuke also.


I don't think I was tearing the EU apart, if I gave you the impression it certainly was not my intent. I may not like many things about the EU (Mostly thier view of the Force and the NJO) but I certainly don't have anything against other people liking them. I'm very glad you've got enjoyment from the EU; I personally loved Shadows of the Empire, thought Thrawn was a cool character and I find TOTJ interesting, though I haven't read the comics yet.


Sad, sad but that's bullsh...t. Every licensed book, comic, game and rpg accessory is canon. And LFM officials stated many times (together with authors like Zahn or

Schweighofer) that coming star wars material CANNOT contradict previous. I don't care what looong posts you will reply with. These are facts. Bioware lackeys should

stick to material that was released before KOTOR. While other planets are superb Korriban is weak and non-ancient. I'm not making a tragedy, its just a game but why should I cover them? They screwed up many things in KOTOR, although the game is great and it could be even greater.


If I pay for EU material  I expect that all elements will be coherent. Lame explanations that "EU means nothing" are useless. Even if there were contradictions in the past, present creators should make an effort to not make more.


Careful, lets not make this personal. I have not made any attacks on anyone or if anything I said seemed that way it was purely not intended as such. I fully respect what you're saying and hope you respect my point as well, even if we disagree.


The canon or non-canon issue is certainly not a done deal or closed. I wish I could name names but I've seen plenty of statements from the publishers that clearly state that the EU is not canon; only the movies, the movie novelizations and the scripts are canon and have the final word. Everything else is just under the official Lucas license. Lucas himself said many times over the EU is an alternate universe to his own. Now, refuse this, deny it, demand to see proof or links which I can't provide but I'm not making this up.


I certainly understand why you would want Korriban to look like it did in the comics, I understand why Darth Nuke wants continuity in its appearance because he has a preset image of the place and wants it to stay that way. The first time I played KotOR I was wondering if indeed it would look like the place I saw in JA only with some differences from the passing of time. It didn't happen, nevertheless I enjoyed Korriban a lot in both games.


I disagree with you that the games especially are following the exact same outlines from the novels and comics. I tried to point out that it might be that the developers wanted their game to be their own, their interpretation of a particular place or character whatever. If the devs simply made a mistake and they wanted to make the exact same place instead of using it as a base, then it was just that a mistake on their part. All I was hoping to tell Darth Nuke was that he try to enjoy the game as it were with all its faults, whether he liked them or not, so we could all continue discussing the game and not a specific detail some people dislike and some don't.


I wish I could be more specific with my examples, have names, dates, links and pictures, but alas, much of this stuff I saw back long time ago. There were books I believe about the clone wars also at some point which are different to what the movies represented.


I hope we can continue to have interesting conversations about what KotOR 2 has to offer. I apologize for my long posts and for this continued pointless argument for which there will never be resolve. I'll stick to Koriban as a topic now and no longer debate on this matter. :)


Edit: Thanks for the clarification Eduardo!

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Oh please like I said, Sio Bibble was right, there hadn't been a full scale war in 1000 years, when Bane was around. Continuity. So nothing is wrong. You won't find anything they haven't fixed.


Point is, Valley Wrong. That's the only point, the Valley is wrong. I believe we can all agree with that. The Valley already has an established look, adn the games as much as continuity as anything.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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Worshipping at the feet of prophets who contradict themselves constantly about event told out of order, in a premise thats not originally theirs

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Oh Darth Sun_Tzu, you and your crazy smiley face emotions...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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No one cares Nuke! How about we talk about something productive and not bitch for 11 pages! Ok lets talk about the screens and the Fly-By.....

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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ya all 4 or 5 of the anal retentive jack asses

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Hey is anyone willing to share IGN korriban fly-by movie with me? I'm not a

member of IGN so I don't have a chance to see it in a normal way...


Muad Dib: OK Pal your statement seems fair enough to me. I also think that we should play this game and enjoy it, howewer I agree with Nuke that if there's a mistake we shouldn't hesitate to name it. KOTOR valley wasn't so bad, but I like

JA-TOTJ vision much more.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Wow. Never have I seen such horrid and inappropriate use of the word "continuity." I found it quite hard to read actually :(



As far as the Valley, who cares? What's been done has been done. Obsidian CANNOT change it now, because then it won't have any continuity with the previous game. Unfortunately for the EU afficiandos out there, I'm pretty sure most people that played KOTOR have no idea WTF the EU Valley looks like, so they're gonna expect the KOTOR2 Valley to look like the KOTOR1 Valley.


IMO, if they change that KOTOR2 Valley, that would be much more stupid than putting in the wrong Valley to begin with.



Deal with it. It's different, and NOTHING you say is going to make any difference.




And I'm with Eduardo......how is Korriban different on the X-Box than on the PC, since apparently Darth Nuke did a big giant favour and saved us PC gamers from an even worse Valley.

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I just read the first few pages of the Valley continuity rant, and already I am sick of it.




Aight, we know that it doesn't look the same as in the comics, or as in JA. SO WHAT? These are just cosmetic things. I would've been much more bothered by plot discontinuity than silly stuff like this...

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