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Who is the Most Powerful?

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I remember seeing this same question posed on the BioWare forums a while back. One poster showed, quite convincingly as a matter of fact, that Darth Vader was indeed the most powerful force user EVER...just don't make me go dig it up :D

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Just a little something I'll throw out there.


At the end of Empire and Jedi Vader was trying to do the same thing. Turn Luke to the darkside. The difference is when Vader beat the hell out of Luke in Empire,Luke did not have the traninging or ability to even come close to fighting his father. In Jedi Luke was much stonger then he was in Empire. Now that doesn't make him stronger then Vader but I think it shows that Vader didn't "let" Luke knock him around. He under estimated how much his son had grown in the Force between their fights. Now Vader had the advantage until he pushed the wrong button on Luke,that being Leia. That set Luke off which changed the fight. Might not have been as a whole stronger then Vader but at that individual part of the fight he was. A lot having to do with Vaders under estimation of his son. IIRC the novel ROTJ has Vader thinking something along the lines that he can't afford to hold back anymore because his son has grown in power.

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Different time frames there.


Obi-wan could not have won the fight against Vader on the Death Star.


Obi-wan could beat Ani yes. Vader is not the same person when speaking about power.


And the fight between Ani and Obi-wan is suppose to be 11 minutes or something like that. Obi-wan wins obviously but we don't know by how much.

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Different time frames there.


Obi-wan could not have won the fight against Vader on the Death Star.


Obi-wan could beat Ani yes. Vader is not the same person when speaking about power.


And the fight between Ani and Obi-wan is suppose to be 11 minutes or something like that. Obi-wan wins obviously but we don't by how much.


Obi-Wan was in one piece afterwards.


And how can you say with such confidence, that Obi-Wan would have lost? Sure he DID lose, distracting Vader from Luke. But had it been a fair fight... who knows what would happen?

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If he could have won the fight why not do so and end Vader's path of destruction? Why not make up for his past mistakes and strike a major blow against the Empire? He couldn't beat Vader and he knew he it.


And being in once piece after a fight doesn't mean you were the better fighter or had no problems with the fight. Look at Obi-wan and maul,it wasn't Obi-wan's great skills that won that fight. Maul beat himself,which is how it goes sometimes. I'm saying Obi-wan could just mange to beat Ani,perhaps because of Ani's own doings like Maul. Which if that's how it turns out would also show support for the idea that He could not have beat Vader on the Death Star.

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I would've like to see Anakin vs Luke. Not Vader, Anakin. I wonder what would've happened.


Now Vader had the advantage until he pushed the wrong button on Luke,that being Leia. That set Luke off which changed the fight. Might not have been as a whole stronger then Vader but at that individual part of the fight he was.


Also like silversun said about Vader pusing the wrong button to set Luke off. Same with Anakin when he slaughtered the Sand People(Tusken Raiders), his mother died in his arm.

Evolutionary Development

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Ob-wan is hanging over the cliff with no way to defend himself. Maul stood there like a jackass for freaking 20 seconds looking at him. More then enough time for any Jedi with any skills to find away out of the situation. Had maul simply attacked he could have cut Obi-wan down to size and/or knocked him down the shaft. Instead his pride and struting ended up having him be the one cut in two and sent down the shaft. Maul had the the fight won and over with,he beat himself. Again that's how it goes sometimes. People get far to caught up in their own ability and it costs them. Same situaton with Pal,he had Luke down and out. But instead of killing him he played with him. Which then gave Ani time to come back and he tossed the old man over the egde to protect his son.

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Also like silversun said about Vader pusing the wrong button to set Luke off. Same with Anakin when he slaughtered the Sand People(Tusken Raiders), his mother died in his arm.


Today's Lesson:


Do Not Push the Buttons of a Skywalker.

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It is used a lot in stories,in the SW world it plays an important part in showing some of the key differences between both sides and some of the problems the different sides have. One of the big ones on the Dark Side is pride,it has been the death of more then one Darth.

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I have read most of the NJO EU books. Not any of the ones immediately after OT. I might sometime.


He might have been trying to tempt the anger out of Luke, but I doubt he wanted himself to be maimed in the process.


The Emperor could have done without both of them really. Vader was too attached to his children, Luke too attached to his sister and friends. He was confident he could get them both to serve him. Look where that got him.

Well in the classic and most worth reading EU books, a dark sider kills Luke instantly when he defies them (not really killed...long story in Courtship of Princess leia). Vader was very powerful and pretty much the ultimate henchman. The emperor didn't need him, but having some DSers on his side was pretty useful (why else would he have so many hands and other Dsers around him).


If vader were maimed it was a really good deal if he got or almost got luke. What does it matter to vader if he re-loses a body part?

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Firstly, hades, that's not what we're talking about. Secondly, how did boba kill so many jedi. Thirdly, your peccesimism, though well founded, is getting a little repetitive. Get some new evidence please. Your old evidence is good, but getting overused.


Also, the jedi investigator and jedi ace aren't that overpowered. Neither is the jedi healer or jedi instructor (whatever name). Nor jedi historian person (dunno how I forgot that).

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Different time frames there.


Obi-wan could not have won the fight against Vader on the Death Star.


Obi-wan could beat Ani yes. Vader is not the same person when speaking about power.


And the fight between Ani and Obi-wan is suppose to be 11 minutes or something like that. Obi-wan wins obviously but we don't by how much.


Obi-Wan was in one piece afterwards.


And how can you say with such confidence, that Obi-Wan would have lost? Sure he DID lose, distracting Vader from Luke. But had it been a fair fight... who knows what would happen?

Hayden said in an interview that the final duel "justifies nicely." Apparently they explain just how Obi-Wan is able to defeat him while maintaining the context of Anakin being the most powerful Force practitioner in the history of the galaxy.


We'll see.

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Different time frames there.


Obi-wan could not have won the fight against Vader on the Death Star.


Obi-wan could beat Ani yes. Vader is not the same person when speaking about power.


And the fight between Ani and Obi-wan is suppose to be 11 minutes or something like that. Obi-wan wins obviously but we don't by how much.


Obi-Wan was in one piece afterwards.


And how can you say with such confidence, that Obi-Wan would have lost? Sure he DID lose, distracting Vader from Luke. But had it been a fair fight... who knows what would happen?

Hayden said in an interview that the final duel "justifies nicely." Apparently they explain just how Obi-Wan is able to defeat him while maintaining the context of Anakin being the most powerful Force practitioner in the history of the galaxy.


We'll see.

Obi is old. Vader isn't that old. Doesn't that count for alot?

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