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  schlim said:
He must have been in a room full of teddy bears...  maybe they were hiding the drugs in the bears!


LMFAO :):)

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"




God only knows why RotJ was made the way it was. I suspect gargatuan proportions of hallucigenics and care bear reruns with just a hint of budgetary and cgi restrictions.


Endor was originally going to be Kashyyyk. The Ewoks were originally going to be Wookies enslaved by the Empire, to which Han and Chewie help make a revolt.


Then again, Luke and Vader were also originally going to duel before Palpatine's throne in his Couscant palace and not the (Cheapo couldn't come up with something else original so we reuse the superweapon from Ep4) Death Star part deux.


I weep to think of the movie Jedi could have been. :)


On Topic:


I hope the city world is Coruscant (My fave SW planet), I'd like to see at least 1 movie world in this game. I hope it's not Nar Shadaa, I hate that planet...


I liked KotOR's Korriban very much, while I hear it doesn't look like the comic's Korriban or JA's version which is said to be quite accurate, I'm actully glad it was different since I don't hold the comics or novels to be the final word on anything anyways. I only wished I could have visited more temples, ruins and great castle or palace-like Sith structures than just the Academy and tombs. If they put something like that I'd like it very much.

  Muad said:
God only knows why RotJ was made the way it was. I suspect gargatuan proportions of hallucigenics and care bear reruns with just a hint of budgetary and cgi restrictions.


Endor was originally going to be Kashyyyk. The Ewoks were originally going to be Wookies enslaved by the Empire, to which Han and Chewie help make a revolt.


Then again, Luke and Vader were also originally going to duel before Palpatine's throne in his Couscant palace and not the (Cheapo couldn't come up with something else original so we reuse the superweapon from Ep4) Death Star part deux.


I weep to think of the movie Jedi could have been. :)


I agree.


Just thinking about having the battle on Kasshyyk rather than Endor, and having a bunch of Wookiees fighting instead of Ewoks, plus the Coruscant thing just makes me more upset that he chose to go the way he did.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  Topaz Quasar said:
They reused the Kashyyyk idea for Revenge of the Sith.


Why do people hate George Lucas so much? He did create Star Wars..........


And he butchered that creation.


And yes, I know it's his right, since it's his creation, but that's why fans are against him now.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


I for one don't hate George, the man is like a friggin' god to me. Guess because I don't cherish the OT like a lot of other people. Any way I didn't read anything here but I would like to see Malastare, they have podracing there, very fast very dangerous.

  Jedi Master D Murda said:
I for one don't hate George, the man is like a friggin' god to me. Guess because I don't cherish the OT like a lot of other people. Any way I didn't read anything here but I would like to see Malastare, they have podracing there, very fast very dangerous.


Podracing hasn't been invented at the time of KOTOR2...


I think that KOTOR series should introduce new planets instead of showing us what we already know. That's why I'm so glad that devs invented Taris, Manaan and Telos. Ancient Star Wars must differ from what we've seen in the movies -this means different clothes, different jedi, different planets, different architecture.

To me showing Coruscant the same way as GL did in prequels is pathetic. So it's better to show something new that will become trademark of KOTOR - like Taris.

Maybe I'm too complicated, since most gamers don't care about realistic approach to the era. It wouldn't be much concern to me too, if not the fact that full of EU bugs KOTOR isn't just another video game that will be forgotten. It's popularity is huge and becouse of it - also twisted vision of the era. I imagine your reaction to these heresies, you non-sw amateurs, hyhy...


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

  jedipodo said:
  Akari said:
I'm not sure about new planets. But I do think that you've got just about all the planets figured out.  I was looking at a list in another post that theorized what the remaining unknown planets might be, and that list contained the rest of them... it contained some that were wrong too, of course.




So, then let us cross out two of them and it would have to be right... :)


  Fardragon said:
That makes 5 confermed worlds







So there are only 2 left with 4 reasonable candidates:


Nar Shadda (NAR, screenshots)

Haruun Kal (HAR)

Coruscant (the mention of the empty jedi temple)

Korriban (Revan disapeared there)



Akari has just said that we revisit a couple of planets from the first game. We know about Dantooine so I guess Korriban is the other.


I'm dubious about Haruun Kal, as I think that two jungle worlds would be too similar. HAR may refer to an off world location e.g. HARbour, or dificulty setting (HARd)


I think the evidence is stronger for Nar Shadda than Coruscant, and I doubt there will be two city worlds for the same reason as I doubt there will be two jungle worlds.


My final (for now) seven:







Nar Shadda

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

  Topaz Quasar said:
They reused the Kashyyyk idea for Revenge of the Sith.


Why do people hate George Lucas so much? He did create Star Wars..........


Oh I don't hate GL at all. Frankly I don't even hate the prequels like some people do. I also didn't hate the Special Edition versions of the OT nor the additions and changes in the DVD. As far as I'm concerned SW is GL's creation and he can modify it to his liking as he sees fit. However...


That doesn't mean that I liked every change done or that I wasn't hoping to see some things done better. RotJ should have been the most important of the SW movies since it's the end of the saga, the closing of the entire story. ANH and ESB promised and built up what should have been the Return of the King for the SW Trilogy. Then we go from the outstanding premise of a Wookie slave revolt to jungle raised care bears defeating a legion of the Empire's best. Instead of Luke and Vader in a climatic duel in the very heart of the Empire, Palpatine's throne room in Coruscant, we go to the anticlimatic reuse of the same threat from Ep4. Though that singing number was just completely uncalled for, but since I fairly dislike the movie pre-changes anyway it wasn't much more of an annoyance than before. I feel that RotJ never came close to delivering, especially for the close of the entire story and learning of how the movie originally was going to be like.


Back on topic:


I don't mind seeing new planets at all or that there are more new planets than old. But I would still like to see some of the original planets as well, gives me a sense of continuity and a link to the movies. Now since Coruscant is my fave and to my knowledge there have been only 4 interpretations of it in a game before (Shadows of the Empire where I saw the planet for the very first time, Episode 1 game which kinda sucked, Jedi Power Battles see Ep1 game review and Jedi Academy which looked nothing like Coruscant and if you blink you miss the map anyway) that would be the original planet I'd most like to see, especially since so little of it has been seen in the movies anyways, just the Senate, Jedi Temple and some misc areas.


Nur about your realistic approach to the era, since the games are based on the interpretations of the EU, the Old Republic has existed for 25K years instead of the movie's 1k and as such even the old tech in this era is still hugely advanced with blasters and droids and such. However, I was disappointed KotOR didn't present the Jedi as I've seen them in sketches of the era with knight-like armors, that I was so hoping for. Also the Jedi of this era had their sabers connected to a battery pack of sorts, though I don't really care for this to have been put in...maybe as your training saber. :lol:


God I hope you're wrong Fardragon about Nar Shadaa, I'd rather have a brand new city world than that place. Oh well I guess I'll find out in February lol.


The Old Republic existed for 25000 years in movies too. Obi-Wan said in ANH that jedi served Republic for 1000 generations so it would be about 25000 years. Palpatine intentionally said this 1000 bug - but he's a deceptive sith, don't trust him...


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


Nur it was stated very clearly that there hadn't been a full scale war for a thousand years since the formation of the Republic both by Palpatine and by Amidala's Naboo advisor in Ep1. The Old Repblic is 1k years old in the movies.


I'm certain the Jedi predate the Republic itself, they were probably protecting the galaxy way before the Republic existed in whatever forms of governenment came before.


Sio Bibble comes from backwater planet. He probably doesn't know galactic history well :blink:


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.


LOL yeah, one lies the other is a senile yokal, good explanations.


Of course Ben wasn't at that age in Ep4 himself now was he...he also claimed Yoda trained him, we now know that wasn't exactly true now was it. :blink:


Nur it was stated very clearly that there hadn't been a full scale war for a thousand years since the formation of the Republic both by Palpatine and by Amidala's Naboo advisor in Ep1. The Old Repblic is 1k years old in the movies.


Not that I'm trying to say Knights fits with the rest of the EU but a possible explination for this.


Battle of Ruusan

this struggle took place roughly 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, during the latter stages of the Great Sith War. It was a prime example of the Old Republic's ability to pacify a recalcitrant group which disregarded the Republic's authority. In a series of seven titantic battles, the Jedi Knights - led by Lord Hoth and the Army of Light - defeated Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness five times. The Sith forces were decimated, and Lord Kaan and his followers created a thought bomb as a last-ditch effort to destroy the Jedi. In the resulting explosion, every single warrior on Ruusan was obliterated except one. That lone survivor was the Sith Lord, Darth Bane.


Ruusan Reformation

this was the name given to the point in galactic history, a thousand years before the onset of the Clone Wars, when the Republic Measures and Standards Bureau reset the galactic calendar. The outcome of the Reformation produced one of the most accurate depictions of galactic time known to the Old Republic


The Republic of Pal's time took place after the reformation of the Calander. Meaning to Pal,his Republic was a 1,000 years old.

  SilverSun said:
Nur it was stated very clearly that there hadn't been a full scale war for a thousand years since the formation of the Republic both by Palpatine and by Amidala's Naboo advisor in Ep1. The Old Repblic is 1k years old in the movies.


Not that I'm trying to say Knights fits with the rest of the EU but a possible explination for this.


Battle of Ruusan   

this struggle took place roughly 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, during the latter stages of the Great Sith War. It was a prime example of the Old Republic's ability to pacify a recalcitrant group which disregarded the Republic's authority. In a series of seven titantic battles, the Jedi Knights - led by Lord Hoth and the Army of Light - defeated Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness five times. The Sith forces were decimated, and Lord Kaan and his followers created a thought bomb as a last-ditch effort to destroy the Jedi. In the resulting explosion, every single warrior on Ruusan was obliterated except one. That lone survivor was the Sith Lord, Darth Bane.


Ruusan Reformation   

this was the name given to the point in galactic history, a thousand years before the onset of the Clone Wars, when the Republic Measures and Standards Bureau reset the galactic calendar. The outcome of the Reformation produced one of the most accurate depictions of galactic time known to the Old Republic


The Republic of Pal's time took place after the reformation of the Calander. Meaning to Pal,his Republic was a 1,000 years old.


Sorry, but this is total nonesense. Changing a calendar doesn't change any time spans!

My guess is, that Palpatine talked about 1000 years of "stable" Republic government.

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he


It's not about changing time spans as much as it is about thinking in terms of "generations" so to speak. BC and AD for example. It's way of explaining different sections of history. It doesn't change how old the earth actually is,it just breaks it up into a time frame.


Did the same sort of thing here. The reset of the calander basically set a new start point from a historic stand point.


So it's possible that Pal considered his Republic,that being the current form of the Republic,to be a 1,000 years old.


Sorry if this was already posted...


I havn't seen any screens and have nothing other than thoughts on it so no proof, but... are they going to have us going back to the Rakatan 'unknown' world?


It could be kind of cool, but I would like something new

Yeah, if I want to see the same planets that are in the movies, I'll pick up Jedi Academy. Give me new.

I'd like to see coreilla in the game, I mean so many of the galaxies badasses are from there.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

  Adria Teksuni said:
Yeah, if I want to see the same planets that are in the movies, I'll pick up Jedi Academy.  Give me new.


I gotta agree with Adria on this one.


Although there are some existing planets I'd like to see, I think it'd make the game more "original" if it had all new planets.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  Laozi said:
I'd like to see coreilla in the game, I mean so many of the galaxies badasses are from there.


You mean half-legendary Lord Nyax?


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

  schlim said:
Sorry if this was already posted...


I havn't seen any screens and have nothing other than thoughts on it so no proof, but... are they going to have us going back to the Rakatan 'unknown' world?


It could be kind of cool,  but I would like something new

Yeah, if I want to see the same planets that are in the movies, I'll pick up Jedi Academy. Give me new.


There could be more story material on the unknown world (maybe we should call it Rakatia?), but Akari seemed to think that all the worlds had already been mentioned in this thread and I think you are the first to mention this one.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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