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KOTOR II Force Powers

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New force power, FORCE JIVE!!!




So nobody likes to Jive?


Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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Isn't Force Jive where you'd open your hands and they flash like a disco ball, and your party and the party you are fighting all start to dance while I will survive plays from no where?




Be kind of like that old M.Jackson game for sega where he could make all the bad guys on the screen dance. Even the dogs...

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Hmm maybe ol M.J. himself will make a cameo when you use Force Jive. He'll just moon walk inbetween both parties while they dance and steal T3, who you will have to save before M.J. can get him back to Neverland and fondle poor T3 forever making him useless. *shivers* :)

Well you know what they say. If you want to save the world, you have to push a few old ladies down the stairs.

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Be kind of like that old M.Jackson game for sega where he could make all the bad guys on the screen dance. Even the dogs...

They couldn't have made that game stranger if they tried... Collecting a monkey turns Michael Jackson into a killer robot? Were the devs on drugs?

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Well, I would like to see more usage of Force Jump. It isn't exclusively a fighting power.

You mean like an "event" use? (e.g. near chasm, use Force Jump to jump)

Well, that is one option. You should be able to simply "jump" whenever you like, not just towards enemies.




Oh, look! A window in the parapet of that Sith Temple




Oh, look! Now I've jumped into the Sith Temple.

"You shall not pass!"
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Well, I would like to see more usage of Force Jump. It isn't exclusively a fighting power.

You mean like an "event" use? (e.g. near chasm, use Force Jump to jump)

Well, that is one option. You should be able to simply "jump" whenever you like, not just towards enemies.




Oh, look! A window in the parapet of that Sith Temple




Oh, look! Now I've jumped into the Sith Temple.

What about your non-Force Jump using party members? Maybe you can lower a rope once you jump up there?

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What about your non-Force Jump using party members? Maybe you can lower a rope once you jump up there?

May i offer a much simpler solution, my dear Indalecio?




And Atton Rand and Mira are up on the platform with you!



"You shall not pass!"
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What about your non-Force Jump using party members?  Maybe you can lower a rope once you jump up there?

May i offer a much simpler solution, my dear Indalecio?




And Atton Rand and Mira are up on the platform with you!



Sounds good.

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New updated powers list:


Battle Meditation: Bastila's special mind-affecting power. Enemies are frightened and fight poorly, allies are encouraged and fight with precision.


Force Crush: Dark Side Power. Used for crushing opponents after lifting them off the ground.


Force Rage: Another stat-modifying power, this time a dark side one.


Force Sight: Lets you see through walls and see force alignment of NPCs, via auras: blue for good, red for evil, and gray for neutral.


Force Clairvoyance: Lets you see the future in the game (ie. farther ahead in the level).


Force Confusion: Allows you to turn weak-minded enemies against each other in combat.


Master Fury: Yet another Dark Side stat-modifying power.


Force Scream: Terrifying sonic attack that kills or injures nearby enemies.

"You shall not pass!"
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