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KOTOR II Characters

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I find that unlikely, remember his pledge? Wherever Revan is, Canderous is probably with him/her.


Unless Revan sent him out on some mission before he disappeared. Perhaps, assuming that he's in hiding at the current situation, he ordered Canderous out on some mission or told him to lie low somewhere until he was again contacted by Revan. That could be a potiental reason for Canderous to join the new main chara; it's waaaay past the date of when Revan was supposed to contact him, so Canderous joins the main chara in order to find out what has happened to Revan.

Sounds plausible.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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In fact, I should think that most of the original crew would be with Revan, Carth excluded.


Bastila is in love with him, Canderous follows Revan because Revan defeated the Mandalorians, Zaalbar has a life debt, Mission follows Zaalbar, T3 and HK are Revan's property, Juhani is loyal to Revan because he saved her, Jolee is curious where Revan's destiny will lead.

"You shall not pass!"
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In fact, I should think that most of the original crew would be with Revan, Carth excluded.


Bastila is in love with him, Canderous follows Revan because Revan defeated the Mandalorians, Zaalbar has a life debt, Mission follows Zaalbar, T3 and HK are Revan's property, Juhani is loyal to Revan because he saved her, Jolee is curious where Revan's destiny will lead.

What if Juhani, Jolee, and Mission are dead? :)


Besides...........T3 is on Peragus when you start. :)

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In fact, I should think that most of the original crew would be with Revan, Carth excluded.


Bastila is in love with him, Canderous follows Revan because Revan defeated the Mandalorians, Zaalbar has a life debt, Mission follows Zaalbar, T3 and HK are Revan's property, Juhani is loyal to Revan because he saved her, Jolee is curious where Revan's destiny will lead.

What if Juhani, Jolee, and Mission are dead? :)


Besides...........T3 is on Peragus when you start. :p

I think he means if you start the game using the LS ending. On the DS ending they better be dead. I doubt however Revan would have wanted everyone to follow him to the outer rim lightside or not. Would be kinda funny though.


Revan: Come on gang lets load up the mystery van, we're off to solve another caper in the outer rim.



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I doubt however Revan would have wanted everyone to follow him to the outer rim lightside or not. Would be kinda funny though.


Revan: Come on gang lets load up the mystery van, we're off to solve another caper in the outer rim.

:p LMAO!


Main KotOR II antagonist: "I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you pesky kids and that droid!"

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I doubt however Revan would have wanted everyone to follow him to the outer rim lightside or not. Would be kinda funny though.


Revan: Come on gang lets load up the mystery van, we're off to solve another caper in the outer rim.

:p LMAO!


Main KotOR II antagonist: "I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you pesky kids and that droid!"

Aye, but who would have the munchies?


I'm guessing Jolee and HK... :p

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I was just expressing how stupid they are, saying such lies! :lol: IM ON YOUR SIDE MR. GANDALF! :lol::lol::lol:

I know it well, monsieur le Prodigal Knight! I know it well.


I was merely spouting off some John Cleese-style sledgehammer conversation.


(Anybody seen Fawlty Towers?)



Darth Sion forever...



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I realise that my post is incredibly off-topic and might have been adressed some time in the forums, but what is obsidian going to do about pure black/white lightsabers?

well, it's been mentioned that there will be additional lightsaber colors. i'd like to see black and white, but there's been no official mention of that yet.

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I realise that my post is incredibly off-topic and might have been adressed some time in the forums, but what is obsidian going to do about pure black/white lightsabers?

well, it's been mentioned that there will be additional lightsaber colors. i'd like to see black and white, but there's been no official mention of that yet.

Same, i'm frankly getting tired of the red and rarely purple lightsabers used by sith.

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I realise that my post is incredibly off-topic and might have been adressed some time in the forums, but what is obsidian going to do about pure black/white lightsabers?

well, it's been mentioned that there will be additional lightsaber colors. i'd like to see black and white, but there's been no official mention of that yet.

Same, i'm frankly getting tired of the red and rarely purple lightsabers used by sith.

They said there will be new colors in PC Gamer they said they saw a silver one and darker and lighter variations of the purple,orange,yellow,red,green, and blue sabers. No mention of black and white though. :(

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