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Patch v1. is Live

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Keep background audio running after window loses focus. Could this still be added? Please? Pillars is such a chill game to run when other things are open alongside.

Please Obsidian!🤩 (There's no emoji with stars for ears so that one has to do)

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That is what I hate most about Battle Brothers: that the music keeps on going even if the game is in the background.

If it would be an option (in the game options menu or so): sure, why not?

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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On 1/26/2024 at 1:17 PM, davoker said:

Separate issue, this is more of a request and I would understand if it's complicated to carry out. This request concerns the "NPC Backers" that we can see in the game. Have you ever stopped to search on Google "Pillars of Eternity NPC backers"? You'll notice that many people complain about "seeing these NPCs everywhere," and there are several valid reasons for these complaints:

1 - The Godlike race: According to the game's lore, this race is supposed to be extremely rare to see. There are few NPCs in the game who are of this race, one being a companion. However, the NPC Backers have made this no longer make sense because many backers chose the Godlike race for their NPCs. The consequence? The entire game is filled with Godlikes everywhere when supposedly it's a very rare race to see in its lore.

2 - The stories of the NPC backers take you out of context. There are stories that literally describe Marvel or DC superheroes, and many others don't fit with the game's lore.

3 - There are people who "don't know what NPC backers are." The consequence? Those people "read everything about all the NPCs." The second consequence? They get lost in the narrative thread, not knowing if what they're reading is part of the game's story. As a result, they get lost, overwhelmed, and frustrated (when you tell them that those NPCs aren't actually part of the game, that their stories have nothing to do with it, they feel relieved and return to the game with enthusiasm (Relieved not to have to read something that was only confusing them.), poors...)

What's my request? A button in the game options to "disable NPC backers," which would replace the NPC backers with generic NPCs when that option is activated. This solves the problem. As I mentioned, if you look on Google, many people complain about the NPC backers, even many backers complain about them, which is quite ironic xD

If this is possible, thank you, if not, well, no worries, we'll continue to ignore and/or kill backers, some of them have good loot xD


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On 2/3/2024 at 7:27 AM, Boeroer said:

That is what I hate most about Battle Brothers: that the music keeps on going even if the game is in the background.

If it would be an option (in the game options menu or so): sure, why not?

I wholeheartedly agree, I sincerely hope they add it although it's probably more involved than a few bug fixes. BG3 has it, Pathfinder: Kingmaker has it (I think), D : OS2 has it, and I think Deadfire has it too? I do know that it's possible to mod it in sometimes (someone did for BG2), but I have no idea how to do even that. Fingers crossed. To get a patch after all this time, it's kind of making me hopeful for a PoE 3.

Edited by Mrs Cake
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  • cstanick changed the title to Patch 3.4.1356 in Public Beta

They have updated the beta patch, you already get the sponsor reward, even with already created characters, not just new ones, and some more fixes they have put in, none of them are what I expected, but at least they keep working, that's good and it is appreciated.

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12 hours ago, davoker said:

They have updated the beta patch, you already get the sponsor reward, even with already created characters, not just new ones, and some more fixes they have put in, none of them are what I expected, but at least they keep working, that's good and it is appreciated.

Good, i will try it after work. Wonder if the blurred fonts are still there...

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On 2/8/2024 at 6:46 AM, Menthur said:

Anyone knows when the patch will be released?

I would imagine that the the patch is taking such a long time due to how many people may be working on it. Given that Obsidian does have other projects going on at the moment, which would have most of their staff allocated to said projects, it could feasibly be this month or perhaps in March. Either way, I'm certainly excited for it!

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Remembered a bug I encountered in the game, as detailed by another poster here.

The universal talent Veteran's Recovery will eventually be better than the fighter's own Constant Recovery due to a scaling oversight.

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Wow, I didn't know that bug, there are so many bugs that have remained that we should make a list and send it to Obsidian, so they can fix the ones they can or want to fix, I'll settle for them fixing the most serious bugs 😅

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another thought crossed my mind the other day. During the Siege of Crägholdt side quest in The White March - Part 1 expansion, if the player's party manages to sneak completely undetected through Crägholdt Bluffs, we'll meet Commander Baelorin. He's the leader of the Torn Bannermen. If we sneak through the camp undetected, and without killing a single one of his men, Baelorin and his dialogue act like we killed our way through the camp when we didn't. Is this something that can be addressed? Just more food for thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/20/2024 at 8:29 PM, TheManager00 said:

Another thought crossed my mind the other day. During the Siege of Crägholdt side quest in The White March - Part 1 expansion, if the player's party manages to sneak completely undetected through Crägholdt Bluffs, we'll meet Commander Baelorin. He's the leader of the Torn Bannermen. If we sneak through the camp undetected, and without killing a single one of his men, Baelorin and his dialogue act like we killed our way through the camp when we didn't. Is this something that can be addressed? Just more food for thought.

I guess he is made to be hostile and will directly think that you have attacked his people to get to him, so he will have scripted it, I guess.

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I've been a silent but attentive user of this game's community and it's surprising that this game is going to get another patch after so long.  I'll defer to all the other, far more active members for the items to be considered for the patch.  If I could suggest one item that hasn't been mentioned in this thread it would be to fix the constant pausing/freezing of the game during character generation/level up/retrain screens.  After clicking enough buttons the UI will slow down until it freezes for 10-20 seconds.  Task Manager reports that the application is not responding.  This is an issue that has been reported by many other individuals, both in this community and over on Steam and none of the suggested fixes address the problem.  To reproduce the issue you just need to cycle through the different skill points (up/down) available talents or, during character generation, different hair/head or color options.  Invariably, after enough clicks the UI slows down until it freezes.  It's very frustrating and has on many occasions thrown cold water on my desire to play the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since you're releasing a patch a decade after the fact, please tell me you'll use the opportunity to fix those missing and wrong BESTIARY entries for several creatures (particularly annoying in the White March with the creature variants and some bosses).

I mean, it's not even coding, no real time or effort required, just correcting a few Excel-like text table entries, and the effect is actually more noticeable in the enjoyment of the game than some of those super-rare bugs most people never encountered.

Thanks for considering. :)

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Of course, let's fix irrelevant bugs and bugs for casual players and forget the serious bugs that "any player who spends time with this game has encountered in all his games", all very logical, why fix run cipher talent that turns 80% of the enemies into dummies, why fix items that don't give the skills they are supposed to give, why... bother to say more :S

Edited by davoker
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Are there any hopes that you would tackle Deadfire as well, at least a little?

The consumables/potion bug is still super frustrating to deal with. Probably the most annoying/disruptive bug in the game as of right now.



Consumable usage: at some point along the way from 4.0 to 5.0, using potions and drugs in-combat got really flaky. If you have auto-attack enabled or AI script on, the game will frequently "forget" that you told a party member to use a potion or drug and will either replace your potion/drug consumption with an attack or glitch out and put you through the consumption animation _without actually using the potion/drug._ If you are into using these items, there are only two real fixes:

1. temporarily but completely _disable AI_ for that party member while telling them to drink; wait to hear the tell-tale sound of the potion/drug being used before turning AI back on.
2. alternatively, set the party member to "Passive" in their AI settings. This might be a more general solution since they won't interrupt their potion drinking at all, and will continue to use AI scripts and auto-attack, the only difference being that you have to _actively_ tell them to initiate combat at start or resume combat after telling them to stop an action.
3. "Defend Self" also works to a degree for a party member. They will still abandon their consumable usage if an enemy attacks them, but it is much less likely than Defensive or Aggressive where the AI will continuously abandon potion usage in favor of auto attack or scripts.

There was a lot of reports on this throughout the years.





Otherwise, rather shocked to see you come back to the game after so many years. Could it mean that while Pillars 3 is in concept/pre-production, and you've put a technical part of the team on this? haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've recently decided to revisit PoE and this patch is great news... except I own the game on GOG.

Is there any estimate of when it could leave beta and be added to GOG?

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On 4/11/2024 at 3:53 PM, Reeb said:

I've recently decided to revisit PoE and this patch is great news... except I own the game on GOG.

Is there any estimate of when it could leave beta and be added to GOG?

Hi there! Honestly, I don't think there is a way for us to know when the patch will leave its beta phase. If I had to make an educated guess, I would say that Obsidian would release the patch on GOG and Steam at around the same time. Given the patch notes/patch history for previous versions of the game on both platforms, the timeframe seems congruent for a multi-platform launch.

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Hi folks, sorry for the delayed response, we've been heads down working on the deployment of this patch.

We're anticipating to release in the coming weeks, we're just locking in deployment on the various platforms now. Currently we are targeting Steam, Game Pass, GOG, and Epic Store for PC. We've also been working on Mac and Linux builds, which we're hoping to push in a separate patch along with more continued improvements and bug fixes.

Thank you all for your patience and support.


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30 minutes ago, NCarver said:

Hi folks, sorry for the delayed response, we've been heads down working on the deployment of this patch.

We're anticipating to release in the coming weeks, we're just locking in deployment on the various platforms now. Currently we are targeting Steam, Game Pass, GOG, and Epic Store for PC. We've also been working on Mac and Linux builds, which we're hoping to push in a separate patch along with more continued improvements and bug fixes.

Thank you all for your patience and support.


Well done on the hard work and thank you for the response. I speak for myself when I say I'm stoked for the update!

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On 1/9/2024 at 9:24 PM, NCarver said:


To anyone having difficulties finding the public beta, our apologies for not specifying - the beta branch does not yet support Mac/Linux, this is something we're investigating. Sorry for the confusion, I'll keep you posted if we make progress on this front.

Also, for comments on One-Eyed Molina's Gold-Fingered Spike-Flinger and other Deadfire pack soulbound weapon groups, I'll make sure we correct that for the next build of this patch. Thanks for the support on this one.

For answers to other questions, see below!

  • @Mraicor
    • One trap per character and/or trap talents. This is a little outside the scope for this patch, but there's definitely a community desire for better trap archetype support and it's not outside of possibility for a future patch. I'll track this and put it to consideration. Thanks for calling attention to it!
    • I'll also make sure each of the other issues you reported are tracked and investigated as well (Korgrak, The Old Watcher, Deadfire items (mentioned above)). Thanks for the support!
  • @Kvellen
    • Output logs should exist at - [Your LocalDrive]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log
  • @Space-Cadet
    • No PC controller support at this time. Though, if the opportunity presents itself, it's something I'd like to investigate in the future.
  • @DicesMuse
    • This patch is focused on PC at this time.
  • @Macklin
    • I'll have to investigate the missing commentary tracks, if we have access to them we may be able to restore them in the future. Thanks for calling attention to the issue.
  • @beger
    • Thank you for the support. We've tracked the text size discrepancy and will investigate.
  • @Cerebro83
    • We've tracked the VFX issue with the Cinders of Fate quest, thanks for your support!
  • @VerNOX
    • We would like to investigate all mods that provide fixes to known issues of the game to ideally incorporate them. Though please bear with us as we work to catch them all. In the meantime, you may wish to use mods for any we have yet to address. Also, thank you for reporting the high-resolution sharpness issue, I'll make sure we investigate this as well.
  • @kronozord
    • The public beta is on Steam only, but when the patch goes live Epic & GoG is expected to be included in the update. Also, this patch has no relation to Avowed, we simply love all of our games and the fans that play them and have an opportunity to make some improvements for everyone involved. :)
  • @sirrus233
    • I'll put the suggestion for the original title screen in our database, it would be nice to see again.
  • @Mister_Nobody
    • We'll need to investigate this issue further; do you happen to have a save game you could provide to our support team? If so, we might be able to track down the root cause more easily. If not, we'll do our best to reproduce it on our end with the info you provided. Either way, thanks for letting us know!
  • @Silvaren
    • Thanks for reporting the athletics issue, I'll make sure it's tracked and investigated.
  • @Nightwing32
    • I'll get the lack of mercy option tracked and investigated. Thanks!
  • @davoker
    • I'll make sure we investigate these issues, especially Psychic and Brutal Backlash. Thanks!
  • @Chaospread
    • I mentioned One-Eyed Molina above, but thanks for also reporting the inconsistency with Korgrak as well. I'll make sure this is tracked. Thanks!
  • @warralek
    • We plan to give the patch a healthy runway to make sure there are no big issues from the engine upgrade, during this time we may update the build version on the public beta once or twice before going live. There's no set timeline for how long that will be, but if we don't see many new issues, or we've resolved most of them, we'll wrap it up and investigate other issues.


Thanks everyone for your participation in this beta, your feedback, and your dedication to the game. ❤️


Is there stuff in this patch for the game engine that will transfer to PoE II as well?
Thanks for your work!

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