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How is it possible that after 2 years from the release, POE2 still has such bad technical performances? Is this a joke? Long load times of 30 seconds every time you enter and leave some building even installing the game on SSD, low fps in the city, constant freezes every ten seconds, some BUGS, and all this on a 2D game? In all this time, hasn't Obisidian fixed the game with a patch? Did you only worry about making 3 DLC to get more money from customers? I have tried all the guides and fixes described both on this forum and on that of Steam, but nothing seems to solve the problems, despite the fact that I have a fairly good PC. (Cpu I7-7700, Gpu Gtx 2060, 16Gb Ram) I would like to know if there is anything else that can be done to play POE2, because at present it is unplayable for me.

Edited by experience01
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Given that I did not suffer from any of the problems you describe (apart from the fairly long loading times upon first entering an area), it looks like there is something in your system that is bothering you game.

Edited by xzar_monty
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1 minute ago, xzar_monty said:

Given that I did not suffer from any of the problems you describe (apart from the fairly long loading times upon first entering an area), it looks like there is something in your system that is bothering you game.

Sure.  With my pc I have just finished playing Metro Exodus without any problem, and now it is not able to run a 2D game. There are thousands of posts in the various forums that describe my own problem, do we all have problems with our PCs?

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I don't know. Your aggressive tone, however, does not help you, nor does it encourage anyone to help you.

And really, "thousands"? Without checking, I am inclined to be absolutely certain that you are wrong. Please show me the link to 50 posts that describe your problem. That's a start, but you're still at least 1950 (that's something like 97.5%) short from what you are claiming.

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It is only a faux 2D game. It's actually 3D objects on a flat canvas.

Besides that: no problems on my system: Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz × 8,  GeForce GTX 1080 and an SSD, 32GB RAM, Ubuntu 18.04

Maybe you have some stuff installed that's interfering with Unity3D/Dedfire but not Metro Exodus or whatever.

Keep in mind that Unity3D is not famous for its performance in the frist place and that this is a rel. small budgeted game compared to AAA stuff. So naturally it can't be optimized as well. 

Still the game runs fine enough for me.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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If it can be any help, I had trouble with antiviruses trying to mess with the loading time / Access to saved games.

Leaving the game out of their dirty hands improved my experience in a significant manner.

EDIT : good synchro

Edited by Elric Galad
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1 hour ago, xzar_monty said:

Non lo so. Il tuo tono aggressivo, tuttavia, non ti aiuta, né incoraggia nessuno ad aiutarti.

E davvero "migliaia"? Senza controllare, sono propenso ad essere assolutamente certo che ti sbagli. Mostrami il link a 50 post che descrivono il tuo problema. È un inizio, ma sei ancora almeno 1950 (che è qualcosa come il 97,5%) a corto di ciò che stai rivendicando.

It doesn't seem to me that my tone is so aggressive, and anyway if this impression has passed, I apologize. I am embittered because I can't fully enjoy the game, I played POE 1 without any problems, and I would like to fully enjoy POE2 which I find even better than the first one. But don't tell me I'm the only one who has stuttering and low fps in the game, even in this forum there are many requests for help for the same problem. Also, I don't have any active antivirus, I only have windows defender and nothing else.


however without controversy I add some links that propose my own problem:









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A thing that seems to slow down the game for me is when I carry a ton of equipment around in the stash. Once I sell all that stuff certain aspects of the game run more smoothly (e.g. I experience lags when Iooting dead bodies if my stash is very loaded). 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I don't have 30 second load times on my entry-level SSD, I don't think I had those on an old HDD two years ago even, which is curious, but may be a thing depending on the setup (my computer in terms of hardware is pretty below average in general). That said, I think it's a bad decision to have no on/off toggle for auto-saves, as on every scene transition that auto-save is applied. In City hubs and similar that really adds up, as there are a lot of transitions going from one place to the next, even though the game is much smarter programmed in that sense than the first game in general.

The first thing I did on Pathfinder Kingmaker was turning auto-save off. Plus, is or wasn't  there something about performance scaling on higher end CPUs? There's still a big thread on Steam. https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/2572002906843374108/

Edited by Sven_
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28 minutes ago, Sven_ said:

I don't have 30 second load times on my entry-level SSD, I don't think I had those on an old HDD two years ago even, which is curious, but may be a thing depending on the setup (my computer in terms of hardware is pretty below average in general). That said, I think it's a bad decision to have no on/off toggle for auto-saves, as on every scene transition that auto-save is applied. In City hubs and similar that really adds up, as there are a lot of transitions going from one place to the next, even though the game is much smarter programmed in that sense than the first game in general.

The first thing I did on Pathfinder Kingmaker was turning auto-save off. Plus, is or wasn't  there something about performance scaling on higher end CPUs? There's still a big thread on Steam. https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/2572002906843374108/

It's not exactly 30 seconds, it's not like I counted them. But being POE2 a type of game where you have to continuously enter and leave houses, taverns, dungeons, wait a long time each time, it kills the rhythm. I formatted the computer this morning and the fps seem to be going a little better by removing the rain, especially in Neketaka, where I have around 50fps. What I can't solve is sporadic stuttering throughout the game.

The solution you recommended, "Special K", I have already tried, but it has not produced any results for me.

Now through bios, i will disable hyper threading, and let's see what results i will get.

Edited by experience01
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6 hours ago, experience01 said:

It's not exactly 30 seconds, it's not like I counted them. But being POE2 a type of game where you have to continuously enter and leave houses, taverns, dungeons, wait a long time each time, it kills the rhythm. I formatted the computer this morning and the fps seem to be going a little better by removing the rain, especially in Neketaka, where I have around 50fps. What I can't solve is sporadic stuttering throughout the game.

The solution you recommended, "Special K", I have already tried, but it has not produced any results for me.

Now through bios, i will disable hyper threading, and let's see what results i will get.

I know what you mean. Yes the game does slow down sometimes for me. It isn't that noticeable though. Yes, the load times on anything other than an SSD are a bit much , this is the same problem with Battletech, Pathfinder Kingmaker and I believe every other Unity game out there. It's a "feature" of the unity engine apparently. 

One thing, do you have the Unity game console mod running? That slows the game down tremendously and needs to be turned off with Ctrl F8 if you aren't using it. One funny thing I have found in Queen's Berth for example is when the game was chugging at about 30fps for no reason, if I changed the Tactical Combat mode to Turn Based amazingly the framerates jumped up (setTacticalMode RoundBased, Disabled to disable afterward). So there was definitely something going on with calculations in the background as there was a fight coming up, maybe I was in stealth I can't recall. 

Also remember there are memory leaks. So you may just have to restart after some time playing. 

So yeah, it isn't totally rock solid and smooth, but aside from the Unity Console, it's been manageable and you can get it to run well. 

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11 hours ago, Boeroer said:

Keep in mind that Unity3D is not famous for its performance in the frist place

Yep. All Unity games struggle with load times. This isn't a POE2 issue and the passage of time won't resolve it (unless they remaster the game using some future version of Unity that doesn't have this issue).

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27 minutes ago, Gel214th said:

I know what you mean. Yes the game does slow down sometimes for me. It isn't that noticeable though. Yes, the load times on anything other than an SSD are a bit much , this is the same problem with Battletech, Pathfinder Kingmaker and I believe every other Unity game out there. It's a "feature" of the unity engine apparently. 

One thing, do you have the Unity game console mod running? That slows the game down tremendously and needs to be turned off with Ctrl F8 if you aren't using it. One funny thing I have found in Queen's Berth for example is when the game was chugging at about 30fps for no reason, if I changed the Tactical Combat mode to Turn Based amazingly the framerates jumped up (setTacticalMode RoundBased, Disabled to disable afterward). So there was definitely something going on with calculations in the background as there was a fight coming up, maybe I was in stealth I can't recall. 

Also remember there are memory leaks. So you may just have to restart after some time playing. 

So yeah, it isn't totally rock solid and smooth, but aside from the Unity Console, it's been manageable and you can get it to run well. 

Thanks for the advice, I was not aware of disabling the mod running console, tomorrow I will try and update the topic. I also deactivated hyper threading and so far I managed to get 80 fps with few stuttering by deactivating ambient occlusion and with vsynch deactivated and in gsynch mode, but I have not yet arrived in Neketaka, because in formatting the PC, I forgot to make a backup of the save ( I'm an idiot). 😅

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2 hours ago, experience01 said:

Thanks for the advice, I was not aware of disabling the mod running console, tomorrow I will try and update the topic. I also deactivated hyper threading and so far I managed to get 80 fps with few stuttering by deactivating ambient occlusion and with vsynch deactivated and in gsynch mode, but I have not yet arrived in Neketaka, because in formatting the PC, I forgot to make a backup of the save ( I'm an idiot). 😅

If you had the console mod running then that was your major problem. When you aren't using it, make sure to press Ctrl-F8 to turn it off. It has helped my gameplay tremendously, but it is buggy and a major resource hog. 

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Also, delete your old save files. That has helped me.  Another solution is to buy a new PC! I  was playing on an MSI laptop with Nvida, and I decided to switch to AMD graphics cards. It is still less than ideal performance, but much better than before. 

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11 hours ago, Gel214th said:

If you had the console mod running then that was your major problem. When you aren't using it, make sure to press Ctrl-F8 to turn it off. It has helped my gameplay tremendously, but it is buggy and a major resource hog. 


I have tried disabling console mod running, but the combination of CTRL and F8 doesn't seem to work. In my case, pressing CTRL / F8 activates fast loading.

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2 minutes ago, experience01 said:


I have tried disabling console mod running, but the combination of CTRL and F8 doesn't seem to work. In my case, pressing CTRL / F8 activates fast loading.

That's odd, I thought that was the default. 



You're saying that your Unity Console screen does not look like this when you press Reveal? Check the settings or documentation or something . What you need to do is HIDE the console so it no longer appears in the top right at all. You reactivate with the same Hotkey combination. 

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30 minutes ago, Gel214th said:

That's odd, I thought that was the default. 



You're saying that your Unity Console screen does not look like this when you press Reveal? Check the settings or documentation or something . What you need to do is HIDE the console so it no longer appears in the top right at all. You reactivate with the same Hotkey combination. 

what would "Reveal"? I have never seen this

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2 minutes ago, experience01 said:

what would "Reveal"? I have never seen this

Well then I don't know what version of the Unity Mod you have installed if you don't have a menu on your screen that overlays your user interface in the way I've shown. At any rate, this mod is likely your problem. I have found a way to get the vast benefits of it , including respecing and theorycrafting, while managing the performance hits. If it's not the same with your version, try updating, reading up on the Nexus Mods page or something. Not sure why yours would be different. 

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6 minutes ago, Gel214th said:

Bene, allora non so quale versione di Unity Mod hai installato se non hai un menu sullo schermo che si sovrappone all'interfaccia utente come ho mostrato. In ogni caso, questa mod è probabilmente il tuo problema. Ho trovato il modo di trarne enormi vantaggi, tra cui il rispetto e la teoria, mentre gestivo i successi delle prestazioni. Se non è lo stesso con la tua versione, prova ad aggiornare, a leggere sulla pagina Mod di Nexus o qualcosa del genere. Non sono sicuro del perché il tuo sarebbe diverso. 

But I don't think I have it all. I play with the vanilla game, I haven't installed any mods. In any case, I arrived in Neketaka, and things seem to be going much better. My FPS range between 50/60 and stuttering seems reduced to a minimum. At this point I have to infer that Hyper Threading to deteriorate performance.


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Guest Ontarah

A consistent problem I have with Obsidian games is that they cook my CPU.  From what I can tell, it's because they put all their pressure on one core while mostly ignoring the others and the GPU.  POE1 and Deadfire both did this and even NWN2 when I went back to it does this.

My machine has never had problems with this on any other games.  I can deal with some lag and some longish load times, but I really, really wish they would do something about the awful overheating thing.    

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38 minutes ago, Ontarah said:

A consistent problem I have with Obsidian games is that they cook my CPU.  From what I can tell, it's because they put all their pressure on one core while mostly ignoring the others and the GPU.  POE1 and Deadfire both did this and even NWN2 when I went back to it does this.

My machine has never had problems with this on any other games.  I can deal with some lag and some longish load times, but I really, really wish they would do something about the awful overheating thing.    

So I’m not saying that there may not be optimizations issues because there certainly are, but this is the fault of your machine not any one game. Your computer is supposed to be able to run flat out for extended periods of time without overheating. If your computer is overheating it indicates that there is a problem that you should fix, because sooner or later it will lead to a failure. For example your machine should be able to run a prime95 test for some time without overheating, or a Furmark test without overheating. 

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