Fearless_Jedi Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 After playing KotOR again I noticed that the whole, how did Revan become a Sith in the first place, was never explined. It just said that After the Mandalorian wars he took his fleet into uncharted space and wasnt heard from for years. Something to consider is that they(obsidian) said(in many mag articles) that Revan, from the end of KotOR 1, left after a year of those events into the Unknown Regions, aka: Uncharted Space. Thus he must be heading back there to possibly destroy whatever made him turn to the dark side. I expect that this will probably make it so that there will be three KotOR games sticking to the trilogy theme. Anyway, since you play the "last known" jedi in KotOR 2, that must mean that their are some "unknown" jedi lying around.....maybe enough to make the ending of KotOR 2 a huge battle between Jedi and Sith(and their Dark Jedi). I personally think that would be cool. What do u think? "Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill." Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade. Edited for content "The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud
Darque Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I think, given there are jedi NPCs you can get on your trip, that that's a given.
Shdy314 Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 He went to the Dark Side fighting in the Mandalorian Wars(which required a lot of hard choices/sacrifice and killing) and then trying to unravel the secrets of the Star Maps and Star Forge. Which are Dark side artifacts. MAYBE there's something more specific that happened that will tie in to the PC in KOTOR2. We'll have to wait and see. P.S. The uncharted space was where the Star Forge/Rakatn world was. That's what he took the fleet to go find.
Guest Dante Qel-Droma Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Obsidian kind of already gave away a little bit of the plot and/or story. You play (as you all know) a veteran on the Mandalorian Wars who has been exiled from the Jedi Order (or lack thereof). The Sith have a huge following and are crushing the Republic and hunting down any remaining Jedi. Somehow, your created character is brought into the fold to become either the savior or conquerer of the galaxy once again. Other than this, I have no idea about the plot of KOTOR 2. It's too early to tell properly. Therefore, I'll wait until any official information on the subject is released to the public.
Guest Dante Qel-Droma Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Taran said: The current KOTOR 2 plot info makes a lot more sense going from the light side ending of the first game. In the dark side ending, Revan has his/her own strategic genius, Bastila's battle meditation, an enormous war machine, and the Republic fleet in ruins. The Republic would have been lucky to have survived five months, much less five years. The point about Revan leaving for the unknown makes no sense at all if he/she is the ruler of the galaxy. Maybe Revan was deposed and managed to escape, but if so, whoever usurped Revan's rule would have been incredibly stupid to have left him/her alive, given what happened to Malak. That is true. I agree.
sniggy Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 DarthShad said: will_990 said: To be honest, I can It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.
Meshugger Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I think that Jolee was right in the game when he said that everyone thinks they're in greatest battle in history, when it actually just repeats itself. The same is with Revan & Malak in KotOR. About the story in KotOR II, on the other hand, there's much to speculate about. If the game ended with DS, then maybe what the Rakatans told about the Star Forge was right. No one can handle it, not even Revan. It messed up his/her mind enough to kill Bastila and later destroying the Star Forge. After that he/she left to the Outer Rim to seek solitude from everything. During this, some powerful aspiring Sith Lords uses the Star Forge fleet in order to try to conquer the Core Worlds. In the LS-ending on the other hand, the Jedi Order is in disarray due to the romance between Bastila/Carth and Revan. The remnant of the Sith uses this as their chance to kill Revan, but they end up killing Bastila/Carth instead. Due to the huge amount of feelings that's involved, Revan seeks solitude in the Outer Rim in order to calm down himself/herself and seek revenge when the time is right. During this period of time, some aspiring Sith Lords use the remnant of the Star Forge fleet (They weren't all at the Unknown World, were they?) to wage a new war against the against the unsuspecting Republic, which is going pretty successfully. "Some men see things as they are and say why?""I dream things that never were and say why not?"- George Bernard Shaw"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."- Friedrich Nietzsche "The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." - Some guy
maia Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Personally, I think that the starting point of KOTOR 2 could be made to make sense. LS: it was Revan's participation in the war that paved the way his fall. An LS Revan, particulary the one with the slowly awakening memory would do well to remove herself from such temptation - even if the Republic is floundering yet again. Also, I doubt that the something beyond outer Rim was the Star Forge, as Revan and Malak visited the maps _after_ their return from there. Personally; IMHO, it could be the same something that earlier inspired the Mandalorians to start their war. DS: The Star Forge enslaves and ultimately leaches the Force off the people who try to use it. A perfect reason for a DS Revan to destroy it and for the Sith to consider him insane and turn on her. Doubly so if the Forge does manage to feed of her sufficiently for a noticeable weakening. And again there is that something beyond the Rim... Morever, I thought that a DS Revan could get bored with the whole conquering thing. Maybe it was no longer a challenge and she looked for something more engrossing. After all, the struggle is all about challenge and making oneself grow to Sith... at least according to Uther and Yuthura. Etc.
Seth Tansill Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 To explain the Jedi Order being wiped out: shortly after the events of KotOR1 and the light side ending, Bastila used her battle meditation in a key battle between the Republic and Sith remnant. Consequently, the sith won and amassed a huge following. It turns out that Bastila was looking at the red dots on the strategic map, not the blue ones...
CoM_Solaufein Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Fearless_Jedi said: After playing KotOR again I noticed that the whole, how did Revan become a Sith in the first place, was never explined. It just said that After the Mandalorian wars he took his fleet into uncharted space and wasnt heard from for years. Something to consider is that they(obsidian) said(in many mag articles) that Revan, from the end of KotOR 1, left after a year of those events into the Unknown Regions, aka: Uncharted Space. Thus he must be heading back there to possibly destroy whatever made him turn to the dark side. I hope they do not go into the backstory of Revan. That's for us the game player to decide how Revan went to the darkside. I already wrote out the backstory on my Revan and why the darkside enter into her soul. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is StrengthBaldur's Gate moddingTeamBGBaldur's Gate modder/community leaderBaldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta testerBaldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Fearless_Jedi Posted May 27, 2004 Author Posted May 27, 2004 If there was something powerful enough to change Revan and Malak in the first place, then Reven at the end of KotOR, be it LS or DS, would want to destroy it cause it would be a clear threat. But I am getting ahead of myself. Possibly, something in the Unknown regions must have done something to destroy or disable Revan, be it DS or LS, and whatever fleet they must have had. And remebering what someone a few replies back said about all this possibly being a scheme that started with the mandalorian wars, I have to say that, that makes sense. I was playing KotOR 1 today and talked to Canderous, the mandalorian in your party, for the first time while on baord the Ebon Hawk. He told me how the Sith prompted the Mandalorians into attacking the Republic. So those Sith maybe the very force behind it all! However, the most probable outcome is that a month after DS reven won at the Star Forge, there was a Civil war within the Sith forces, which is common amongst Sith. Thus driving Revan away to the Unknown Regions(and thinning that big fleet he had at the end of KotOR 1 if u played the DS version). For LS revan, it is simply the Sith trying to exact their revenge. And since he didn't want his friend to get hurt he fled to the Unknown regions. But they decided to exterminate the Jedi instead. Anyway that is some more theories as to what might have happened. "Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill." Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade. Edited for content "The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud
Shdy314 Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Boy what is there not to get? The Star Forge is what Revan went to find in uncharted space. It's uncharted space NOT the outer rim. The Mandalorian war was in the outer rim as were some of the planets the star maps were on. After that he took the fleet into unknown space (using the information from the maps) where they discovered the star forge. The fleet was pulled down by the field around the Rakatan planet (hence the massive amount of wreckage of republic ships on the world) Revan learned (as we find out on the Rakatan planet) how to control the field traveled up to the Star Forge and used it to amass a giant Sith fleet within months. There may be some plot twist relating to Revan's past, how he fell to the dark side and his relationship if any with the protagonist in KOTOR2 but there is no mystery in why Revan went into uncharted space in KOTOR1.
sickboycp Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Has anyone really considered why the PC was exiled from Republic space? We know that he/she was a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars and not much else. Has anyone seen Dogma? Jason Lee's character, Azrael, is banished to the depths of hell because he refuses to take a side in the war between God and Lucifer. Could we perhaps see the same thing here- the PC refuses to fall to the Dark Side along with his/her commanders Revan and Malak, but at the same time refuses to aid the Jedi Council in the war against former friends that the PC believes can still be brought back to the light? It's a thought.
Enoch Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 sickboycp said: Could we perhaps see the same thing here- the PC refuses to fall to the Dark Side along with his/her commanders Revan and Malak, but at the same time refuses to aid the Jedi Council in the war against former friends that the PC believes can still be brought back to the light? It's a thought. Not bad, but it's still imputing some past motive onto the PC. From reading some comments MCA has made about earier games, it's pretty clear that he really hates to do that. I'm guessing that they'll find some completely technical way to get you tossed from the Order that doesn't assume any one particular past action or motivation on the part of your character. (I'm guessing that you were still a padawan, and it was all your Master's fault.) As for bridging the gap with the first game, I don't think it's too difficult. For a DS ending, the aforementioned Sith power struggle will work fine. For a LS ending, most of the Jedi had probably died in the war, and their failure to protect all the innocents on places like Dantooine, Taris, and Telos had thoroughly discredited their public image. The council was disbanded or forced into hiding, and the remaining sith took the subtle approach and killed them off slowly. In any cases, Revan should be dead. There's no way they could bring him/her back in the flesh that wouldn't anger at least a few people for walking all over their internal conception of who Revan really was. Plus, confronting your new PC with your old PC is just awkward. Kinda like introducing a current paramour to your ex. Not to be attempted unless there's no way of avoiding it.
jaguars4ever Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 MasterRevan said: Fearless_Jedi said: After playing KotOR again I noticed that the whole, how did Revan become a Sith in the first place, was never explined.
GhostofAnakin Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Enoch said: sickboycp said: In any cases, Revan should be dead. There's no way they could bring him/her back in the flesh that wouldn't anger at least a few people for walking all over their internal conception of who Revan really was. Plus, confronting your new PC with your old PC is just awkward. Kinda like introducing a current paramour to your ex. Not to be attempted unless there's no way of avoiding it. I'd actually be more upset if they did kill him off. There's plenty of ways they can remove him from the foreground of the storyline without having to actually kill him off. Just as my response in the Bastila thread, I'd be upset if the time and effort I went through in the first game was all for nothing by having my main character and his love interest just "erased" for convenience sake. To me, it would be like making a movie right after Return of the Jedi, but having Luke Skywalker killed off just because the writer wants a new star. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Derek Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Heres what I think for the first game's ds ending.. The only logical reason for Sith Lord Revan to disappear into uncharted space,is that Bastilla overthrew him,but he escapes. This could also explain Bastilla being killed,as either you're character or Revan comes back to kill her.
Naso Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 What I don't understand: where in tarnation do all these Sith lords come from? I know there are some powerful people like Uthar around here and there as governors or whathaveyou but really, it seemed like on the sf they were pretty much out of powerful sithy types. Those three to be his "next apprentice", etc. There just isn't anyone to seize power and there wouldn't be for quite some time.
Indalecio Posted May 27, 2004 Posted May 27, 2004 Naso said: What I don't understand: where in tarnation do all these Sith lords come from? I know there are some powerful people like Uthar around here and there as governors or whathaveyou but really, it seemed like on the sf they were pretty much out of powerful sithy types. Those three to be his "next apprentice", etc. There just isn't anyone to seize power and there wouldn't be for quite some time. I see it this way. Darth Revan and Darth Malak weren't Sith. Sure they called themselves Sith, but they had recieved no Sith training, so they were really just Jedi gone bad. Meanwhile, there were probably -real- Sith out waiting to take advantage of the situation, which they probably do in TSL.
Fearless_Jedi Posted May 27, 2004 Author Posted May 27, 2004 Shdy314 said: Boy what is there not to get? The Star Forge is what Revan went to find in uncharted space. It's uncharted space NOT the outer rim. The Mandalorian war was in the outer rim as were some of the planets the star maps were on. After that he took the fleet into unknown space (using the information from the maps) where they discovered the star forge. The fleet was pulled down by the field around the Rakatan planet (hence the massive amount of wreckage of republic ships on the world) Revan learned (as we find out on the Rakatan planet) how to control the field traveled up to the Star Forge and used it to amass a giant Sith fleet within months. There may be some plot twist relating to Revan's past, how he fell to the dark side and his relationship if any with the protagonist in KOTOR2 but there is no mystery in why Revan went into uncharted space in KOTOR1. First off I said the Unknown Regions, not the Outer Rim. And since the Unknown Regions are uncharted space, *duh*, I figured there has to be some sort of connection. That is all. Most likely you are right and it was the Quest for the Star Forge that turned him and Malak, but something had to make them want to search for it in the first place! Revan didn't just come to the conclusion one day that he wanted to go to the sacred ruins on Dantooine and quest for some hidden super weapon, and of coarse fall to the darkside while doing that. Remember, Revan and malak's quest for the star forge began when they entered the sacred ruins(a jedi no no) on Dantooine they didnt just stumble upon one of the star maps. Anyway, I was thinking about what planets might be in the game and that might hold a key element in the storys plot. I remeber hearing that their are 7 planets in all, and 5 of them are new. The places I know of for sure are: -Telos -Dantooine -Peragus Mining Station(I know this isn't a planet but it is where the game starts) Places I think will be in the game are: -Korriban(C'mon u cant have Sith in the game without having the Sith Planet!) -Ithor(I came to this conclusion when looking at a screenshot that had some wierd hovering staion thing around a planet, which of coarse Ithor does) -Coruscant(They can't leave Coruscant out a second time, they just cant) -Some planet in the Unknown regions, probably where Revan ended up. -Yavin 4(Famous Moon, I thought this cause i remember seeing everyone on a forest like planet in one of the videos) Thats what I think what do u think? "Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill." Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade. Edited for content "The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud
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