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Questions the the Devs - Take 2

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CGW says you'll have 10 npcs to choose from, but it also says that you will get different ones depending if yoru light, dark, male, female....so does that mean there are more than 10 npcs that will join you, in total?






But will the recruitable NPC options depend on alignment, unlike KotOR where initially you had to have the same NPC's regardless (despite later on being able to kill them).

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Gamespy (I hope i'm not mixing up previews) suggested that T3 is the only ::party:: NPC from last game that will join up with you in K2. Is that the case?

No comment. ;) NPC characters and details about them are the type of things that are more likely to be revealed through press coverage of the game than here on the forums. Sorry!



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As my previous questions seem to have been eaten by the board, I'll repost:




Is the "final choice" point in the game going to be handled in the same way as KOTOR 1 (that is, even as a completely DS character you could choose to say 'No Bastila, don't fall to the Dark Side!' seems a bit hypocritical to me.)



On that note, will your dialogue options change as your alignment shifts?



And on a Star Wars EU nerd note:


Will KOTOR2 have any more references to the Great Sith War? (Exar Kun and the like) I thought this was very was very well-done in the first game and references to Kun, the Qel-Dromas and Nomi Sunrider seemed like a treat to those of us who were familiar with the Dark Horse comics series. Hmmm....I notice Kreia appears to be about the right age to have been a young Padawan at that time!

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A couple of interesting details that I've yet to see covered:


Will the character in the second game have a set name? It wouldn't, after all, make any (not even cosmetic) difference in character creation, except for the people that want to walk around being Luke Skywalker. Maybe there are people out there who would be discouraged from buying the sequel because they couldn't use their custom name, but to me that doesn't make any sense - especially considering how much more effective it is when you have the character's name in VO. Not a necessary thing, just nifty - and any sequels to THIS one, set within a reasonable timespan of this currently in the making sequel, wouldn't have to deal with an unnamed PC from the last game in the series.


Also, will there be MULTIPLE romance options? You obviously have a whole bunch of characters to choose from, but would both/either male and/or female have multiple NPC's to choose from for romance sub-plots? would there be any conflict over said subplots, ala BG II? (a side comment, totally not a question: I REALLY hope, if there are multiple possibilities, that all the romances aren't that easy to fall into as BGII. Forcing you to choose between two woman you haven't really encouraged or discouraged is just silly, and not a strong part of said game)

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And on a Star Wars EU nerd note:


Will KOTOR2 have any more references to the Great Sith War? (Exar Kun and the like) I thought this was very was very well-done in the first game and references to Kun, the Qel-Dromas and Nomi Sunrider seemed like a treat to those of us who were familiar with the Dark Horse comics series. Hmmm....I notice Kreia appears to be about the right age to have been a young Padawan at that time!

Just don't overdo it. I never read any EU so I kept asking myself who this Exar Kun was. It is nice as some kind of Easter Egg for the more experienced Star Wars fan out there but should not requrire any info outside the game.




Will you add more video options to the PC version of Kotor II ? While part 1 ran fine on my maschine I remember many people who were dissatisfied with the current ones (or the lack of).


The player should be allowed to turn of GPU and CPU consuming effects for instance particle affects.

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Will there be parts of the game where single NPCs are used, ala the Leviathan escape? I really enjoyed playing as the other characters, even if for a short while and would like to see this utilised more in KotOR2. However, I don't know everybody else's opinion on that.

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Are you doing anything to make space travel more interesting? It felt like a great change of pace when the Leviathan took you prisoner since space was just something between point A and B before. Perhaps we could be boarded by pirate's or fight smugglers, anything to make space travel more interesting.


EDIT: Maybe you could do something like Fallout's Special encounters in the middle of the wasteland. That might give us an incentive to spend a bit more time flying around if we could find stuff like ancient satellites, ships, or asteroids with alien technology on them.

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On that note, will your dialogue options change as your alignment shifts?

Interesting question...


I wouldn't mind seeing that implemented in TSL. Even though KotOR only slightly touched base on this, it still added some nice flavor . :(

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Another question:



Feargus mentioned on the IGN Livewire Radio interview that one of the rejected NPC character concepts was a slaver who had enslaved some of the Kashyyk Wookies. Does this mean that the dark side NPCs in KOTOR2 will be considerably 'darker' than their KOTOR1 counterparts.


Don't get me wrong- I like Canderous and HK-47, but both seemed to be lacking that extra something. Canderous had that sidequest where he reconsidered his views on killing and HK-47's 'eccentricities' made him a lot more difficult to take seriously. He was like a straight C3P0 with a mean streak. :(



I want to see an NPC you can't turn to the light and is a bit more...shall we say, serious about the path he/she is on.

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Another question:



Feargus mentioned on the IGN Livewire Radio interview that one of the rejected NPC character concepts was a slaver who had enslaved some of the Kashyyk Wookies. Does this mean that the dark side NPCs in KOTOR2 will be considerably 'darker' than their KOTOR1 counterparts.


Don't get me wrong- I like Canderous and HK-47, but both seemed to be lacking that extra something. Canderous had that sidequest where he reconsidered his views on killing and HK-47's 'eccentricities' made him a lot more difficult to take seriously. He was like a straight C3P0 with a mean streak. :lol:



I want to see an NPC you can't turn to the light and is a bit more...shall we say, serious about the path he/she is on.

Perhaps we could recruit a Sith Jedi, someone like Master Uthar. He was a cool guy.

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This is the one thing i've heard complained about most on this board..


Will dark side characters be more manipulative and cunning and just all around more evil then the first game?

Considering that 99% of the evil actions you could commit in the game was on the level of a 5th grade schoolbully makes me hope that Obsidian won't go all Bioware on the evil path. I.E not making the dark path and those who walks it simple thugs with swishy force effects <_<

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I have a question. Will there be different/more character appearance selections available in KotOR2? So far from what I've seen of screen shots (which I realize are shots from early development) I see all the same faces from KotOR1. I'd like to see some more and/or different choices.


Another question just rolled out of my head as well. What's the possibility of seeing more customizable appearance selections? Maybe the ability to select hair style, hair color, face, and maybe a feature (mustache, beard, scar, eyepatch, tattoo, ect) from a list of options?

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Are you doing anything to make space travel more interesting? It felt like a great change of pace when the Leviathan took you prisoner since space was just something between point A and B before. Perhaps we could be boarded by pirate's or fight smugglers, anything to make space travel more interesting.


EDIT: Maybe you could do something like Fallout's Special encounters in the middle of the wasteland. That might give us an incentive to spend a bit more time flying around if we could find stuff like ancient satellites, ships, or asteroids with alien technology on them.

Not an absolute answer, dereth, but I remember something about how those silly encounter's in space where you fought sith fighters were still in, though optional, but if you didn't manage to kill them the troopers boarded your ship. I'm sure they could extend that, having pirates of different sorts trying to board your ship.


Personally, I think that'll get boring after the first coupla' times. If you were stumbling around exploring a bit, or going on unexplored detours, I could see them adding the things you mentioned.

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Question: Dialogue


Who gets to review the dialogue prior to final release? I am not a language arts teacher, but I did notice some errors in the text in KoTOR I. Not that it took away from the game play, but it did give me a feeling that someone A ) was either rushed to proof it and get it to the next stage, or B ) has a different interperetation of grammar and spelling than I.

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Will you guys give players the option to choose the pose thier characters would default to when wielding melee weapons? I don't know about you, but when I played KotOR I thought the pose for holding the doulbe-bladed lightsabers were rather lame. I loved the Darth Maul/Jedi Academy style wielding style, with the staff in front of your character. Simple, effective, intimidating, menacing, cool. So yeah, can you guys give us multiple poses to choose from for different styles, such as single-saber and duel wield and of course lightstaff?

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