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Found 7 results

  1. CONSTANT RANDOM CRASHES -- An Unplayable Game Hello Obsidian. I am revising this post because the "bug" I originally wrote about is much, much worse than I originally thought. I am getting constant random crashes. They occur 100% of the time. They make the game completely unplayable. If the opening PoE1 recap isn't skipped, the game will freeze/crash before the introduction cinematic (narrated by Eder) can play. If I skip the recap, the intro movie plays (Deadfire has not yet crashed mid-intro) and the first area--the In Between--loads and the game appears playable and stable. However it will always freeze/crash before the Watcher/Soul character makes it all the way to the Adra Pillar at the far right of the screen. Often the audio will cut-out, or seem to, a few moments prior to the freeze/crash. Exactly one time an audio line played to the end after the game froze, however. I have attempted everything I can possibly do on my end to diagnose and/or workaround the problem, including but not limited to: Windows compatibility mode (Win7, Win8, even WinXP) settings. Administrator privileges off/on. Countless possible Deadfire configurations--windowed, fullscreen, every quality preset, every available resolution, multiple vfx enabled/disabled combination. The gamut. Steam did, of course, verify the integrity of the game cache. I also redownloaded the game, multiple times, after manually purging it from my system (not a fun thing to do when you suffer from bandwidth caps) Oh, and I've also tried running the game off of an SSD, off an HDD, from the default Steam install directory and from a unique Steam install directory. I was able to get the game to run off of an old laptop, with an integrated GPU, albeit very poorly (10fps are far from optimal; combat is impossible) that doesn't even come close to the minimum recommended specs... but it doesn't crash. Using Steam cloud saves to load saves from the laptop to my PC (in the starting island, the world map and inside the cave) and... you guessed it, Deadfire still crashes on me, usually a few seconds after loading up the area. Sometimes I have time to move my party, but the game usually crashes before anyone can make a it a half-dozen steps. To be perfectly honest, I've been a PC gamer for a very long time and I haven't had this much trouble with a game since I bought a copy of Daikatana out a bargain bin for $0.99, and that game was quickly re-purposed into a Frisbee. My PC specs are as follows: 3.55ghz quad-core i5 CPU 16gb memory 2gb HD6870 GPU Windows 10 x64 (Note that this is a PC that ran Pillars of Eternity perfectly. And also note, as I've proved, that Deadfire is capable of running on a toaster.) My working theory is that this may be a compatibility problem between whichever version of Unity Deadfire is using and my GPU drivers, but only because ATI drivers are typically the cause of my headaches (whenever I upgrade, I'm going nVidia and never touching ATI again). But at the same time, the game does load and appear to render properly, so I have no idea. No ideas, just lots of frustration. Output file retrieved after recap crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13RPzhDTiaT_MdV-IeoeAOz8yzT1atwjX/view?usp=sharing Output file retrieved after in-game crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxLN1f9scVlJvda2K00c7b6FeacD8GQp/view?usp=sharing .... NOTE I originally posted about this problem here, but am reposting it now because my initial assumptions about what was happening were incorrect. I will request moderators lock/delete the original thread. .... EDIT1 I am experiencing greatly improved stability after patch 1.02. I can now play the game for 20 minutes--sometimes longer--before seeing a crash! And, now, when the game crashes a window pops up informing me of the creation of the output log, which is handy. I've attached the new output log file to this post. output_log.txt
  2. english is not my first language so sorry for that so my question is simple where is the fix for some gamebreaking issues any creature in this game can somehow go throug everything (buildings i build and every objekt in this game) this makes it mostly unplayeble the pathfinding is terrible too the conzept is great but bring an version that is not unfair ( larva too strong, going throug walls etc deal alot of damage and there are groups around ur bases up to 15 wtf ) ur game is and im sorry to say that but in this state not worth 2 bucks just fix it we payed alot of money for an alpha build
  3. I've just reinstalled this game to eliminate a possible corrupt install but I still have a serious problem. I've never been able to play TOW on this new 4k monitor. The game did play okay on an old 5k>4k Dell monitor but that one has been discarded. The issue shows right from the start screen onwards in the menus. Click-boxes are displaced from the text about 90mm in a SE direction. That means I must find the hot-spot a long way away from the actual menu text. Most menu items are not clickable because the hot-spots are off-screen. I went as far as I could to see the extent of this problem and every menu item behaved the same. The new monitor is a ASUS ROG SWIFT PG27UQ. The old monitor was a 5k Dell run at 4k resolution. I've run other Bethesda games okay including Fallout New Vegas - none show this problem. Only The Outer Worlds does it. I've spent several days researching this and trying various approaches. None have helped.
  4. Hello, I recently purchased the Outer worlds. In addition to the screen attached, I am running 6GB ASUS Prime Nvidia 1080 as my graphics card. I am experiencing the frame rate drops that others are experiencing alongside stuttering and overall bad performance. In addition to this, after I create my character and my mission pod lands, the game freezes and I am stuck at my current screen with audio playing in the background. I haven't been able to even move my character. I can run most games at ultra or high settings with ease, so I think there is certainly something wrong. I am really excited to play this game, but this bug prevents me from doing anything. I would really appreciate the assistance!
  5. I am 40 hours into this game and tried loading my file. Once I choose to load the screen goes black and that's it. Hard resets have not seemed to work. Is there anyway to get around this Glitch? Would uninstalling the game and reinstalling work without losing Save data? Or will my save data be gone? I am very shocked and defeated seeing this kind of game breaking glitch occur for a game so old and with such a following.
  6. As soon as I enter Port Maje and trigger the first event, my game becomes unplayable, like 3-4 fps. If I move my camera away from the people it stops stuttering, so it must be the NPCs. Any fixes? It was okay until this happened. I've tried every fix I could find. I have a GTX 960 and a i5 4670.
  7. I have a new iMac less than three months old. This game constantly has screen issues, half the screen is water half is land. Dialogue doesn't load properly on the screen, level up text doesn't load, voices cannot be heard. What is going on? I requested a refund and have been denied because I played for 5 hours. Half of that was spent trying to work around the bug issues, reloading the game. Waiting on the screen to load, hoping that it would work. I paid for the 59.99 package. This is insane. Ive attached a screenshot, I have more but they are more than 510kb.... I'm waiting on the second refund attempt and if that doesn't work I will post more until this is fixed.
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