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Found 4 results

  1. My specs: 5800x, 6800, 32gb memory. I have framerates capped at 144 and have vsync both in game and in AMD software. Despite this, Outer worlds seems to ignore all these settings during dialogue face to face with any character and when im in the menu, my gpu will them suddenly ramp up in gpu usage at 99-100% with fans at full blast before causing freezing or green screen pc restarts. This makes me unable to go further with the game without fear of damaging my gpu. Is there any suggestions in how to fix this? I cannot find information anywhere except turning on vsync or adding frame limiter.
  2. Hello.. Is the persistant stuttering and frame drop issues on both the pc version and console versions going to be fixed at ANY point in the future? I mean we barely seem to get a patch to fix minor issues once every three months if lucky and you are not addressing folk like myself who have this issue on the pc and ps4 versions. My pc spec.. Gtx 1080 I7 8700k 32gb ddr4 Game is installed on a m.2 ssd Windows 10 Gsync enabled.
  3. Hello, I recently purchased the Outer worlds. In addition to the screen attached, I am running 6GB ASUS Prime Nvidia 1080 as my graphics card. I am experiencing the frame rate drops that others are experiencing alongside stuttering and overall bad performance. In addition to this, after I create my character and my mission pod lands, the game freezes and I am stuck at my current screen with audio playing in the background. I haven't been able to even move my character. I can run most games at ultra or high settings with ease, so I think there is certainly something wrong. I am really excited to play this game, but this bug prevents me from doing anything. I would really appreciate the assistance!
  4. Hi all, I'm experiencing some serious framerate issue with POE, it is noticeable already in Gilded Vale (10-20 FPS), but yesterday I reached Defiance Bay and already on the first district the game lags really bad, running at around 6 - 14 FPS, it is really disheartening to play with those FPS, running from the inn to Purnic's House was a chore even with double speed. My specs are : Intel i5 4200M GT 750M 4GB (latest driver) 8 GB ram DD3 Windows 10 No virtual network adapter or Hamachi installed. I already tried to specify that POE should always use Nvidia GPU (from Nvidia control panel) so any other suggestion is well accepted. Thanks
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