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Found 6 results

  1. I'm not sure if anyone already brought this up but I know there are at least two fan versions of the map of Eora on the internet, and it looks like nothing official has been released yet. Whenever someone asks for a map of the world, they get directed to one of the fan made pictures. But. I've been running around Brass Citadel today, and I saw this in the Officer's Lounge on the hazatoha table: It's in the game so I'd say it's as official as it can get. As for the lands themselves, my guess goes as this (sorry for the sloppy paint edition): What do you think?
  2. After trying to make heads and tails of the descriptions offered by the game: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/User:Tagaziel/worldrefs And hoping that I managed to track most of them down, I decided to put together a rough map of what Eora might look like: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p41sNv3S-GBOoymbjdekaSGz_Ddb_KC-/view?usp=sharing Of course, I had to work with limited sources, mostly in-game mentions, but also posts by JES and other developers. The basic assumptions are as follows: 1. As JES said, the Living Lands and Rauatai are northern hemisphere, with everything else in the south. 2. Aedyr is on the equator, which is about as close to a definite location as we get. The location of the Reach is extrapolated from the mostly temperate climate together with Ixamitl's savanna's, the mention of Old Vailians sailing into the Deadfire past the reach, and the logical landing spots of ships from the colonial powers. 3. Deadfire is plotted according to in-game coordinates. The entire map is based on that, in fact. Comments and feedback are welcome. Yes, Yezuha is kind of Australia, what with it having red deserts and being dry as ****. No, I'm not sure the size of the eastern continent is accurate. Yes, I have too much time on my hands.
  3. Hello everyone! I would like to share my thoughts and to read other opinions on several topics: 1) Player AI scripting system. For some reason people like to simplify everything, including AI settings, but that's not always good. Hopefully PoE 2 has passed 2kk USD and we have a chance to get masterpiece AI. It's so intriguing what kind of player AI scripting will we get in PoE 2, cause I don't like PoE 1 AI script system at all, but it's still better than no AI. For me the best, fascinating and almost ideal AI scheme is implemented in - Dragon Age: Origins. It's so awesome when you can customize any skill usage upon any situation (target evaluation, hp %, etc.) Also, besides player AI scripting it's very important, it would be great if there will be no things like kiting or spreading up the mob group like in PoE 1 2) I would really appreciate some kind of interaction with other players co-op (like in Baldur's Gate / Neverwinter) or specific arena mode or something like that for PvP (like in Dungeon and Dragons Online) 3) I've had some blurry answers from Josh Sawyer via twitch / youtube about character transaction from first part to second, but many things are still unclear. Like what's up with char. reputations and talents like Gift from the machine, The merciless hand / Second Skin, blood pool sacrifice bonuses. As I understand PoE 2 will be in Deadfire archipelago and all PoE 1 encounters were in Dyrwood, but where is it? Probably far far away in Eora... How choices we made in PoE 1 will affect PoE 2... cause there are so many of them!!! For me the iconic transaction was BG1 to BG2, with Drizzt Do'Urden and Elminster, a few but so awesome. Something like possessed Falanroed... for instance! And it's really interesting with blood pool sacrifice, I mean they talk a lot about Eder and Aloth... What do you think lads?
  4. Inspiration: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6lvvHuuI4kZaHJqejNYNThrems/view?usp=sharing Interpretation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6lvvHuuI4kZOEFlNWh3QjVITXM/view?usp=sharing In case if it is not obvious enough,I traced in game icon of a globe (presumably of Eora itself). Because of a heavy pixelation this mockup is in no way geographically correct in details (hense why I call it interpretation). Still I hope it can give you some shape of the world we all love and play. On the drawing you can see the Sun,two moons - Ondra's Beloved and The Black Runner plus the third,extinct one called err...Abydon's Folly,Godhammer 0.5,Celestial Spoiler Supreme..? (Your own names are welcome!) Oh and Eora ofcourse. So all of this said and done,can you find Free Palatinate of Dyrwood?
  5. I was just having a discussion with my wife, after having some time to really sink my teeth into Pillars last weekend and this weekend, just how advanced is technology is some places of Eora? We have pistols, blunderbuss's and the arquebus which gives me real vibes of another really good RPG, Arcanum. As well as things like the monocle, which is just cheesy cool! But on topic, do we know how advanced some parts of the world are? Are we talking ships with cannons, steam power? Gliders? Or is the entire place in roughly the late middle ages?
  6. In this video, I try to explain what setting the game takes place in. What is Eora and the Eastern Reach? Who are the Dyrwoodans? What is Dyrwood? Who are the Glanfathas and why are they so concerned about their Engwithan Ruins? Who are the Aedyr? Hopefully I answer these questions. Sorry if I ramble too much on certain parts of the video, I apologize. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2SghKgVlFE
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