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Found 2 results

  1. As I understand: 1 - The gods were created by the engwithans. 2 - The engwithans were the previous settlers of Eir Glanfath, in the Eastern Reach. 3 - The Eastern Reach was discovered in 2602 by explorer of the Aedyr Empire, 223 years before the start of PoE 1. 4 - The engwithans lived in the Eastern Reach thousands of years ago, so their gods and cults were spread all over that continent. 5 - Readceras was an aedyran colony where Eothasian colonist settled in 2643. 6 - So, Eothas was (is) an aedyran god. So: 1 - Was (is) Eothas a god not created by the engwithans? 2 - If that's the case, who created it? 3 - Were the gods transcontinental although the Eastern Reach did not have knowledge of Aedyr Empire before 2602? 4 - Did the engwithans lived where the Aedyr Empire is located? 5 - If that's the case, how the two continents didn't have notice of each other? 6 - Were the aedyran gods of a different nature? My sources are a mix of in-game books, the journal of the Watcher and the wiki.
  2. In this video, I try to explain what setting the game takes place in. What is Eora and the Eastern Reach? Who are the Dyrwoodans? What is Dyrwood? Who are the Glanfathas and why are they so concerned about their Engwithan Ruins? Who are the Aedyr? Hopefully I answer these questions. Sorry if I ramble too much on certain parts of the video, I apologize. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2SghKgVlFE
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