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Found 14 results

  1. I have always played Grounded solo "offline" without making xbox account, so there should be no other players in my world, why is there now suddenly "OfflineUser" in my world all of a sudden? I am not sure if this is related to some new feature after recent update, or is this a bug. I have +200 hours in this game and i never remember seeing this before, Aphid Chris from your discord told me to make a bug report. - Pc, Steam - Save file has 80 in-game days, ~200 real life hours, custom mode - Started seeing this after this new recent 1.4 Fully Yoked update - I have never played in multiplayer mode, i have never created xbox account, i have never connected my game with any xbox account - This "OfflineUser" tag was about 100 meters in front of me when i logged in to my save and saw it first time.
  2. Here's a very rough guide on how to add a new voice to Pillars of Eternity 2, without replacing an existing one. From the code side of things it's not too complicated, you'll just need 2 blocks of code. The main complication lies in creating the audio files and naming them correctly so that the game will know what to do with them. Go to the PillarsOfEternityII_Data directory, you can find this by default: Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\ GOG: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\ Inside the override folder (if this doesn't exist, create it) create a new folder, give it the name of your mod (E.g. Something like “Custom Voice”, “Zealous Voice”, something along those lines but it's really up to you). Inside this folder right-click and create a new notepad file. Give it the name of your mod and put .gamedatabundle (no .txt) at the end. Open it with Notepad (or your choice of code editor) and paste the following template: { "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "DEBUG_NAME_1", "ID": "GUID_1", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "Gender": "GENDER", "ChatterFile": "936c726d-d219-4771-80bb-83dd61c16cce", "ExternalChatterVOID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ChatterPrefix": "FILE_PREFIX", "WwiseChatterEventOverride": "", "WwiseChatterVoiceOverride": "" } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.PlayerVoiceGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "DEBUG_NAME_2", "ID": "GUID_2", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.PlayerVoiceComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 465, "SpeakerReferenceID": "GUID_1", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } } ] } ] } Change the following: DEBUG_NAME_1: change to something distinctive to your mod. This way if something isn't working, you can easily search for errors in the output.log. e.g. “DebugName”: “SPK_Player_Custom_F” GUID_1: Generate a GUID and paste it over GUID_1 (inside the quotes). e.g. "ID" : GENDER: Put Male or Female inside the quotes depending on which gender you want the voice to be available for. e.g. “Gender”: “Female” FILE_PREFIX: Change to something short, something easy to retype and remember. You will use this later as the name of the folder for your audio and as a prefix on all your audiofiles. Don't use spaces in the name. Use_underscores_ instead_to_separate_words. e.g. “ChatterPrefix”: “player_custom_f” DEBUG_NAME_2: same idea as DEBUG_NAME_1 but make sure they aren’t exactly the same. e.g. “DebugName”: “Voice_Custom_Female” GUID_2: Generate another different GUID and paste it over GUID_2 (inside the quotes). e.g. For “SpeakerReferenceID” paste the first GUID you generated over GUID_1 again. e.g. "SpeakerReferenceID": Finally: Make sure everything you've replaced still has quotes around it. Make sure there are no spaces inside of the “quotes”. Save your file. Your finished code should look something like this: Setting up your Audio files: Now go to: PillarsOfEternityII_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\Windows\Voices\English(US)\ and create a new folder there naming it the same as what you have put in place of FILE_PREFIX. This is where all your audio files will go once they are converted to .wem and have the correct names. The naming of audio files goes like this: ch_FILE_PREFIX_USE_NODE.wem E.g. ch_player_custom_f_confirm_0025.wem , ch_player_custom_f_battlecry_0028.wem There are 121 audio files that'll make up this voice. I've attached a .txt file that contains all the file names. For your convenience use Find & Replace (crtl+h) to change all the lines with FILE_PREFIX to that of your ChatterPrefix. I would strongly suggest that you create a work files type folder for your project outside of the game's directory. And that you build your voice in stages, so as to avoid burning yourself out. The voice should still work if there are less than 121 files, but there will be silence for actions where there is no corresponding audio file or if there is additional line. E.g. if there is only one audio clip for when you clicking on the character there will be gaps in-between the character repeating that line. You can test the voice at any time by going into character creation, creating an adventurer at an Inn, or by opening the customization menu on an existing character. When loading it is worth clicking on your character a few times till they say something before going into the customization menu as voices don't always immediately load. Finishing touches: Create a mod manifest as described by BMac. The versions that support this mod should be: "Min" : "", "Max" : "" Currently your voice slot has the name “Test” when you look at it in game. Adding a piece of custom text to serve as your voice's name is a little finicky as it requires adding an entry to the gui.stringtable file. You can find some information on to do this in a few places. Once you have done this open up the .gamedatabundle file you made and replace 465 with the numbers that point to your text entry. Custom Voice Lines.txt
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/366 This mod offers a choice of the 8 voice sets from the first game that can be used alongside those already in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire! The installation is quite simple*, the zips are set up to extract all the necessary files to the correct directories. And won't require overwriting any of the default audio files to work. While there are some lines unique to Deadfire - such as acknowledging loot picking up & equipping rare loot, and rare selections lines for every voice set - ideally these should all sound quite close to how they did in the original game. I had actually intended to release this alongside the custom voice guide I wrote several months ago. Something that would act as a simple proof of concept. However each voice seemed to have their own weird quirks that ended up adding up to more work than I had time for. To a small degree I still think of this as a bit of a work in progress, but overall it seems like it is in a stable enough state to be released. There is one thing I'd really like input on; In PoE 1 were there lines that played when a rogue or fighter used an ability? A lot of actions share lines, and despite playing a rogue for over 100+ hours, I can't remember if the character says anything when using a non-standard attack action. Otherwise the only issue I'm immediately aware of (and not able to fix) is during character creation, if there are 16 (By default there are 14 male voices and 13 female voices) or more items in the voice list it expands outside of the UI. Which really makes pressing the next button without selecting one of the Vox Machina voices a bit of a challenge. As can be seen in the above video this is only in character/adventurer creation, so existing characters aren't affected by this issue. Thank you for reading! * - Currently this mod is setup with Windows in mind. I am not at all familiar with MacOS or Linux so I have no idea if it will work for those versions of the game. If someone has an answer for that either way please let me know!
  4. Hi, I am currently working on a custom voice set mod, and wondering if anyone could give me some clarification on some things: Why does each voice set have different numbering conventions? (****y: "_ability_cast_0092", Feisty: "_ability_cast_0088", Kind: "_ability_cast_0102")? What do the _v1, _v2, _v3, (attack_40001_v2 for example) files do? Based on their corresponding text strings in chp_common.stringtable I'm assuming they are alternate takes or maybe different parts of the same sequence broken up? What action does _investigate_4001* correspond to? It isn't very clear from entry in chp_common.stringtable what the character is doing only that they'll say: "_investigate_40010" = "Hm?" and "_investigate_40011" = "Huh?". Am I correct that the chatter.chatterbundle file is how the game handles both what files to look for in the folder and how they are used ingame? eg. how long a certain clip should be, when it will be played, how frequently it will be played, that sort of thing. What purpose do the generic_spell_cast*_7000* files serve? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  5. I am looking for 5 builds that match according to some rules I have for them. First a couple of rules. I want to have 5 multiclasses. I want to use all classes once except for ranger I do not want to use it. I want to have a Tank, a melee DPS off-tank, a ranged DPS (preferably something with an arquebuss), a magic DPS and a Healer/Buffer. Apart from that anything goes. Feel free to share builds if you feel like it.
  6. Goodmorrow to you my lovelies! I have been pondering about builds for a while and started about 5-10 topics to get ideas. I have finally come to a conclusion and would love to hear your thoughts about it. It is also partly for role playing as in that they're basically 5 bodies shared by one person so the same name etc. Kind of like a hive mind. They will all be human. And fill the roles of https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand Mike One: The Leader Shieldbearer/Troubadour. Sword and Board: Tank. Mike Two: The Lancer Streetfighter/Forbidden Fist. Rapier and Stiletto. Flanker. Mike Three: The Big Guy Devoted/Berserker. Dual wield Battle Axes. DPS. Mike Four: The Smart Guy Psion/Wizard. Rod, AOE. Mike Five: The Chick Lifegiver/Eothas. Hunting Bow, Healer What do you all think about the weapons and class combinations? I'd highly prefer to not stack any classes nor have a ranger in there. Thanks in advance and have a lovely day! I'm getting desperate for a comment after hitting so many views :D feel free to shut it down if you disagree with the builds as well!
  7. I would like to hear everybody's favorite role-playing custom party. My favorite was probably my first playthrough with customs. which included Luke a mountain dwarf drifter veteran of many wars. Unbroken/Shieldbearer. Una his right hand a Blood thirsty loner wood elf who is an expert hunter. Bleak Walker/Assassin (build from Fextralife) Kaden the bloodthirsty warrior island amaua out for revenge after his entire family got killed by some principi pirates. Devoted/Berserker Alde a former slave wild orlan who still believes in Eothas despite what he has done. Eothas/Troubadour Sullivan a nature godlike human hated and blamed for everything bad by his superstitious human village Evoker/Ascendant This was mine let me hear yours! Feel free to write as much as you want I will read everything.
  8. Like the title says I would love to hear your builds that would fit well together. 1 Tank 1 Melee DPS 1 Ranged 1 Magic 1 Healer Custom characters all. Thanks in advance!
  9. Has anyone of you made a 5 man party whom all had the same subclass to RP or just because a subclass is effective if so. Would you all mind sharing your builds? I want to RP a group of characters who are like alternate versions of the same character or just a true companions group from the beginning. Preferably ala the TVTrope Five Man Band. I thank you all in advance and have a pleasant day!
  10. Need 5th for my super-duper team (also some ideas for others' team builds): I always found that traditional tanks do very little for the team, hence I split duties of a tank between my melee dps and the healer/buffer, resulting in a stable 4 man PotD (no scaling) group that allows to "carry" companions through their respective quest lines. I prefer to go for level 20 before Hasongo, so right now the only companion being carried is Eder. Once he's good, I will have a spot open for 5th custom character on my team. I would appreciate to learn new "OP" build while doing so. At the moment I have the following team comp: 1. Trixie (Swashbuckler: Devoted/Trickster) as WotEP Deflection-Riposte "main tank" 2. Xander (Templar: Kind Wayfarers/Eothas Priest) as Healer-Buffer turtle (120+ all defenses lvl 16) 3. Vilara (Mindstalker: Ascendant/Streetfighter) as Main DPS (Streetfighter+Mortars and Ascentant for self buff, and some extra utility for hard fights) 4. Ravig (Loremaster: Troubadour/Wizard) as De-buffer/Summoner turtle (Used to open fights with Summons, then put maluses on enemies: Pull of Eora+Expose Vulnerabilities+Arkemyr's Torment & Hex for sneak attacks from Vilara) and then stand around occasionally summoning stuff with 12% vamp/ +10 deflections chants always active. 5.??? I have never played/been attracted to Druid,Monk or Barb in either PoE or PoE 2: Deadfire. Would appreciate strong PotD builds including these classes focused around big damage numbers Thank you!
  11. Hi, I simply want to replace the player's voice with my own voice. There are 155 .wem audio files under the "****y male player" voice set. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? Thanks!
  12. Hey everyone! I started playing Pillars of Eternity recently and I really wanted a custom portrait for my female moon godlike character. Last week I had some time on my hands so I painted this - I'm hoping that someone else will find this portrait useful as well. I've included a full res along with the large and small cropped portraits for in-game use. Alternatively you can just download the zip file (linked below) with the cropped portraits. Enjoy! <3 Here is what they look like in-game for those who may be curious: ZIP File Download: http://www.amegani.com/portraits/f_moongodlike_portrait.zip Installation Instructions: Extract all of the files from the zip folder. Navigate to the female player portraits directory in your Pillars of Eternity installation directory. In my case, the directory was C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player\female . Place the two extracted images (the _lg and _sm versions) in that directory and start Pillars of Eternity. The portraits should now be available for you to use in-game. Tumblr Link - for those who would like to reblog from my original tumblr post. Cant EDIT: title changed at Amegani's request.
  13. So, how far i would get in hard mode with party of 2 fighter as tanks (10/10/10/19/10/19, kinda ballanced), priest, cipher, wizard and chanter.Fighter with shields, and casters with guns. What do you suggest as dps?Is chanter worth just for reload speed aura?I got cipher and priest using pistol and arbuegus and is pretty good.Should i make chanter as off tank when some mob pass my fighters? I played party with 4 melee dps, and i ofted dont have room for them to properly place on target.
  14. Hello! So, this popped up recently as a thought. What are the most important aspects of modding? And in discussing this topic, I was thinking about simplicity and accessibility. First and foremost, I personally want "Portraits" to be a feature to customize depending on Status Effects. I've written quite a bit on it in the Portraits thread, so head on over there if you wish to read more about that or post an input yourself about it (post that feedback here or there, doesn't matter). Furthermore, what else is important to you? I thought about making a poll but I believe this is an aspect that is very diverse depending on the modder/person and their own skillset. People with a higher skillset might like to play around with scripts, triggers, NPC's and Quest trees etc. etc. but what about the regular layman? Some of mine that I think is important: 1. - Class "Kits": This is something that I would really like to play around with. Being able to make a custom Class, or a Sub-Class of a Class (Maybe being able to create a sort of... Friar out of the Monk Class for instance). Never quite figured out how to make your own Class Kit in Baldur's Gate, not that the learning curve seemed too difficult, but this is something I think many would enjoy playing around with. 2. - Colors and Armor/Weapons In Baldur's Gate you have a very limited amount of colors to play around with (4) when you color the armor and the characters skin and hair. I'd like to see even more than this. In Baldur's Gate you could open up Shadowkeeper and change colors of armors and the appearance thereof much more than you could in the game, I played around with it a little bit but it took quite some time to get it just right (had to save/load and jump in and out of the game over and over to get it just right). Is it possible to make this easier? And please, no buying dye's in-game that's one of the most stupidest mechanics I've ever seen. 3. - More Maps/Being able to make the world bigger Being able to import new custom maps easily into the game and placing them somewhere on the map. Will the toolset have shadow maps that you can place and/or "restrictions" a la "You can't walk over this river". Can I import Wallpapers or similar and then make some sort of Vector Masking on the map to determine "This is where you can walk and this is where you can't walk" (Simple imports~). Will there be some mapmaking included in the toolset? Dungeons, Caves, Towers etc. etc. 4. - More Items/Out of Game "Crafting" Being able to easily customize a weapon/armor/item and give it new properties and rename it. This I believe will be a little in the game already with crafting, but it is also fun to make your own items out-of-game for a specific Quest and plant it in the world as if it was part of the world etc. etc. crafting is fun and all but it doesn't have the same impact as creating something out-of-game. I can't Craft "Sword in the Stone" in-game, that's something I'd have to create out-of-game, place in the world, add triggers/scripts to it and make a Quest out of it. Two different forms of "Crafting Weapons". 5. - Quests & NPC's Also something I believe many want to play around with. Dialogues, Stories, Shopkeepers, you name it. What is your most preferred aspects of modding and how could Obsidian consider the most simplistic methods of achieving this?
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