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  1. Hi everyone. I wanted to start a little suggestion box for future updates, fixes or even add-ons that hopefully obsidian will read. My personal suggestions for obsidian would be to slightly nerf spider damage since so many of them spawn and have such high health. Another great idea would be to add a dlc or update called “back home” or “back to the house,” in which you would re-enter the home as a tiny kid and try to survive indoor bugs and gain indoor materials like electronic components or glass etc. I’m in love with the game so far and only want the greatest ideas for the future of the game, please add to the discussion with any helpful tips or ideas you may have! Remember... “Go big or never go home.”
  2. Intro After having played Grounded only just 7 days (game time) since the 1.0 release I've loved every single minute of it. I played Solo on survival (Medium difficulty I think) and when watching some YouTube videos from other players (Mediocre Milton, JadeCraft, Sir Sim-slot etc) there have been a few things I think the game needs. I have completed the main campaign and currently collecting gold creature cards and building bases around the yard for when we get some new DLC. Now to the Juicy stuff... Ideas Bugs The variety of bugs in the game is awesome and after seeing some of the potential cut content there are a couple of bugs that I think would work really well. Stick Insects - They could be a nice addition to the lower or upper yard, since the size of them could be large in comparison to the player they could be menacing and could hide on the branches or plants and get agro when you're near. Wasps - This was something that looked like it was cut and understandably since they can be aggressive but could be cool as a hidden dungeon type area with a next being put on the tree or up on the blue tarpaulin. The issue would be the amount of them and them flying around but could be cool to have a nest. Frogs - Now these might not be creatures we can kill but similar to the Koi fish they could be leaping around the pond and potentially cause havoc on bases or get agro if you go near any of them. If we can kill them it would be cool to get some new armour that improves jumping height or swimming. Caterpillar - Again similar to the frog this could be something just around the garden to give it some extra. If we can kill it then again we could have some sort of mutation like the caterpillar does when turning into a butterfly. Butterflies - Just something else to be flying around the air that doesn't want to stab you like the mosquito Grasshoppers - These could be a cool addition and like the frogs when killing we could get some unique armour that lets us jump higher making the game have more verticality meaning the game doesn't have to stay in the one back yard but more on that later Beetles - I guess depending on where the garden is set you can have a whole range of beetles but something different to kill and with a whole range of unique colours. Quality of Life The game does a great job in guiding players through the garden but for those that are familiar with survival, games that have RPG elements where different builds offer different things we're used to seeing certain things and here are some suggestions. Mutation Phase Info - Right now when you unlock a mutation some have 3 phases, each phase obviously gives you a different value with that mutation but there is no indication on the percentage or dp it gives. Having a small bit of info at the bottom that says... Mutation Name Phase 1 - 10% buff Kill 20 more (bug name) for Phase 2 or something like that. Damage Numbers - In most RPGs you see the amount of damage you're doing to the enemy so we could have this as an option for players who actually want to see the damage being dealt like traditional RPGs. Map Markers - When you discover landmarks or key areas on the map the icon is shown on the map, for me this should be similar to Milk Molars, SCA.B's and Raw Science. Once you've found the location it can show up on the map until you collect it then it's gone. Reason for this is that there is no way to actually track which molars you've collected. Bug Attack Info - Currently and I could be wrong because I don't have access to the game when writing this but I don't think the creature cards tell you what types of damage the bugs do once you scan them. They tell you weaknesses and resistance but knowing what damage they deal will also allow those players who do go to certain areas with certain gear to better prepare Some New Things The game as mentioned has a lot of variety in what you can do with the game when it comes to base building parts, armour and weapons but I've got some other ideas. Weather - We already know that weather effects are going to be added at some point as it's been on the feature board but I want to go a little deeper with this. Snow 1. The pond could freeze over and we can break the ice to get through, once inside the water is colder so we also need to worry about temp as well as air. 2. The garden itself will be harder as ice will form on certain plants, the snow can cover a lot of it if it's a thick snow layer meaning traversal could be fun trying to work your way through the snow. You might not get as many bugs flying out in the snow or travelling but being out in it could allow other materials to be farmed like Frozen items Rain/Storms 1. The garden could have more flooded areas until the rain dries out, also if your base isn't elevated it could start taking damage from the mud and things moving in the garden through the rain. With this we could fashion little boats to travel to perhaps new areas that could be added. 2. If it's a storm you'd obviously have lightning that could strike your base or even you as a player. The field of view could also be reduced due to the storm being so bad which adds another dynamic to the game. Hail 1. hailstorms could just be another weather effect that can cause a lot of damage to not only you but bugs also considering the hail will be considerably bigger. Armour Customisation - We're in the back garden and it's super colourful, it would be cool to be able to perhaps go collect certain things that we can then make dye and recolour our armour. It's a simple thing and doesn't really offer any game value except it looks cool and for those in multi-player doing challenges and Whoa they could all look the same with cool coloured gear based on the builds and sets they like. Almost like a transmog for your armour but colour also. Base Building Free Cam- Right now base building is sooo much fun, after playing No Mans Sky for over 450 hours the one thing I think Grounded needs is a free cam base build. If you have the materials also then instead of having to climb to the top of that tower you're creating you can actually build from within free cam. Even if the base part needs stems or grass you can hold them on your character and still build in free cam. Now this might change the immersion a little because it was funny trying to build a tower and your parkour skills failed and you fell to your death or into a bunch of spiders but would make building easier. Underground Base Building- So a lot of the labs are underground, it would be cool if there was a way we could do similar and build these cool bases underground. With that we could introduce the worry of the weather above or worms causing damage but this is just a crazy idea and not something I'd do a lot of as there is soo much to see up top. Base Blueprints - So this is going into more of what I think would be cool for DLC but for those who have completed the game and really ventured into the labs they have cool shrunken down beds, cooler workbenches etc Obviously this tech is from Ominent but would be cool if there was a way we could make similar or get similar by perhaps stealing materials from the other labs or something along those lines. Mounts and Flight - So traversal is fun in the game, getting around can be great but once you're in the end game and building bases you want to get to sides of the garden to farm materials quicker. I think it would be cool to have perhaps an Ant as a mount, if Ominent have the little beeping thing on its head to control it then why can't we hack that and then control the ant? I know there was talk of pheromones and being able to control the ants that way which would be awesome. Other things for better traversal would be a more solid version of the Tuft, I know there was like a clover glider or something like that from the stuff I have seen but why not build like a wing suit from the moth wings and allow you to glide? this would mean you need to be high up to take full advantage of being able to travel the whole garden but it's a faster glider than the tuft and something cool. DLC Ideas and How it Could Work So the whole idea of the game is to survive the backyard and grow big and go home. Now once this Is done people might be wondering how could DLC or more content be added to the game, I have some ideas of my own New Garden - During the game it mentions that other kids have gone missing, with the main 4 kids being shrunk down against their own will we could make it that in the DLC they choose to be shrunk again and therefor more prepared as they're working alongside Wendell to try and stop Ominent. I won't spoil the good ending or bad ending but those who know both will know how this could work. If we're more prepared and we know that Ominent are up to no good like all evil organisations then it could mean we venture into a whole new garden because we know they've been kidnapping kids again meaning a whole new area even if it's the neighbours garden. We could have more tech since we're working alongside Wendell meaning cooler armour, similar base building options like the labs as well as cool tech suits and abilities that make building, traversing different. Another way we could introduce a new garden is to have the kids similar to above shrink down because there was something lost in the undershed, when they go down and into the sinkhole, a rain storm hits and flushes them away down the pipes and they end up elsewhere. Yeah it would be a little convenient if they managed to end up somewhere that happened to have shrunken labs but the pipes could have been how Ominent transported things from Garden to Garden. The Shed - I know there was a leak of the shed but as some of the content creators I mentioned above have stated in their videos this could just have been a dumping ground for all the assets but I think actually going into the shed is a cool idea for easy DLC for now until a new Garden or area is opened with story content. The shed could be introduced as Wendell may have a different version or an earlier model of the SPAC.R in there and he was using that with limited resources. Or we could just make it that Ominent knew what he was doing and took full advantage and setup base in the shed without him knowing. A whole world of possibilities in that shed. There are tonnes more things I have ideas for but this is a massive read for anyone that does chose to do so so thank you if you've got this far haha. Might see you in game Cheers
  3. 1. The ability to upgrade existing structures (for example a grass wall to a stem wall) instead of having to deconstruct the structure. 2. More animals and bugs. 3. The ability to tame things. For example you could tame ants and tell them to collect pebbles or wax. 4. The ability to ride animals such as ants and bees etc. 5. Something to change the terrain. For example if you want to build your base in your own deep custom cave or something. 6. Different material tools, (like wood stone and diamond etc in Minecraft) although there might be I'm not too far into the game. 7. Maybe add RC vehicles or buildable sailboats etc. 8. Everytime I build my base a Wolf Spider eventually comes along and doesn't go away, and keeps hitting my base until it's gone. Please fix this. 8. More areas, we want to see the inside of the house, we want the neighbour's garden we want alot. Maybe a sandpit biome or something. 9. Bigger backpacks. That you craft. 10. Maybe this is pushing it but a skill tree. I think this would really make the game boom. For example a skill to see which direction the nearest spider is in for example. 11. A compass at the top of the screen. 12. Saddles and stuff to ride bugs and spiders. Cant think of anything else, this game has been absolutely brilliant and these are my ideas for it. I'm gonna be playing this for a really long time yet.
  4. Why in the world did Obsidian make a completely stunning game but give it a disgusting interface that the player cannot adjust in any way? Besides turning it on or off; but thats the kicker. When I found a cool hunting rifle, while I had my HUD disabled, I found that there is no crosshair on the scope. I would love an update that adds more customization for the interface plz and thank u
  5. Jason Seow was one of the portrait artists for Pillars 1, and he made a number of additional character portraits that weren't officially included in the game. They're available for download here http://www.jasonseow.com/poeportraits/ , and I'd like to update them with watercolor counterparts so they can be properly used in Pillars 2. I've sifted through both of the other Portrait threads and gathered what ones have already been made. I'll maintain a list of what ones lack watercolor iterations so they can be downloaded piecemeal until people with the means and talent put the others together. Once they're all complete I'll make a cohesive .zip with the full color portraits for people to use. In the mean time, here's the list. COMPLETE Eothasian Paladin Female Death Godlike Female Moon Godlike Female Ocean Human Female Wild Orlan Male Savannah Human Male Coastal Aumaua Lord Sawyer Male Death Godlike INCOMPLETE Frog-Helm Knight Male Ocean Human Female Savannah Human Male Grove Human 01 Male Grove Human 02 Update #1. Lord Sawyer completed courtesy of illathid. Update #2. Male Death Godlike completed courtesy of myself.
  6. 'twas cool. Yeah, too sleepy to write something; I just opened this topic so we can post stuff about the newest Q&A information here instead of spreading around in multiple topics. So someone interested only in the newst "news" can check out/discuss here. Yeah you get my point Edit: btw, the steam is here at the moment: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/158677319
  7. The DVD 2.01 Updates are now live for Windows and Linux DVD users. These updates are to be used with the builds that were delivered on DVDs to Pillars of Eternity backers. If you are playing the game through Steam, GOG, or Origin, you should update your game through those platforms instead. We are currently working on installable versions of The White March - Part I and hope to have those available for download for DVD users in the next week or two. To download the latest 2.01 Updates for DVD please visit here.
  8. Update by Rose Gomez, Associate Producer Hello backers! In today's update, we'd like to show off a few of our creatures that you might have heard us talk about in previous updates. With the end of production getting closer every day, we have some news about our backer updates, and we’re also pleased to announce a date for the upcoming Backer Beta! In our next update, we’ll get into more detail about that. First, let’s get to the creatures. Blight Blights are lost souls or soul fragments that have bonded with elemental substances. They are often victims of natural disasters (floods, rock slides, forest fires, etc.). They are incoherent, confused, and full of rage, an amorphous cloud that swirls endlessly and with great violence. Within the vortex, dozens of humanoid shapes materialize and vanish from moment to moment. Faces scream in silent agony while hands desperately clutch and claw at their surroundings, as though still trying to escape their tragic fates. Bîaŵacs, storms that can rip the soul out of a person’s body, often create blights. If souls are ripped free from their bodies and caught in the center of the storm, they may become stuck together and bonded with any other elemental substances in the maelstrom. They are pure chaos and confusion, and destroying them is considered by many to be a mercy to the souls trapped within them. Blights have been the subject of controversial research carried out by the animancers of Eora. On the one hand, attempts at vivisection have led to promising strides in treating patients who, for one reason or another, contain within their bodies two or more complete souls fused together, which has been identified as the root cause of a variety of mental and physiological disorders. On the other, however, some groups lament that there is a lack of transparency on the methods being employed in these experiments, the general concerns being that these might be somehow inhumane or present some broader risk to the surrounding populace. There are also some who accuse animancers of deliberately trying to create blights for study, but the veracity of these claims is difficult to substantiate. Xaurip This hairless humanoid is about the size of an orlan. It has an elongated snout and snake-like eyes, giving it a very reptilian appearance. Its legs end in three-toed feet, while its elongated arms end in three-fingered claws. Xaurips adorn themselves with the bones of fallen enemies - mostly xaurips from rival tribes. They also have an affinity for large feathers, which they hang and pin to their attire. Skin tones can vary from light green, to a rustic brown. Their elongated snouts (which makes speech impossible) and overly-aggressive behavior have hindered them from communicating with the more civilized races of the world. They live in secluded, tribal territories and are known for ruthlessly attacking any foolish enough to cross their path. Xaurips revere dragons as deities and build their communities around the lairs of these powerful creatures. It is not uncommon for a small tribe to wander until it has found a wurm to worship. Once a tribe dedicates itself to a dragon, they will defend it at all costs. Elaborate rituals, in which the dragon consumes xaurip sacrifices, are normal. As a dragon grows in age and size, these sacrifices become large religious events that cost the lives of hundreds of xaurips. The power and prestige of a xaurip tribe directly correlates with the age of its dragon. The most powerful tribes have existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Warriors and shamans of these large tribes typically paint their bodies to resemble their draconic overlord. Vithrack Extremely rare, very dangerous creatures with natural cipher powers. They are mostly humanoid in shape, slightly taller and thinner than humans, but with horrific, fanged spider-like heads. Like spiders, they are capable of spinning silk, though they use it to make their own very intricate and fine robes. Males and females are indistinguishable from each other. They are primarily spellcasters and mental manipulators, like ciphers, though they will also attack with their fangs when forced into melee combat. Despite their extreme intelligence and power, vithrack are not a major force in the world due to their extremely low birth rates. Given their arachnid appearance, it's no surprise that vithrack have traditionally used spiders as companions and minions. Though highly intelligent and socially organized, little is known about their culture as they are both hostile to outsiders and rare. Their psionic powers allow them to communicate mentally with one another. Like many social insectoids, their society includes a variety of specific roles, including scouts and defenders. While their low birth rates are likely responsible for their hostility toward other races, they have also made the vithrack highly altruistic when it comes to their own kind. They will defend their nests to the death. Update Schedule Hey, everyone. Brandon here. With production moving into the finalization phase for Eternity, the team and I are hunkering down to finish up the game over the next few months. Going forward, we will be spacing out our backer updates a bit more from now until the project ships. They’ll come a bit less predictably, but you can still expect updates as we have big announcements or special news for you. This will really help us focus as much of our efforts into putting out the best game we possibly can for everyone. In our next big update, we will discuss the upcoming Backer Beta in more detail as well as what it will entail and how to redeem your copy. Speaking of the Backer Beta... Backer Beta We will be releasing our Backer Beta on August 18th. As we mentioned above, we will get into all of the specifics about the Backer Beta in our next update. Be on the lookout for it over the next month. Documentary Reward We also wanted to let all of our backers know about a decision we'd recently come to about our Documentary DVD/Bluray item. We were faced with a bit of a dilemma when it came to the full documentary footage. In order to provide a physical copy of the documentary when the game shipped, we would be unable to show the final leg of production in order to have time to print all of the discs and packaging. We want our backers to be able to share the entire experience of making this game with us - from the earliest beginnings to the very end. To do this, we've decided to forgo making a physical copy of the documentary, and will instead release a digital downloadable extended version. We recognize that some of you may be upset by this decision, but we hope that you'll understand our reasoning. We will be replacing the DVD/Blu-ray with another reward though. Stay tuned for a future update to find out all of the particulars. That's it for this update, head over to our forums and let us know what you think.
  9. Hi guys, Until the Xmas break (now), I hadn't much time to refer to the forums (i.e. I assume that the devs are working with the community), so I got my information from Kickstarter updates. I apologise if this sounds self-serving or lazy: Would it be possible to include in the forthcoming updates, more feedback / Q&A etc. from the team? Josh has been doing a fantastic job, and this request is mostly to sate the desire to hear the "technical" / "strategic" project management and implementation particulars from the frontline as well as from leads. Earlier updates introduced the PE team to us, and I'd like this fleshed out a bit further. What has been working well for you? What (if anything) you like / dislike / were surprised about with regard to the Unity toolset? Was there some feature of the Unity engine you found counter-intuitive at first? Or felt constrained by? What is your proudest achievement (i.e. deliverable) to-date or what are you most excited about? What task are you most looking forward to? Thank you!
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