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Found 7 results

  1. In Sealed Fate quest after you aquire Degnos' bag and read the letter within you must return to him at Queen's Berth. If you head there from any part of town using town map you will trigger encounter with Talfor. I didn't like the idea of him following me, but i didn't want to spoil my reputation with Principi so i headed to Undercroft (going there from Periki's Overlook does not trigger the encounter). In the Undercroft i took a boat to Queen's Berth, skipping the encounter and gave the bag to Degnos with no problem. But after i sailed for a bounty quest and came back to Nekitaka (Sealed Fate quest complete already) on my way from Berth to Sacred Steps i triggered the encounter with Talfor, so i picked the peaceful option and went back to Berth with him. This reset Degnos to the point where he asks to listen to him and not give him away to Avetta. I was able to "give" (Degnos' bag removed (0) ) him his bag, collecting his 37 copper for a second time.
  2. POTD difficulty, trial of iron, solo playtrough. This guy started to talk to me as i stepped in the range of his totems in stealth. Didn't notice them before Conselhaut caught me in his best trap ever, made of a deadly totem and a lack of pause during the dialogues. During the dialogue, my character seems to have died from the totem effect, continiously doing whatever it does. After dialogue ended, i have a map full of fog of war, no characters and no game over message. I can save and load this state of the game, and I have a dead save file. I don't think that supposed to happen. To repeat the bug you just need to go to this encounter, get in range of totems while in stealth and talk to Concelhaut. Your character will die while in dialogue and you will get the result. Here is my save file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e3nglttwokxvun/Zerral%20%28c70d0256-241e-444b-9489-9879381787d6%29%20trialofiron.savegame?dl=0
  3. During the encounter with the Eotans on the Island with the Sandswept ruins (SW map), I selected the options "The other eotans hid food from you" (paraprhrased, passed check successfully) and "my friends saw it!" (I think it was the third option. Failed that check). Now the mistake. The text says: "Rekke stares at you blankly. After a few long, silent moments, his eyes widen, and he slowly shakes his head." I haven't even met Rekke yet. My current party members are (in that order): Aloth, Pallegina, Mira and Tekēhu.
  4. I was reading JFSOCC's post about why he/she (sorry don't know you gender ) didn't finish the game (here's the link: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92127-i-never-finished-pillars-of-eternity/) and at some point he/she complains about hating combat because of its score. Although I liked combat music and didn't got bored of it, I understand why it can become annoying being 3-4 tracks and combat encounters being all over the place. So, wouldn't it be agreat thing if the sequel has unique music tracks for specific encounters and even places? Like if Cancelhaut had his own music only during wis combat encounter or if Raedric's Hold had its own score as an entire area? I believe this is going to make parts of the game more memorable.
  5. I got my hands on the White March 1 & 2 at last (very good expansions, btw, especially the 2nd) and playing the game again after so long, something occured to me that I didn't notice (or didn't care for some reason?) at the first time: humanoid opponents behave like midless beasts when it comes to initiate combat. What I mean: I was walking around some military encampment, trying to find a way to slip in and a lonesome guard notices me an my party of 6 high level, heavily armed adventurers. What does th he do? Charges at us in melee and, naturally, dies in seconds. And I though "what an idiotic behavior!". I mean, shouldn't he run for assistance, trying to alarm the other guards that a group of dangerous looking strangers sneaking around? Of course he should. But the game treats all opponents as "monsters". As soon as green meets red, combat to the death occurs. I'd like to point this as a suggestion for the devs to consider implementing in the sequel. Humanoids should have a way to "measure" situtations. If enemy is way more powerful, maybe they should run, try calling for backup or -if there's nowere to go- have a fear debuff and a cornered buff, or somethings like that. Sorry in advance if this topic has already been discussed somewhere else.
  6. There is ab it of problem with the agro mechanics. I have noticed it in small amounts in some interior dungeons but sometimes when you agro one group of enemies it chain agro into other groups obscured by unexplored FoW. This has manifested itself worst to date on the Northweald Map. In the far north I agro the first group of stilgears to the right of the cave and after they are dispatched I remain in combat mode, resulting in being unable to rest, use consumables or transition to other areas. As far as i can tell I have also agressed the additional packs across the stream but the AI does not consider me in its engagement radius. I don't think this will be patched int time for 2.0 but it still needs logging. Supplemental video in case My written text is less than clear. https://youtu.be/RZGsFUWgYWE output_log.txt
  7. Hi! Got this thought in another thread, first of all, what is "Second Wind"? -----------A------------- In Borderlands and Guild Wars 2 this is a feature you can use to "get back in the field", basically it is you fighting with your dying breathe to get back into the game. It makes no sense really because: A, I lost all of my health, yet I can still fight B, When I kill an enemy in this mode, I get "Second Wind" and can return to the battlefield (with a portion of health returned) C, If you fail to kill enemy during the time period you get "Game Over"/"Respawn". D, It is super fun and great design (in other words, it doesn't matter in these action games if it makes sense or not) -----------B------------- As P:E isn't action based like GW2 or Borderlands, and with 6 party members, a "Second Wind" feature gets difficult to "implement". Instead, P:E would benefit from what I like to call a "Narrative Second Wind". What does this mean? A, You entire party got knocked out unconscious by a group of Ogres B, You wake up in another screen, you are in a pot and you are about to get cooked C, Charm your way out of it to escape, or you get "Game Over". D, In a game like P:E, with more depth attached to it, sense would have to play its part more than in an action game. E, With a Narrative approach there are more ways to play with it, sent to Jail, stripped off all of your gear, you become a slave on a boat/camp/mansion, there's no end to the possibilities to what kind of "consequences" failing a Fight could get you thanks to being "Narrative". Perhaps you wake up on the shores of Dyrwood, with a narrative texts saying "You woke up at the bottom of the ocean". Etc. etc. ------------------------ Personally I would like the B approach, but for some encounters (not every single encounter) but in some fights there is some sort of "Second Wind", an ability to win a fight after loosing the fight. Which is pretty much what the concept of Borderlands and Guild Wars 2 is going for (You won the fight whilst going down, never surrender! Which can be pretty epic). Thoughs?
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