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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. That was back when people read the 1 inch thick player manual before playing a game. I never read the manual either. While BG2 wasn't my first RPG; it was my first crpg. In BG2 the attribute system and UI were both very user friendly. So far it looks like poe will be neither.
  2. Anyone who would believe Hunter's claim which makes no sense, came from a rumor he misunderstood, and hasn't the slightest shred of evidence for is definitely a willing dupe.
  3. The point is that they're concealing information American citizens have the right to know. If they're concealing this, you can't be confident in anything they say. They're not concealing anything. Excuses are being made. See when people screw up; they like to blame their failures on other things. They don't lie, they project blame. A bad FPS shooter often goes, "Why didn't you guys cover me!? If you were better teammates I'd have done better." No dishonesty is intended; it's just that there is projection going on. The fact that the fools are making excuses for their failures is far different than outright pretending events didn't happen. Funny that you would go so far as to outright ignore anything the department of homeland security says, but don't seem to have questioned Hunters credibility on this at all. A) Hunter has no evidence. B) Hunter's source says that Hunter misunderstood him. C) The claim that ISIS is crossing the border to get into the US makes no sense. If hunter went on tv and told you that ISIS is harnessing the power of Castle Grey Skull to summon Sauron to destroy the US; would you believe it?
  4. I got my tooth pulled. It was a miserable experience. The chairs were so uncomfortable, and due to some one making a mistake I had to wait in the chair for over an hour. I have never felt such outrageously terrible chairs.
  5. I just cannot agree with you on this. The sheer fact that I played BG2 for more then 10 years without noticing level scaling is a proof in my eyes that BG2 system was perfect. How does not noticing a feature make it perfect? Also, how the hell did play the game so much and not notice it? Level scaling diminishes the reward of leveling up. Even in BG2 it can get so bad that sometimes it can actually punish you for leveling up. Not to mention how it screws up the difficulty. The only reason the level scaling in BG2 was merely a minor problem was that it was kept extremely minor until you reached a high level. So, I'll reiterate. Level scaling if added sparsely doesn't matter except being a minor annoyance, and if added with a heavy hand it's game breaking. So, I would suggest OE avoid it. Also, if you never noticed it; why do you even care if it's in the game?
  6. This is what I was asking about. Why is getting xp for every mob grind-xp exclusively? If I get xp for quests I might be inclined to go and look for every quest in an area just to get xp. Isn't that grinding? If I scour a dungeon looking for every trap to disarm isn't that grinding? EDIT: I too feel that since kill-xp is being replaced with something rather than simply being axed that the system is evolving; although there are no assurances it will evolve into something better.
  7. Practical? No. Possible? Yes, but very crappy.
  8. They're coming up with excuses for their stupid policy; not denying whole events. Big Difference.
  9. Perhaps, but since PoE is following in the footsteps of the IE games, and the IE games didn't present combat as a"grindy" experience, it's kind of a moot point... Again, a moot point since IE games didn't have it to begin with. Well then you'd have to argue that a non-xp combat system is actually evolving. I have to wonder why combat is being singled out as being grind-xp?
  10. You are kidding, right? Diablo is a single char game. And each char has more active skills than any one char in POE. I disagree.. sorry.. If PoE only allowed you to control one character then you may be on to something. The fact that you control an entire party with different skills and attributes that bring different functionality to a fight and that most difficult encounters will require strategy and patience to win.. Diablo 1 / 2 / 3 are all about quantity over quality of enemies.. The amount of abilities do not make it more difficult to play or add more depth to it. At least Diablo has a fair amount of strategy to it. Got to make sure you raise the right attributes & wear the right armor. I don't like anything past Diablo 1, but it's not as simplistic as some people suggest.
  11. My reflexes are sharper than they've ever been, and I'm no teenager.
  12. Hunter's source says guys caught at the border "might" be ISIS. Hunter goes on tv and tells people that they were ISIS members without a shred of evidence (Irresponsibly). The department of justice says this is all just a rumor. The only way his claim could be true is: A) Hunter's source is lying about what he told Hunter. B) The entire government is lying about this whole thing. C) Most unlikely of all; that ISIS is actually crossing the border in order to get into the US.
  13. I'm pretty sure he only said he was considering it. That is the antitheses to the entire concept of leveling up. Not to mention extremely bland. If that's the plan it would be best to simply get rid of leveling altogether. BG2 had crap level scaling. If you were low level it didn't make a difference, and if you were high level it was a pain. It was some of the best level scaling I've ever seen, but that's because Bioware used it sparingly. There is a reason why the best implementation of level scaling is when it's hardly used, and why when it's implemented a lot it ruins the game. That reason is that level-scaling SUCKS!!!
  14. I like exploring a general area of a map and not knowing what to expect. Will there be trash mobs? Will there be a special encounter? Will there be nothing? It creates a greater sense of wonder. Not to mention the it also makes it feel more authentic. Yes.
  15. This is the primary reason, but the sheer magnitude and necessity of combat also suggest it is very combat focused. It's not that it exists; it's that combat is everywhere.
  16. Then you have mistaken my sentiment. I have listed my reasons; none of them were "combat exists". If a game has: A) Many mandatory fights. B) A class system in which how they relate to combat being the primary distinguishing features. C) A development where a great deal more effort was put into combat than needed. D) Dungeons that are teeming with enemies. One of the game's selling points is a mega dungeon filled with enemies. E) The story not relating much to gameplay. Example- OE doesn't care about how the lore relates to the attribute system. Their primary concern is the combat. F) A lead developer who says that he doesn't want players to avoid combat and is altering the game to make combat more appealing. I think it's safe to say said game is combat focused.
  17. They're putting way too much work into it for it not to be a combat focused game. If combat weren't the focus then combat wouldn't have been a big priority for Obsidian. They would have just built something that is simple and fast to save development time for more important things.
  18. There is no level scaling in PoE. And that is not a good thing. Also, it is not level scaling. BG games added more enemies, not scaled all of them to your level. Also it wasn't adjusted for each player level but only at some thresholds. The system was so well done in BG that I didn't even know about the system until I read it on BGEE boards. No level scaling is always good. The biggest flaw of BG2 by far was the insufferable level scaling. God I wish I could find a mod to get rid of it. In some cases the game can actually get harder from leveling up! That's BS!!! Leveling up should always be a good thing with no downsides whatsoever. I've played a lot of RPG's, and I have yet to ever play one that was better thanks to level scaling.
  19. Lots of people keep on saying it's a combat-centric game, that's not the impression I got from reading interviews with the devs (or the Kickstarter pitch). In fact, one interview especially mention that the Endless Paths of Od Nua was the section of the game for the combat lovers (PC Gamer UK November 2014, so it's recent). The kickstarter pitch suggests it'll have the dungeon crawling of IWD. If I recall correctly; IWD's dungeons were teeming with combat. Josh has already stated that there will be many mandatory fights. Not to mention all the classes seem to be geared towards combat. If the beta is anything to go by there will be trash encounters all over the place. Josh has also stated that he didn't want to encourage players to avoid combat why is why OE is tweaking the xp system since the quest xp only model has produced undesirable results. Combat is this game's focus. More so than BG; less so than IWD. EDIT: WAIT THERE'S MORE! Obsidian has put a lot of effort into into getting rid of cheese strategies and re-balancing the game system in order to make the combat more tactical. This would be a huge waste of resources if poe wasn't a combat focused game.
  20. Having an emergency stash of food is always wise. I myself have good amount of food, water, and medical supplies stored in case it is ever needed.
  21. It's because some of our higher learning institutions aren't about expanding people's minds, but indoctrinating them.
  22. True, but the democrats were always worthless populists with no convictions. Once upon a time the republicans weren't a populist party; which is why seeing them in the miserable state they've chosen for themselves is quite frustrating. I guess it depends on what is meant by 'intellectual' really. When I think intellectual, I mean some one who is educated. Most journalists are fairly educated; so I feel it's fair to call them intellectuals. Doesn't mean they're intelligent or have critical thinking skills though. EDIT: I better make this more relevant to ISIS. I'm also making it less insulting. It's annoying me how some 'conservatives' are trying to tie people's fear of ISIS into issues that are totally unrelated. Although it's also a tad amusing to see people who actually would believe for even a second that ISIS is trying to sneak into the US through the border.
  23. Back in my Halo 2 days it's how I played. I was never quite as good as my friends at fighting when we played local multi-player, but I still managed to win since I was a crafty strategist. I would wait somewhere in the middle of the map for one of my friends to start fighting the other. Once a battle broke out I would jump in and steal the kills. Good times.
  24. RANT TIME!!! It's not surprising considering that the republican party abandoned it's successful capitalist foundation to court stupid, agrarian, unprincipled, and somewhat pro-treason bunch of Judeau-Christian zealots more interested in religious indoctrination than ideological consistency. How can anyone be shocked that intellectuals fled the republicans when they ceased to be the party of reason to become the party of stupid. They're the kind of morons who throw the word socialist at Obama like an insult; only to ignore that the previous republican president actively tried to preserve social security by making it solvent. Doin' a real good job of fighting socialism when during the 'Obama-Care' debate you complain money'll be taken away from medicare. Don't worry though folks because the country is going the same way as the journalist for unsurprising reasons. Nixon's version of the republican party is the Thief 4 of political parties. Like Thief 4 it suffers from a lack of an identity and being a mish-mash of incompatible ideas. Are they capitalists? Hell no. The drug war, gay marriage, social security, and various other positions they take show they haven't the slightest respect for property. Are they the party of small government? If you only listen to their speeches sure, but the illusion of a small-government appeal fails the moment you give even a slight glance at their policy. 1: Hilariously huge military when we're running massive deficits. Any attempts to reign in the financially irresponsible military spending is completely opposed by party leadership. See, their plan to keep America safe is to bankrupt the country while at the same time draw all the heat from the worlds villains by getting involved in everything. 2: Build an extremely expensive wall at the Mexican border. Good to know that the "party of small government" want to waste billions of dollars building and maintaining a wall that won't work, and if it did work would be an economic disaster. Not to mention would give the government a great degree of control over who can leave and when. One of the little details people forget is that the wall could do more than keep Mexicans OUT; it could keep Americans IN. I could go on, but then this post would be waaay too long. The republicans lose with journalist because few smart people would want to be associated with the republicans, and the few who do; do so grudgingly.
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