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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. In regards to point B - It would make sense that avoiding combat would make you worse at combat...right? It also make you worse in sneaking... Currently. If you read the rest of my post (yeah I know they tend to be long...) I said that it would be better to get better in stealthing by USING stealthing. Sure it would require tweaking the system a bit (how much I wouldnt really know - could be a LOT or a LITTLE), but I think it would be better for it. My personal opinion, yours can vary. This ain't no Elder Scrolls!
  2. Here you make false assumption that things that aren't necessary to complete game don't influence on its balance and what is the optimal way to play and especially how many people play the game, which are things that designer worry over. Since you don't even need combat xp in particular the lack of lock/trap xp only moves you to xp in general. Quest xp as much as combat xp. That is why it's meaningless. The game also doesn't give you xp for pausing the game. Does that tip the scales toward combat xp? No; it just makes it so you need another source of xp in general. Whether it be combat xp or quest xp is meaningless. So, as I have already said. BG1 had balanced xp. Kill the quest givers? There are consequences for that far exceed the tiny bit of xp you'll receive. Sneak past foes? You'll be making some parts easier; some parts harder. Any way of opening chests or avoiding traps is balanced.
  3. If you don't like it; don't read it. Gromnir is awesome and that's a fact. Don't ever change, Gromnir.
  4. A) Not really as you have virtually unlimited pool of money and you can buy reputation from temples and reputation really matters for those that play good characters and maybe in some extent for those that play neutral characters. B) It may be safer but it don't help when there is encounter that you can't avoid and you are under powered because you sneaked past previous encounters. C) I give you that I have played too much versions with BG2's engine. But absence of such source of non-combat xp only works to tip the xp scales towards combat xp. A) The amount of xp most quest givers would give you is like ten or twenty. The amount of reputation you'll lose can be as high as 7. I'll gladly keep the 3,000 or so gold it costs to keep my reputation at a reasonable level over the 20 xp that quest giver gave me. B) The game can be beaten even with a level 1 character, and quest xp alone will easily get you to level 5 with a full party. By sneaking past the enemies you are making some parts easier & some parts harder; sounds balanced to me. C) A meaningless point since I have already established that combat xp isn't needed in the game. The system is balanced in BG1, and you have yet to voice any solid evidence to the contrary.
  5. What aspects are dubious? If some one is an adventurer he should be given xp for exploring/discovering areas since that is what adventurers do. If anything; it's non-discovery xp that is dubious. As far as I'm concerned, quest-xp is easily the most dubious & least important kind of xp there is.
  6. By metric that Josh uses you get most XP by doing quest first and then kill everybody after wards. And taking combat option brings more experience than sneaking past enemies. Using thief open locks and remove traps brings more experience than using knock spell or strength to open locks and using detect traps spell to find traps so that you can avoid them. A) Doesn't killing people (Like quest givers) lower your reputation which causes other problems? Can you give me an example of the kind of situation you are talking about? B) Isn't sneaking past enemies safer than fighting them? If so; fighting them should yield more xp since it is more dangerous/challenging. That would be balance. If fighting enemies yielded no more xp than sneaking past them; then the game would be unbalanced in favor of sneaking. C) IIRC in the original BG1 disarming traps/opening locks didn't yield any xp.
  7. Baldur's Gate 2 had much more people working on it and it still failed in that balancing (similarly as all IE games failed), why they want to do things differently this time. How did BG1 fail to balance the xp? By what metric did it fail?
  8. I don't think balancing it is all that hard considering there's a level cap. Just keep the xp from enemies that respawn really low to make grinding hopelessly inefficient and it's pretty easy to predict what level players will be at any given point. After all, in poe not all the area's/quests are going to be available right away.
  9. I'm sure Volourn is about 'Adonai' of the Judeo-Christian faith. Also called 'Allah' in the Islamic variant.
  10. I find it is the opposite of this that is the truth. It's usually those who think that dictating other people's lives will make a better world that tend to be villains. Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, and histories other great villains didn't care much about their own lives, but rather they were obsessed with controlling others.
  11. Poe should be compared to BG1; not BG2. We aren't high level in the beta; we're level 5. Take a level 4 party in BG1 with basic gear and them fight Worgs/Hobgoblins/Half-Ogres. You'll see that the fighter is a beast. Wielding a two handed sword the Fighter cuts through trash mobs like butter. The Fighter usually won't even need allies against trash mobs. One hit; *BOOM!* The enemy could very likely blow up; at the very least the enemy will almost certainly die. It made fights with trash mobs mercifully short, and sometimes even fun. Xp also helped make them feel like they weren't a waste of time.
  12. Boring combat can be made MUCH more bearable with xp. Do not underestimate how happy some people get when they receive xp. Not to mention the fact that right now the game is horribly imbalanced in favor of stealth.
  13. Maybe my thief wants some practice disarming traps. I can see it now... Thief: Hey guys, lets go back and head left this time. Paladin (party leader): Uhh... Why? Thief: I'm pretty sure there's trap back that way. I wanna disarm it for a bit of practice. Paladin: That's a little weird. How do you even know there's a trap back there. Thief: The meta game god told me about. Paladin: Meta game God!? How dare ruin our sacred role-play! You're greedy desire for xp has defiled our sense of immersion! All has become corrupted and gamey! Thief: Don't act so holier than thou! I know what you're doing! Paladin: Explain what you mean. Thief: You got a +2 mace and a shield equipped, but you keep puttin' proficiency points into 2-handed sword and 2 handed weapons! Paladin: So what? I've done nothing wrong...*Starts to sweat* Thief: Yeah right, and I'll bet you'll act like you weren't expecting Carsomyr. You're just as bad as me! Paladin: Oh come on! I can't help it! I can't possibly resist such a prize from the Meta game God. I guess I'll stop whining. Let's go get 200-xp...
  14. Please tell me you don't believe this obyknven. It is so wrong it's almost beyond belief. "Jews created communism to destroy Russia." BS. Communism wasn't invented by jews. It was created by a single man, and he didn't create it to destroy Russia. "Russians were winning the war, but the jews didn't want to give up Constantinople. So they started the Bolshevik revolution." Also complete BS. After that I just quit watching. If that's what you believe oby; you're beyond hopeless. The dolt in this video is just a racist without even the most basic grasp on history.
  15. Some good points raised, a couple of considerations ISIS in its current structure is the due to the prolonged civil war in Syria and the fact that when the USA left Iraq Al-Maliki didn't incorporate the Sunnis in the new government. I'm not sure why you feel the USA is responsible for either of these? In fact as I've often said if the USA and its allies hadn't be vetoed in the UNSC by Russia and China they would have intervened in Syria years ago, like Libya, and ISIS wouldn't even exist. Remember Syria is there homeland and "birthplace" in there current form and they only exist because Assad has been incapable of dealing with them so they become stronger as more people flocked to there cause America never aided Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, they helped the Mujahideen who were fighting the occupation by the USSR. No one knew that Al-Qaeda would evolve eventually from some of the Mujahideen fighters and also remember that the Cold War was on going at the time and the greater evil was always Communism. There were various proxy wars fought between the USA and USSR and sometimes from the assistance that both powers provided there were unforeseen consequences that came to effect years later. That's why the USA basically ignored Apartheid for so long because South Africa was staunchly opposed to Communism Al-Maliki's style of governing is no surprise at all, and the infighting between sunni's and shia's was more than a little predictable. The USA didn't bother to understand the culture and ideology of Iraq before haphazardly deciding to invade it. Yes, America is responsible for what is happening in Iraq. We destabilized it, and we left it in the hands of incompetent sectarian fools. ISIS exits because the secular tyrants have been toppled by islamists thanks to the help of naive westerners who think that secular democracy is just around the corner. All our intervening has done is create monsters, sow chaos, and weaken our economy. Don't even get me started on the cold war.
  16. Isn't, 'The Haj' a fictional book? Why would anyone care about what a made up story says about Muslims? From the Muslims I know in Dearborn; Islamic families tend to be really close. They definitely weren't brother against brother and sons against father. If anything; they are flawed because they are too attached to one another. It's just a quotation that was in the article I posted?! Why would some one put a line from a fictional book into their article? It's just weird.
  17. Isn't, 'The Haj' a fictional book? Why would anyone care about what a made up story says about Muslims? From the Muslims I know in Dearborn; Islamic families tend to be really close. They definitely weren't brother against brother and sons against father. If anything; they are flawed because they are too attached to one another.
  18. Three things: A) While helping Syrian rebel certainly did benefit ISIS; that wasn't the intention of Israel or the US. It was another unintended consequence of our idiotic interventionist attitude. B) The US is no one's puppet. We are however, bleeding heart fools who seem to have forgotten how to mind our own business; this tends to be a problem as we don't always even understand the situations we get ourselves into. Iraq is a good example of how pathetic our understanding of a situation can be. C) Israel is hardly to blame for ISIS. America is very much at fault however. Starting with our aid to al-Qaeda when they were fighting the USSR in Afghanistan. Followed by our hapless invasion of Iraq. Finally, we gave aid to a bunch of radicals we knew nothing about in their fight against a brutal but secular Assad. Ladies and gentlemen: America's brilliant foreign policy.
  19. Don't be surprised when that doesn't save them. I suppose they'll still exist in the future, but they'll be a shadow of what they are now; considering they aren't much even now it'll be quite pathetic.
  20. Yeah, I agree. After all, if you want to make sure to not miss any discovery xp, you have to clear the baddies out of the way anyway. Just to clarify; when I say discovery xp; I mean getting xp for discovering special area's. Like a certain underground dungeon.
  21. Honestly, I don't think filling out the beastiary is even a good way to give out xp. I think it would be better if Obsidian just added discovery-xp and xp for killing special enemies. The spider-queen would be an example of a special enemy.
  22. I'll be maxing out mechanics very early to get all that xp. So if there's no lock-picking XP you'll be fine with leaving locked chests behind? I don't believe you. I've left locked stuff behind even when there was lock-picking xp. I should say; if they add lock-picking xp, it should be like BG:EE rather than BG2. In BG:EE if you unlock a chest, you'll get about 10 xp. Maybe 30 if it was a tough lock. In BG2 even easy locks could grant 100-xp or more. It was silly. If they wanted the amount of xp given to keep up with how much xp you need to level; then the difficulty of the locks should have kept pace.
  23. I'll be maxing out mechanics very early to get all that xp. I agree with archangel; it would be cool if we got xp for all the skills.
  24. you can force a player to speak to a quest giver. PoE is gonna be a story-driven game, like it or not. there will be essential plot points and such quests can be given simultaneous with reaching one o' those initial plot points. regardless, in the event that the quest giver is missed, such quests can be added automatically to a quest log. these is not noteworthy hurdles. *shrug* if the only point is to prevent the developers from calling an award of xp a quest, then it strikes us as silly. if you can offer players multiple routes to achieve objectives in a crpg, how can that be a bad thing? therefore, if you expunge options just so folks feel better that they is getting combat or exploration specifically, well, that doesn't make any sense to us either. HA! Good Fun! Sounds like more effort on the part of Obsidian to do this instead of just make it a mechanic. Not very much more, but still more. Seems like a waste to put effort into making the game a bit more tedious by forcing us to talk to the quest giver. Wouldn't it make more sense to just... not do that?
  25. Yep, US begin war against Syria at last. They make long path to make this real. Firstly with help of Turkish ally they create ISIS. But ISIS fail own goal and has been defeated by Syrian army and Kurdish selfdefence. Then US organise ISIS "invasion" into Iraq, where they: Cut Kurdish supply lines. Syrian Kurdish self-defence has been weakened. Has been armed by newest US weapons (Iraq army just delivers all these toys to them and flee without fight). After this well armed US-backed terrorist return to Syria for finishing own work. And US use this situation for attack of Syria without declaration of war or permission from UNN (We make war against terrorists, trust to us).... Profit. It's so good really. Syrian Trap triggered. Wait so you are suggesting that the USA created ISIS as a reason to actually invade Syria? Please tell me even you don't believe this ..... Not to mention that this whole ISIS situation will almost certainly ensure that Assad will remain in power. Also ISIS has made Iran more powerful than ever. If making ISIS were our plan; it sure blew up in our face. Not to mention there is really no room for profit here.
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