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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. It has been posted and it has been disputed. Essentially it makes the claim that because up to ~15% of tweets sent to Sarkessian or Wu are negative, gamergate is about harassment. Not to mention that these SJW are disliked in general by a lot of gamers; this was true before gamergate, and will be true after it. It's just something overly sensitive gamers will talk about. Just because gamers talk about them a lot doesn't change what gamergate is about. Gamergate is financially targeting the unethical websites; proof that's what gamergate is ultimately about. It's true that a few fools care WAAAAAY too much about Anita and those like her, but a movement should be judged by its goals more than what they chat about.
  2. It's very strange.
  3. This game seems cool, but I don't know where to find more info on it. Can any of you brilliant Obsidian members aid me?
  4. This new system is simply terrible. If I want my character to fight the way I want then he can't play the way I want out of battle. I feel forced to either get talents I don't want, or skills I don't want; it really sucks.
  5. The game really isn't running well at all. I hate the merger of talents and skills.
  6. I liked those too. I also liked the level 1 talents they added for fighters. Being able to choose to reduce armor penalty was cool.
  7. Good. Screw doxxers.
  8. GEE WHERE'D HE GO AGAIN R WE PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK??? Because he can't answer your question. His absurd double standard can't be justified so all he can do is leave.
  9. um, I don't really respond well to conspiracy theory tinfoil hat rants against my character. But if you insist... the question was what am I doing to combat sexism in the industry? I'm kind of making a game with a female main character. I thought it was why don't you stop the anti-gamergate side from propagating their pro-bullying agenda. Did I miss something?
  10. Could do even worse... "It's mostly women who kill their babies, the pattern is connected to ideas of toxic femininity". Get over it. Why do you linger on this?
  11. That's shameful, even by her standards. Who cares what she thinks? Best to just ignore her.
  12. Every single one of your posts on this topic has been punctuated by a rage and indignation that astounds me. You think you're saying these mega-important and scathing things, but really its just a tantrum akin to a child. I love how you came to that conclusion about me based on a humor image. I have no idea why I thought posting in here - or at least engaging with you - was a good idea. Sure is nice that you completely dodged the main point. Why don't you stop the anti-gamergate journalists from propagating a pro-bullying stance? The pro-bullying stance those journalists have taken really is beyond despicable. So again, WHY HAVEN'T YOU STOPPED THEM!?
  13. It's actually even worse considering we actually know that these are anti-gamergate people; rather than unaffiliated trolls who have nothing to do with anything. Although I can't blame Bryy for not condemning the pro-bully stance; since holding journalists to any ethical standards is the primary point of gamergate. If he did have any standards for them; why would he be anti-gamergate?
  14. Let's hope the next build will be the greatest update ever. So good that 1 tester actually has a heart attack from joy! Don't worry though, the attack will actually be a wake up call for the overweight gamer. After said joy heart attack the player will start eating right and living healthy; vastly improving his/her quality of life.
  15. I've never had horse meat, but I would like to eat 1 of every animal eventually.
  16. I was about to mention it, but decided against it The US electoral college system is not a true democracy and therefore not "legitimate". Waiting for South Africa to declare war in the US to correct that heresy The US is not a democracy. We do not claim to be one, nor should we ever be one. We are a Representative Republic.
  17. That doesn't make him illegitimate. Democracy does not equal legitimacy.
  18. They received weapons like assault rifles, anti-tank rocket launchers, and other ammunition. CIA agents helped them develop supply routes and provided "non-lethal" aid like money.
  19. I don't have a problem with the word legitimate. I have a problem with non-Libyans determining who is or isn't a legitimate leader in Libya. I wouldn't want the British to say Lincoln wasn't "legitimate" because he wasn't of royal lineage. Democracy doesn't = Legitimate. It's ironic that you mention legitimacy though. See, Gaddafi was put into power by Libyans; while these rebels owe their success to the west. So if either is to be considered legitimate; it would be Gaddafi.
  20. Syria has had a drawn out war because outside forces (like the west) chose to support the rebels. Had we done nothing they would have been crushed and the war would have been over almost as soon as it began. If not for the atmosphere created by intervention there would have been no civil war at all to be honest. The rebels went into the war expecting aid, and got it.
  21. We and others intervened in Syria. Syria is what you get with intervention.
  22. Who gave them the right to intervene? Why don't we let the people decide the fate of their own country? Why not just let Gaddafi destroy the rebels? What gives the west the right to determine what is a legitimate leader? Your lack of respect for Libya's sovereignty is disturbing. He shouldn't have used force to crush the protesters. That said, it's none of our business how Libyans conduct politics. Once the people the west wanted to be in control were in power. That's like if during the US civil war the British (they were pro-confederate) had supplied arms to the rebels, prevented Sherman from conducting his total war campaign, and then left after the confederates won thanks to their hypothetical intervention. That isn't letting Americans run the country as we see fit.
  23. I'm aware that organic farming takes up way more space and has no clear benefits besides feeding bugs and not poisoning bugs, but how is it horrible for the environment outside that? Organic fertilizer and more water consumption. Organic fertilizer comes from cattle; like cows. Oh, and composts and junk. Cows are a major source of Global Warming. Here are some other reasons. http://www.science20.com/agricultural_realism/six_reasons_organic_not_most_environmentally_friendly_way_farm-110209
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