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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Hate to break it to you, but interventionism isn't something the US can be expected to do in moderation. It's all or nothing. Either the US doesn't get involved in foreign affairs or it doesn't want foreigners to blink without our knowledge and consent. Oh, and the government is comically incompetent too so expect us to constantly make the world more unstable and dysfunctional.
  2. Baro? As in, Barothmuk? I don't recall him supporting anti-GG. I recall him sometimes noticing and commenting how dumb SJW's are. I think he was in the camp that everyone was dumb.
  3. The EU has libertarian views? On what?
  4. But they are blind, because the prophet way of life reflect the Quran, following Quran without the prophet guidance is blind A few questions come to mind. A) Why bother bringing up the fact that stoning isn't mentioned in the Quran if you still consider hadith (which do feature stoning) valid? Unless you only accept hadith that parallel the Quran, but if that's the case; what would such hadith even contribute? B) Why didn't the prophet himself provide for Muslims everything they need?
  5. Isn't stoning featured in some Hadith? Yes, and regarding the hadith, scholars have different opinions about them. Some scholars take all hadith without question, some scholars only take hadith that parallel with Quran, some scholars have mixed opinion. So it is all about scholars opinions. The Quranists however reject all hadiths Seems like being a Quranist would be the simplest way to practice Islam.
  6. I've never met anyone who said "Muslim" when they meant Middle Easterner. If this has been happening I guess I've just been clueless. Isn't stoning featured in some Hadith?
  7. My point was that we are compelled to participate in the economy by necessity. To survive, the wistful communist must seek employment from a firm in order to survive because the wistful communist needs the compensation he receives in order to buy basic necessities. I suppose one could argue that a co-op structure would be a method to avoid this predicament, but other than a few grocery markets in urban cities I am struggling to think of any and as such opting out of the capitalist economy is practically impossible. There are some communes in the US. They're just very small and lacking in most of the capitalist luxuries we are used to. There are also a decent number of farming co-ops up here in Michigan. You'd be right about that. Markets are older than capitalism, and there are pro-market varieties of socialism.Market socialism comes to mind.
  8. What are property rights if not the legal enforcement of ownership of production? And how does China not enforce this? The government in China holds that it has the right to both the use and disposal of any and all property within the country. Ownership, true ownership, includes the exclusive right of use and disposal. They have property, but not property rights. Analogy: Let's say I (I'll be the Chinese government) hand out my laptop (this will represent the means of production) to my friend. He's allowed to do anything he wants with it (unless I don't approve; it MUST be used in my interests or I'll reclaim it). He's also allowed to make some money by using it productively which I never do or ever could do, but at anytime I can take it back for any reason. Who would you say is the true proprietor of the laptop? Me or my friend? I think any reasonable person would say me. When the Chinese abandoned their socialist economy due to it's numerous failures and shortcomings, they did not change it to a capitalist one, nor did they ever intend to. They merely harnessed private entrepreneurship which is older than capitalism by thousands of years. I will at least agree with you that China can not be called a "socialist" state anymore though.
  9. I had this whole elaborate BS I was gonna go through to get a proper response to this, but it seems it was going to be even more tedious than I initially imagined. Okay, the ending of an the episode, "The midnight sun" of the Twilight Zone has an old lady looking out a window saying, "Oh yes... Wonderful..." With a look of fear and dread on her face (if you don't know the context I'm not explaining it for you). I was going to download that episode from Youtube and cut out that specific part and use it as a response. However, I guess it isn't on Youtube even though old shows are usually on Youtube, so screw it. So just imagine an old lady looking out a window with a look of despair and dread saying, "Oh yes... Wonderful..."
  10. How does an economic system based upon private ownership of property(means of production) require personal freedom? China is operating under an economic system with private property and less state interference than the US, would you say they are doing well with personal freedom and individual liberty? There's more to capitalism than who controls the means of production. The idea of property rights is a vital part of it as well. One that China does not have. Even if you disagree; this is no doubt the context in which GD is using the word "capitalism".
  11. Unless God decides to kill you for not obeying him; which if the Bible is to be believed, is something he does. I suppose this might be true though if God as described in the bible isn't real. I hope that's the case as I'd prefer that God doesn't kill me or send me to hell to be tormented for all time simply for exercising my freedom. Capitalism maybe, but this definitely isn't the case with Christianity. I'd even go so far as to say that Christianity thrives better in an environment devoid of personal freedom. I think them forming their own co-ops/communes/whatever is a better idea than seriously expecting them to give away their disposable income. I mean, giving away their money helps them control the means of production how exactly?
  12. Cover ups like calling usury a "service payment"? Yes, like the example i make, you loan money, then you also pay the service provided (keeping the money safe in their bank and the service of giving loan itself) with your loaned money...by means, example, you loan $10000, you only get $8000, $2000 deducted as service payment, but you still have to pay them back $10000....so they got $4000 from the thin air.... This is back door usury Other example is like that Sheikh explained in the video. I actually couldn't see that video before. Yet today I could see it. Weird.
  13. Capitalism is about monopoly, controlling price and so certain people can monopolize the trade and controlling it. Not true at all. Even if a monopoly occurred in a capitalist system, that wouldn't be, "What capitalism is about"; it would merely be a consequence of capitalism. Sounds like usury to me. Is this "service payment" mandatory? If so, it's usury. Cover ups like calling usury a "service payment"?
  14. actually the christian religion in its core promotes comunism. as Jesus said "he who has 2 tunics, should give one to he who has none" Being generous /= communism.
  15. Technically Islam also is incompatible with capitalism as it forbids usury. Yes, Islam practice free market/trade, so incompatible with Capitalism There is no price control in Islam, traders can set their own price, buyers/consumers have a right to buy or not buying, so it depends on agreements between traders and buyers, the price is what the traders and buyers agree with. That's the original marketing system in Islam. I don't see the conflict between this and capitalism or it's connection to the prohibition of usury. Usury is loaning out money with an interest rate (or a too high interest rate in some circles) is it not?
  16. Technically Islam also is incompatible with capitalism as it forbids usury.
  17. This is probably my favorite post. Good job.
  18. KP its highly unlikely unlimited time or money will ever achieve this, maybe you should consider something that is it at least possible with unlimited money and time? It's not unlimited money; it's unlimited resources. KP would have access to more resources than exist in the universe. His ambitions are actually pretty tame compared to what he'd capable of.
  19. What Yes ...its been proven. One year I was denied any presents despite the fact all 5 of my siblings got, I was 6....it was very depressing and made me feel really really insecure, its psychologically hurtful. Obviously I recovered but what about other kids ? Seems like the issue was that you were left out rather than the issue being that you didn't get a gift.
  20. If you do that I'll call you Lawrence Caesar.
  21. Bruce, in a world with unlimited resources don't you think that capitalism would kind of obsolete? The premise of the thread is unlimited resources for YOU There's no difference if you give away vast amounts of your unlimited resources.
  22. Bruce, in a world with unlimited resources don't you think that capitalism would kind of obsolete?
  23. Here's a list: 1) I'd have a new Infinity Engine game that takes place in Calimshan made for me. 2) Freely give resources to whomever wanted them on the basis that they do not use said resources to harm others. 3) Make a gigantic spaceship operated by robots that I command. 4) General decadence; sex, buffets, ect. 5) Find some way to make my cat immortal. Namu must live for all time!
  24. If true that's a wonderful story. EDIT: My life has been so... Without any wonderful moments I simply cannot believe anything neat like that is possible.
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