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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. I think Hillary will win the nomination but I'm thinking it will be closer than I originally thought it would be. I'm not sold that she would win the whole thing but if she does then I'm not so sure she would be able to "get stuff done" either and especially not the things that are more important to me. As for me, I'm going to back Bernie til the end then likely vote 3rd party The one thing that Hillary would be able to do is play politics. Between her and her husband in office you've got nearly a century of political experience and acumen to wheel and deal for political gains. And while she doesn't seem to have the same grand "Change everything" plan for politics, I'm willing to bet that the republicans would be far more willing to deal with her than they would with Bernie. Republicans hate Hilary about as much as Hitler. They may have issues with Bernie's politics, but they despise Hilary on a personal level. I've never met one who even thinks that she's a decent human being.
  2. A smash bros game featuring King K Rule. A remake/spiritual successor of Actraiser. A new Space Station Silicon Valley.
  3. Well, US was in the Civil War at the time. Also I'm not sure how something that happened 150 years ago is relevant now. It isn't relevant. Nor was Abraham Lincoln an 'arch-conservative', especially by the standards of the day. Nor was his suspension of Habeas Corpus unconstitutional if you're in the camp that the war he lead on the south was against a rebellion, and not an act of aggression. That said, in modern times, very few politicians at the national level respect and appreciate the U.S. Constitution, and it's likely that almost as few have even read it. Something that most of even the worst politicians at the national level in the 19th century had, and had done. Is it actually possible to graduate from school in USA without getting passing grade from course about constitution? (Not any way relating in topic, but I am just curios) Yes.
  4. He did go a little far by blaming George Bush for 9/11. That tragedy was an inevitable product of interventionist foreign policy that predates Bush. The same would have happened regardless of who was president in 2001.
  5. That's what the people of Flint did. Do you know how they were rewarded?
  6. He supports Trump if I recall correctly. It could very well be Trump vs Sanders this election...
  7. In what way was GWB's foreign policy seriously different than the democrat's?
  8. Bruce, have you been huffing paint? http://www.americanbanker.com/gallery/fine-predicament-bank-penalties-settlements-in-2015-so-far-1074827-1.html No I'm at work and I am perfectly lucid There have been numerous fines imposed globally on various banks and investment firms. You can't expect the likes of JP Morgan or Barclay's to now close down because of financial irregularity committed by some of there staff....lets be reasonable and not "throw the baby out with the bath water " The link I have provided should tell you just some of the overall penalties imposed While throwing out the baby with the bath water would be a mistake; we've yet to throw out the bath water at all.
  9. Bruce, have you been huffing paint?
  10. Very interesting, what do you think it means? The dream is easy to interpret. Rostere clearly feels that Kojima's material went into decline some time after snatcher.
  11. I think in the end it hurt him that he tried to be a more mainstream candidate than his father. There was nothing to distinguish himself from all the other candidates. If he'd really pushed libertarian values, he would have resonated more. True, but he really ruined his campaign simply by being an a** in the debates.
  12. No.
  13. Typical government incompetence. To save money the government should have been cutting superfluous programs (of which there are many); not cutting corners on vital services. Then again we've always gotten the worst of the Democrats and the worst of the Republicans here in Michigan.
  14. I don't know man, the people I see complaining about immigration the most tend to live in wide open spaces surrounded by mostly white people. Typically living among a diverse community makes it harder to be against diversity. The opposite seems to be true with my family. My mother, like myself, lives in an area that is plenty racially diverse. She cannot stand black people (though she makes an exception for my black cousin) or Hispanic people. My extended family however, being the reasonable people they are don't have any issues at all with minorities; though they live in pretty much all white neighborhoods because of their wealth.
  15. Does this mean according to the "Merkel is a socialist crowd" Gates is one too? Bill Gates, a socialist? ??? That can't be. Are there really people who'd believe that?
  16. Not something that's unique to conservatives. When did the Democratic Party swing right? They've been gradually moving left nonstop for a century straight.
  17. Source: Wikipedia entry on Guthrie vs. Elliott Wait, what does this have to do with gamergate?
  18. The proper reaction is to add him to the fire Stop holding Muslims to any standard you right-wing racist.
  19. LMAO at the amount being given to Jeb. They should have given it to me.
  20. I'd sooner accept AM, Shodan, or The Master as my leader than people who like pineapple on their pizza.
  21. Just had a match in Smash 4 on for glory. His profile name was "Trump4Prez". He played as Sonic. He actually managed to beat me. After the match he changed his name to, "Make". Followed by, "SpinDash". Then finally to, "GreatAgain". Was pretty funny.
  22. Well it's not like the wall would mean no more trade between us and Mexico.
  23. Not really, and China's not an enemy. Not that they're friends. Not only is a wall not "absolutely necessary", it's not even the best approach to the illegal immigration issue. Not to mention the criminal cartels will almost certainly find a work around (people with their resources and ingenuity could likely devise many) so long as there is so much money to be made smuggling drugs into the US. Until the cartels massive financial incentives are dealt with any attempts at fixing our immigration woes will be severely hampered.
  24. Can I ask you a question, aren't you concerned about the numerous concerning comments Trump has made about USA foreign policy and he would do things? When all the choices are bad what does that matter? Bluster and arrogance on one hand vs. cowardice and obeisance to enemies on the other. Who's cowardly and displaying obeisance toward enemies?
  25. Ending the drug war would help too. No drug war, less demand for foreign suppliers; which means less money to be made smuggling drugs into the US. With less capital, the criminal cartels can't smuggle as many people into the country and they would have less reason to do so anyway. This would also lessen the worst elements of those immigrating here illegally. EDIT: This would also help Mexico as the criminal cartels would become much less powerful over time as one of their primary sources of income would be crippled.
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