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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Uh huh... I think you meant that the other way around No more a fan of Trump than of say Berlusconi, but generalisations and absolutes always tends to reduce the strength of a claim. I still believe a Trumpian president would mean a new era of pre WWI isolationism of the US. I wish.
  2. Amazing after Hillary's role as secretary of state should leave absolutely no confidence what-so-ever in her ability to lead the military that she got even 10%. Combine that with the email situation which shows that she is dangerously uninformed about modern technology, and her poor track record of understanding the unintended consequences of military intervention (Iraq for example). It really is amazing that 31% people would trust her with something that even casual research on her should show she is definitely not able to handle.
  3. I think Nate Silver is wrong. Here are MY odds: 10 percent chance of President Hillary with Democratic Senate 5 percent chance of President Hillary with Republican Senate 84.5 Percent chance of President Trump with Republican Senate 0.5 Percent chance of some other republican
  4. I'm pretty sure the "axis won ww2" thing was just the movie.
  5. Since I'm now shilling for Trump I probably shouldn't point out that Starship troopers is a universe where the axis won WW2. Oh well. It had to be done.
  6. An incomplete proven Evil Scale of Americans: 11- Hillary Clinton, Georges Bush, Johns and David Rockefeller 10 - Harry Reid, John McCain, Joe Lieberman, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton 9 - Mitch McConnell, CIA/NSA/FBI bigwigs (known and unknown) 8 - Cthulhu (Note that the epitome of evil doesn't top the list, true evil usually disguises itself to at least some degree, and Mr. Cthulhu generally doesn't disguise well at all), also john Roberts 7- Most of the SCOTUS members in the 20th/21st centuries, your average congressman/senator (Rubio falls here), your average governor (Kasich falls here) 6 - Ted Cruz, Most of the folks in mainstream media, be it FoxNews, MSNBC, CNN, the 'Big Three', Comedy Central, Big Hollywood Studios, etc. 5 - Bernie Sanders, The more zealous of the idiots who fall hook, line, and sinker for what thef olks on the scale 6 or above feeds them, ie: SJWs, 'Black Lives' Matter', 'American Sniper' lovers, other typical 'hate groups'. People who in another time and place 'just follow orders'. 4 - Most of the idiots who fall hook, line, and sinker for what the folks on the scale 6 or above feeds them in regards to the way the world works (you need to be a degree of corrupt (willfully ignorant) to believe the malecowpoo) 3 - Average Joe/Jane American 2 - Average Joe/Jane American 1 - Truly Good People 0 - Unicorns Where does Trump fall? As much as Donald Trump has been in the public eye, he's actually somewhat of an unknown in the evil department. He's somewhere in the 3-6 range from my estimation, possibly more, but likely no more than 7 (8 and above is pretty much pure evil territory, and nothing I've ever seen Trump say or do so far indicates he'll go there (that said, every human on earth has that potential)). I'm waiting to see who his running mate is, as that will be a very big indicator of what's really to come, and I might be able to better place him on the scale when that is known. I'd guess he's a 5.
  7. If it's between Trump or Hillary: Trump is easily the lesser evil. I was gonna have a hard time choosing between Trump or Sanders, but this is a no brainer.
  8. This really doesn't fit Trump.
  9. I'd give it all up in my last heartbeat to go down on 1996 Salma, and never regret. Easily one of the hottest women, in one of the hottest scenes in 100+ years of cinema. Meh, her body's okay, but I don't care for her face.
  10. However, he's a communist, even if he doesn't realize it, so he get's it wrong even when he's on to something. Here's the correct way to do it: She is smoking hot ....Vampire cult sign me up Vampires suck.
  11. I dunno about Ted Cruz, but Rubio is worse than Trump in this regard.
  12. Source?
  13. I'd say democrats should be pushing for Trump. He might actually be a democrat, but he's offended so many people in the middle that there is no way he can win the general election. It's a win-win for them. Between Cruz, Rubio, and Trump: Trump easily has the best shot. Cruz probably being the worst of the three.
  14. Don't think she has authority over the military enough to 'use' it. At least she probably won't surround herself with devils like GWB did with Clark, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld. Hillary is as bad as any of them. She doesn't need to surround herself with them.
  15. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate (among the two parties) less hawkish than Trump (that I know of). Hillary would be far more inclined to start a massive, pointless, and extremely costly war for absolutely no reason.
  16. At least Trump doesn't support TPP. That alone makes him better than Romney.
  17. Aren't identity politics wonderful?
  18. No. I'm 0% Hitler. That means I'm 100% Hitler free.
  19. 0% Not much of a surprise really.
  20. Rubio? Besides Hillary I think he's the absolute worst.
  21. ? What are you confused about?
  22. This meme was used incorrectly.
  23. Pretty good article. I liked this especially: Buchanan observed that there is nothing about Bush Republicanism that is particularly attractive to American conservatives. He said, “After the judges and tax cuts, what is there about Bush that is conservative? His foreign policy is Wilsonian. His trade policy is pure FDR. His spending is LBJ all the way. His amnesty for illegals is Teddy Kennedy’s policy… In smearing as nativists, protectionists and isolationists those who wish to stop the invasion, halt the export of factories and jobs to Asia, and stop the unnecessary wars, Bush is attacking the last true conservatives in his party.”
  24. She's an idiot who only quotes Malcom X to seem "progressive". (considering progressives are morons it works) Actually understanding him or contemplating his ideas would take effort, and worst of all; independent thought. Of course she is. What kind of progressive wouldn't support Hillary since she is female and is in the democratic party. If your a democrat; you're good. If your a republican; you're racist. Hillary also has the added bonus of being a woman. Anyone who would rather have a man (Bernie) over a womyn (Hillary) is a misogynist. Well of course. Bernie doesn't worry about black people problems. Hillary does though, remember how she supports the drug war? That's (mostly) a black people problem. Why, Bernie hasn't made any black people's problems worse at all. How could she support that? Obviously. Progressives are trying to fight racist, misogynist, evil, colonialist, vicious, meritocratic capitalism. Not messing with the super rich's advantage over everyone else. Socialism is about being progressive, Baro. Not helping old white men use their privilege to oppress everything by being more successful than anything that's not a white male for any reason. Remember, merit is misogynist and racist. I think you've been blinded by the white.
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