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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Are you saying that green lanterns can't be Decepticons? That's racist.
  2. You know, that image seemed vaguely familiar to me but I couldn't quite remember what is was from. Only just now did I recognize it from Ultima 8.
  3. Bruce, aren't you kind of ignoring the fact that many of those Muslims are heading over to Europe in no small part because the west actively contributed to it's destabilization. Tell me Bruce: If society A drains all the water in society B, and then members from society B come over to society A to avoid the droughts; Would you claim that society A is wonderful cuz all the people of society B are immigrating to society A for water?
  4. What would you recommend then?
  5. I bet he knows how to fix Europe. What a whiner. He goes into a den of leftists and started advocating right wing ideas. It didn't go well, how shocking.
  6. At least in that case we'd go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
  7. Our healthcare is a clusterF because we were too dumb to not involve the government with healthcare, and too dumb to not just nationalize the whole thing once the government did get involved. What America should do is simply acknowledge that vast majority of us (not including myself) are not interested in a capitalist healthcare system, drop the pretense and just nationalize it. Socialism is better than the confused mess that is the capitalist/government hybrid. Then why all the socialistic states citizens for the last decades went to USA for surgery, treatment etc. instead of the other way around? There isn't a day in europe without thousands of charity foundations to gather money for treatemnt in USA for some poor kid or other person. I never ever heard of any USA citizen to gather money for treatment in Europe. From my understanding the USA has pretty cutting edge technology and the quality of care is pretty darn high (if you can afford it); that's not really the issue. I've little doubt that nationalizing healthcare would have some downsides; slight dip in quality, slower medical advancement, ect. However, the benefits of a nationalized system over the current clusterF of a system are greater than the downsides by an incredible margin. Granted I consider a free-market approach the best approach, but that politically speaking isn't even on the table. Having some government involvement and some market involvement is like running left and right at the same time. Best to just pick a direction and roll with it. No thanks, I don't want to deal with the government any more than necessary. Although instead of Obolacare, which seems to now be collapsing just as I predicted, they could've let people buy into Medicare, and subsidize those who couldn't afford it. Anything short of an absolute free-market approach has only one possible conclusion. We all know where this is gonna go.
  8. So... democracy gave Iraq a sepia tone effect? Yes.
  9. Our healthcare is a clusterF because we were too dumb to not involve the government with healthcare, and too dumb to not just nationalize the whole thing once the government did get involved. What America should do is simply acknowledge that vast majority of us (not including myself) are not interested in a capitalist healthcare system, drop the pretense and just nationalize it. Socialism is better than the confused mess that is the capitalist/government hybrid.
  10. If you do change from Lu Bu then you should change into the Three Kingdoms Era's greatest hero, Gao Gan.
  11. I think it suits you well and I'm just sick of the same old picture... I think this would be a refreshing change.
  12. You can keep yours. I give you permission. Namutree post that profile picture for me....I have the feeling it will make me laugh Only if you promise to use it as your new profile pic. At least for a day.
  13. Wow. That's a great picture for GD. Almost as good as the one I found: He's a champion.
  14. You can keep yours. I give you permission.
  15. Yeah I also don't think I'm going to change mine C'mon Bruce. I've found the greatest greatest greatest picture of all time for you. Just gimme a minuet to post it...
  16. I would oppose that. Granted I've opposed all US aggression in my lifetime, and voted accordingly. Too bad most people aren't like me in this regard. If you knew my history on this forum; you'd know that I'm among the very most skeptical of US foreign policy.
  17. Isn't KP supporting Bernie Sanders. Wasn't that guy against such measures? Also when did WoD say he was in favor of an all-seeing all-powerful government?
  18. That picture method of showing the west's effects is kinda flawed. I mean I could say that aids is good for your health by that method. Example: Man with AIDS: Man without AIDS: Not having AIDS makes people sick. Not saying you're point is right or wrong; only that those pictures don't prove your point.
  19. Fine, but you'll never be able to match my online beauty... I got just the picture... Just gimme a minuet to find it. Edit: Found it.
  20. I'm gonna change my profile picture. I wan't some other people to change their's too. Some of you have done so recently, but others seem to be in stasis. Variety is the spice of life people! C'mon Bruce, Hurlshot, Wrath of Dagon, and some others; make a change. I'm sick of your pictures. Now a history of my past pictures... First I was Jaheira. I chose her because I wanted to show off that I was a fan of BG, but some one already was using Edwin. Then I was Jaheira (again). I wanted to change my pick but decided that I should go with a Jaheira theme. Then it was Elisa. I decided my picture theme should just be female characters I think are neat. (I watched gargoyles as a kid so I'm a bit nostalgic for it). Plus the picture had Cagney. That's cool stuff. Then it was terminator hand Ariel cuz I thought it was funny. As you can see for now I am still Samus cuz she's neat. Soon I'll have a new picture that has a character that is far more beautiful... Update: It is done.
  21. I like your profile picture.
  22. ??? How would evolution science make westerners any better than anyone else? I'm pretty sure that the theory of evolution comes more from the overwhelming amount of evidence for it than anyone's desire to be superior. Especially considering that for a long time the vast majority of our population just stuck our head's in the sand to pretend it isn't true since we didn't want it to be true. The primary reasons being: A) Evolution strongly implies that human beings are just animals. Nothing mystical or innately special about us. If anything, evolution is humbling. B) Many religious people don't like how it contradicts the story of Genesis. According to the very same science that suggests evolution; ethnicity is largely meaningless. You'll find that myths of ethnic superiority or inferiority are not as common among the scientifically literate than the superstitious. So this is utter nonsense.
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