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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. To be fair she kind of is the, "true progressive choice" since identity politics is now very much a part of the progressive movement.
  2. I generally never read the novelized version of movie scripts because when the script comes first the novel seldom has anything new that wasn't in the movie. Well, at least nothing significant to the story anyway. But I did real all three novels of the original movie because I was a kid and that is just how much I was into it. One thing I do remember in the Return of the Jedi book was Vader's inner thoughts and back story and how he became Darth Vader and it strikes me how it didn't match what Lucas did in the prequels. Instead of a true villain who turned his back on his friends for a lust for power Anakin turned out to be just an immature kid who was manipulated by someone smarter. Yes I get that Lucas was trying to make his fall "tragic" by employing one of the principles of tragedy (the thing he reached for to save his love caused her death) but it was done in such a ham fisted way it just ruined the character for me. And that is a shame because Star Wars really was the story of Darth Vader. Yup. This is a big part of where the prequels went wrong. Anakin's fall never had to be sympathetic. It would have been better if Anakin would have turned to the dark side for power rather than desperation.
  3. That attitude of censoring views that are intransigent and unhelpful to a stable and prosperous society is ironically unhelpful to a stable and prosperous society.
  4. EDIT: Eh, nevermind. It wasn't funny.
  5. So? What does that have to do with anything? Sorry I didn't explain part of my point, I meant to add if the USA followed your view very few people would be annoyed or criticize the USA...it may seem ideal But the world would be a darker place ....a much more benighted and fractured place to live. And there would be much more tension and dictators ruling various regions. Nah,I don't so, not that I'd change my mind even if that were true.
  6. But you have a very strange view of American interventionism....you dont believe the USA should ever intervene in other countries it seems unless the USA is directly threatened ? Thats a little irresponsible I would think So? What does that have to do with anything?
  7. Why would the fact that criticism came from a foreigner make it any less valid? Any input they have is welcome far as I'm concerned.
  8. Fixed it for you. Like when she voted for the Iraq war? Nah, she's very pro-war. Also there's nothing "left-wing" about an anti-war position. Unless you consider the libertarian party "left-wing" now, and consider FDR, LBJ, and Obama right-wing.
  9. Yes, it was glorious.
  10. Fixed it for you. I only saw a little of the debate, but what I saw was very hilarious. Bernie Sanders was talking about how he was a part of the opposition to the bank mergers in the 90's. Then Hilary trying to one up Sander's actual political opposition with the lamest tough guy(girl?) act I've ever heard. She told the speculators to stop being speculators. Yeah, that definitely made Sander's look weak and Hilary look strong. All Sanders did was try to stop them, but Hillary, she looked them straight in the eyes, and said, "Stahp it". She looked very strong.
  11. In my mind religions are just superstitious ideologies. They are just as capable of being harmful and destructive as any other kind of ideology. Writing them off as, "People can be bad with or without them" may be true, but it's not the whole truth. If people take a bad ideology seriously, including religion, it can and (in my opinion) has done harm. It does more than just provide excuse for doing harm; it can provide incentive. Definitely earlier.
  12. Hm... Yet another story highlighting how crappy the US healthcare system is. We really need to fix it.
  13. Saudi Arabia is p. conservative, yet I would not call them free or economically successful... Mississippi is incredibly conservative and its the poorest state in the U.S. Not only that, but it gets an unfair amount of federal money: https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/
  14. Because I'm afraid I might get deported back to Cuba. Why wouldn't you want to be returned to the socialist paradise of Cuba?
  15. He's got friends on the other side.
  16. For some reason I don't even see a video. Though I will say that I'm not a fan of Columbus day myself. Not sure if it should be abolished, but would shed no tears if it was.
  17. In what way does this relate to journalism and bias in the gaming industry or sjw's?
  18. My cat started to freak out at the sound of that lady's voice.
  19. Clearly they're trying to hide it from the public eye I genuinely haven't met a single person IRL who even knows what "gamergate" is. That's because they're too busy wasting their lives with work, love, and family. Poor bastards...
  20. *grin* Sure. What's that supposed to mean? Obviously it means he's happy and agrees.
  21. It's a trash warning. It seems him being MGTOW makes caution needed. Just like Bill O'Reilly's no spin zone warrants caution.
  22. WTF does that even mean? How does one "fail" sexually? MGTOW is just silly, or at least this guy is.
  23. To be fair, they don't actually worship Muhammad; they worship God. Muhammad was supposedly a prophet of God, but he is still considered a man (and NOT a perfect one) by Muslims.
  24. You guys are all delusional. We go to war over nothing and you think we wouldn't go to war over something?
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