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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. I know in the west there is hijab ban, you ban Muslim women wear hijab. Muslim women cannot get job because wearing hijab. You western say if MOSLEM want to live in the west must follow western values. That's what western say...especially France... There is no such similar law in Muslim countries i ever heard of...you Christians can wear whatever you want...you are not a subject to Muslim rule. In my country there are two courts, Shariah Court for Muslims and Civil Court for Muslim AND non-Muslim. Means us Muslim here have to worry about two laws, Muslim law and secular laws. Non-Muslim only worry about secular laws.... Not in the USA. No Hijab bans here. I can't make any claims about Europe, but here, you can wear hijabs all you want.
  2. Didn't Koei design her? Screw that, female Goron.
  3. Trump did. He called it a, "Horrible deal" I believe.
  4. Dude even with your strange Netherlands view of politics you can't really think Trump would benefit the USA ? He will take the USA backwards Backwards? In what regard?
  5. Leferd please tell me you at least are excited about Hilary Clinton..I am worried how no one on this forun seems to like or support her ? It is probably because her best quality is one that many people at least publicly dislike. She is full blooded career politicians that bases her agenda to what she thinks public wants and she relies heavily on experts and other interested parties to form her answers and solutions instead of her own personal thinking, which make her look a person that is cold and who don't have solid foundation to her beliefs. Although when you add her understanding of law, political process of making laws and quite long experience of foreign politics to her ability to be "sock puppet", then she makes a excellent candidate for president, especially if you are liberal conservative. But as said she appearance may give cold and calculating expression to people, meaning that her personal charisma, which is for some people much important persons efficiency in job, may cause them seek some other candidate. Of course Hillary isn't best candidate for people that seek change in how politics are played in USA. For those Sanders is much better option if they want USA to take more socialistic approach, and for those who seek something else republican candidates may be only options. What's a liberal conservative? He's likely referring to classical liberals.
  6. The prophet talk in non-literal manner, yes he prophecized the coming of One Eyed Messiah, the liar, the deceiver. Oh, non-literal. Never mind then.
  7. There is no, "Anti-Christ", no "Al Masih Daijal", and no reason to trouble yourself with superstitious nonsense. You'd be better served worrying about what is real than one-eyed imaginary monsters.
  8. https://youtu.be/ygTbwGrTELc
  9. Putting aside the ridiculous comparison, saying stuff like this lessens you in every way. Be a better person. Hardcore republicans? Like who?
  10. Your sympathy doesn't seem to be worth much. You would seriously let every single man, woman, and child from Syria to Tehran die for a single life of a member of a European/African/Pacific nation? WTF? There lives are just as valuable as ours or anyone else's. Not that I'm saying anyone is or isn't obligated to let in the migrants, but seriously, I hope this was a case of hyperbole on your part.
  11. That sucks.
  12. Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way ) But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work? The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird? And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me You need to use blue text. Wow, okay maybe you right Did you also think I was being serious...please tell me you realized I was joking? I didn't even read whatever it is you initially wrote.
  13. Any reason why?
  14. Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way ) But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work? The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird? And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me You need to use blue text.
  15. You were ever interested in Ben Carson? Why?
  16. Not me. I am of the mind that people are just slabs of meat and our existence is short and pointless. Nothing about us is special and life is ultimately without meaning or purpose. I think it's a pretty optimistic view of things. Heard Linkin Park while reading this. I hate Linkin Park. Don't confuse wonderful with special. I love life too, but it isn't "special" from what I can tell. Yeah, that's a pretty good choice. Fingers crossed.
  17. Good now you opening up, lets continue with this train of thought So for some people the thought of not knowing what happens at death is unbearable....so they just say " this body is all I have and there is no soul\spirit\energy" ...you see this way they dont have to worry. You may not even know you are doing this because of the fear, it could be subconscious? Think about it before saying " no " I think you got that backwards, Bruce. I suspect it's the religious who are petrified of what comes after death. I made peace with it long ago. EDIT: Here's a neat question: What religion would you like to be true?
  18. Not me. I am of the mind that people are just slabs of meat and our existence is short and pointless. Nothing about us is special and life is ultimately without meaning or purpose. I think it's a pretty optimistic view of things. Maybe you scared to accept you are more than just flesh...maybe you are scared by what happens when you die so you have convinced yourself this is just it ....it could be an excuse? An excuse for what?
  19. Not me. I am of the mind that people are just slabs of meat and our existence is short and pointless. Nothing about us is special and life is ultimately without meaning or purpose. I think it's a pretty optimistic view of things.
  20. Yeah that'd be pretty dumb. Did she actually say that though? If there's one thing I've learned about tumblr's "gender community" it's that they're often prone to just straight up lying. I suppose I don't know since I wasn't there. Oh yeah, I guess I forgot that for a second. I know, I just thought that was worth mentioning.
  21. Yes, it gets to the heart of the issue. Good article to link to for explaining SJWs and the authoritarian left. I've never given any thought whatsoever about whether trans-women and trans-men are actually women and men; because I simply do not care. However, I would have to say that Greer is definitely wrong that transphobia (although that might be a poor name for it) exists. I've seen people very much hold trans-gender people in contempt and yes, even complete disgust. Not that Greer shouldn't have been allowed to speak.
  22. More big government violations of basic decency. Par the course nowadays.
  23. The reason and outcome was made into a book.
  24. I'd have to agree with this. People take suspicion too personally. I think her being in a rage was a bit uncalled for though; I mean, it's not that big a deal. Both of them were being silly IMO.
  25. Clone Wars? Yes. Rebels? Meh.
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