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Everything posted by Shevek

  1. Calculate it out. It would hurt a lot if you dump. It would give fighters slightly more HP if they invest in it. It would give squishies a lot more HP if they invest in it and actually make it useful. In another words, it would fix con. It wouldn't imbalance anything. Again reduce base endurance per level by 1 to 3 for all classes (would need to play with that). All points in con above 10 give 1 more end per level. All points below 10 give a 1 point penalty.
  2. It should be both flat integer and percentage. The system isn't built around thresholds, it needs to be scaleable unless we want to rework functionality completely. An integer bonus is already scaleable if the bonus applies per every level. Also, clarify my preview post, I would drop endurance gain by 2 or so per level.
  3. Naw, combat was great. It implemented overwatch, charging, etc plus it had cool additions like monsters acting simultaneously if they had the same initiative. But, heh, if all you want to base your opinion on is mainstream reviews, go ahead.
  4. They said it would be like TotSC in a cryptic twitter post
  5. Buggy and mediocre? Yes, perhaps. It was not the total package that PoE or BG2 are. However, did you notice that I was refering to the combat? Did you see me tout its identify spell or any other such nonsense? Nope.
  6. Sure it is. It would work just fine. It would be fun. Just play ToEE. The encounter design in that game was taken from an incredibly early 1e dnd module, haphazardly adjusted for 3e and it worked just fine because tb gameplay just makes games better. FO1 and 2 didnt have inspired, meticulous crafted encounters. Hell, it had random encounters and yet it worked and never turned into the clusterf_k that RTwP turns into in just about every RTwP game. Concurrent rounds, etc, just doesnt matter. Any RTwP game is better in TB. It would not require a masterful rework of encounters or any such nonsense.
  7. Thats ridiculous. Plenty of TB games have existed that to not devolve into the crap you describe. Many of these have used 2e adnd, just like BG2. Stop being silly.
  8. Ya, consolization concerns have hurt ui and gameplay for over a decade. Let them screw up some other genre. Im sick and tired consolized ui's, consolized gameplay and consolized stories. Let the 13 year olds play their crap on their crappy cheap gaming boxes. Leave the pcs for us adults who dont want that garbage.
  9. It doesnt matter if the developer of DotA or whatever made PoE, it would still be a clusterf__k in combat. OE did a great job on this game but RTwP must still be designed within the framework of that system in the same way they did a fine job with Fallout New Vegas but its combat was certainly hampered by the first person perspective.
  10. All the devs have to show for Numenera thus far is some rather hazy examples of dialogue trees. The Numenera system is a rules light system meant to make table top play fluid. That is not necessarily the best fit for a computer game whose only DM is the computer. These two things make me skeptical. I backed it but I have little faith it wont be a wonky text adventure to be honest. Frankly, I hope Obsidian does a TB game. Its obvious they want to do it since at their last PAX appearance each one of them stated they want to do a TB game. And, the absolute best fantasy tb combat I have experienced is Tim Cain's own ToEE.
  11. Turn based games have their encounters tuned to be doable and DMs don't routinely design encounters to wipe the group. Well, unless you're the developers of Age of Decadence or your name is Gygax, in which case you would do exactly that, but the point still stands: If you simply would impose TB combat on BG2's cheeseball encounters you would end up with a game that is either unplayable, boring, or in some cases both. The same applies to PoE's encounter design, which is arguably not up to par with other RtwP games anyway. So, well, my answer to your question still is: No, not without a complete overhaul of the encounter design, and even then you'd have a chance it would turn out to be like Wasteland 2, a game which I liked but where the TB combat was a massive drag instead of interesting once you finished the first area or two. I didnt ask a question. The game would be better TB. Its fine with RTwP and I dont mind it. But you wouldnt need to fiddle with a bunch of crap to get it to work.
  12. It might be nice if 100% you get knocked out, you get an injury but survival can reduce the severity of the injury. I would also like way more scripted interactions in general to further increase use of both injuries and survival.
  13. Development of party ai scripts would take development time away from a better stronghold, stronger enemy ai, more item/ability effects, etc. Frankly, party ai is a bad feature that few people use effectively whose sole purpose is to turn the game into something that plays itself. Why waste time on that?
  14. Of course, just about 99% of all discussions on the interwebs is subjective.
  15. Naw, its less about encounter design overhaul and more about enemy ai overhaul. As for Horrid Wilting or whatever, well, TB works well enough for actual pen and paper play and even for ToEE and the Gold Box games which were all based on DnD (or the tons of other TB cRPGs based on other rulesets, Wizardry, Might and Magic, Star Trail, etc etc), so, people managed to survive when they lost initiative. RTwP has always been a clusterf__k. This is known and understood. The strength of any given implementation is how much it reduces the said clusterf__k to manageable levels. PoE succeeds but, like all RTwP games, the clusterf__k would be pretty much eliminated by going TB.
  16. The scripts were crap, though.
  17. Naw, they have a system here with plenty abilities that synergize well with each other. So, you use one set of abilities to lower a defense and another set to exploit that (in addition to a great flanking system). More time spent creating an enemy AI that exploits this and less time on real time pathfinding would certainly make encounters interesting. In addition, with overwatch/cover/etc and similar tb systems, this thing would not be boring in TB.
  18. Umm, all RTwP games would be better as TB games. Imagine the ToEE combat gameplay in this or BG2 or whatever. it would be majestic.
  19. Everyone who contributed to the KS for the expansion addon. It probably wasnt worded very well.
  20. PotD feels like what normal (hard in the beginning and a few later places) should have been.
  21. Just get an eharmony account
  22. If PoE had romances... Eder would keep trying to "pet" Wild Orlan PCs in increasingly inappropriate ways. Hmm, no thanks.
  23. Con bonus should be an integer. Just drop base endurance per level by 2 or 3 and make it so every point above 10 increases endurance per level by 1. Every point below 10 reduces endurance per level by 1.
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