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Everything posted by Shevek

  1. I'm glad he's looking at them but that's still not exactly "good"; any ability that requires dropping to 25% endurance is a lot higher-risk than it's probably worthwhile. Compare with the human racial ability, which is just better, and humans don't have to give up a head slot, much less Wood Elf or Hearth Orlan, which aren't conditional on shooting yourself in the foot first. Just in the backer beta, we saw one helm that gave +1 dexterity and +2 athletics; the wiki shows another helm that gives +2 intellect. Every +2 armor item that isn't on your chest slot, is another positive enchantment you can put on your chest armor instead of that +2 stat. Losing a head slot is a larger penalty than it seems in the beta because the beta doesn't have many good items for that slot. It's a big hit to equipment flexibility. Maybe a +1 bonus to (stat) would be more reasonable than +2, but the Godlike bonuses aren't really strong enough in comparison to other racial bonuses to justify the loss of the head slot in balance terms. Give, say, Nature Godlike an additional +1 to Resolve, Death +1 Con, Moon +1 Perception, Fire +1 Might, and you're all good. Godlikes give up some long-term character flexibility in exchange for a permanent standing bonus to a given stat. I think it kicks in when the ENEMY is at 25%
  2. Rangers should NOT be a predominantly ranged class. Rangers are folks that walk around across far "ranges." Every famous fantasy ranger worth a damn is a melee fighter.
  3. Its not that hard to look for engagement lines (more like not hard at all). They are much more visible now and over the top persistent vfx have been toned down.
  4. Engagement arrows/lines?
  5. @Odd Hermit Engagement doesnt need to be saved. It works great in this latest patch. There are tons of abilities that a player can use when engaged if they need to disengage and with thoughtful character/party development and careful play, one can use those abilities to good effect. This is how a well designed system should function. People claiming the sky is falling over this mechanic are over selling their positions.
  6. Hmm. Maybe it was removed by mistake in v333 or added in by mistake in v480. Hope it gets resolved either way.
  7. Make sure that the nvidia card is kicking in and that its not using the intel crap graphics. Force the game to use the nvidia card.
  8. Well, if your comfort level isnt there, thats cool. But if it is, then let folks know. Thats all Im saying.
  9. Ciphers shouldnt have too much spell damage since the dont rely on per rest stuff and they have a persistent weapon dmg buff.
  10. Tactically, would Chess be better with nothing but Queens?
  11. Some penalty to movement is fine, I think. There just needs to be more ways to offset that through CharGen. Maybe have Athletics Skill or the Con stat reduce the penalty somewhat (In addition to talents). The more we can have character development choices impact this stuff, the better. Also, maybe moving in heavier armor could lead to a larger penalty than smaller armors. This kind of thing can make character development more interesting.
  12. Hey, we all entitled to our opinions (John Stuart Mill, marketplace of ideas, etc etc). That being said, I only stipulated that we speak to what you know or have read about that hasnt been spread to the general press. Obviously, the full game is an unknown but our experience during this beta may hold value to some and the strength of early sales is fairly important. Just my opinion, obviously.
  13. I will be taking some time this week to make a few posts on the sites people go to read up on games prior to buying. So, I made a post on the Steam forums. I will probably be making a post on Gamefaqs, hmm, Kotaku, I guess (I don't usually visit popular gaming sites)? I dunno. So, if you feel strongly about the game (either way), then spread the word. Most folks that are on the fence oddly may not come here. I have the sense that most of us feel positively about the state of the game. If we alert folks of that as a community, we can have some impact in helping this game have a strong launch and, therefore, have more games like this be made in the future. Just a thought...
  14. It might be interesting to edit those abilities/talents to give them components which also reduce the recovery speed penalty (like shot on the run). So, someone affected by zealous charge that also has fast runner would have a negligible penalty. I dunno, I see this as an opportunity to make certain charactr development choices more meaningful.
  15. Isnt this kind of good because it increases the value of character development choices that improve movement speed in combat? Without this, such talents and abilities are largely meaningless.
  16. I didn't use too many skills in that vid. The spell I used with the wizard was a debuff (I probably should have explained that one). The rogue used a crippling strike (that adds a debuff to enemies that opens them up for sneak attacks). I think I explained the other skills I used in the vid itself (Paladins: Lay on Hands w/ Shielding Touch and Flames of Devotion w/ Shepard; Fighter: Knockdown).
  17. Naw, I think we should put out a bunch of these vids and give people the option whether or not they want to see them. The comment section of youtube videos can be used for clarification and to generate further discussion. Maybe folks will utilize vids like these. Maybe they wont. So? The vid is there. People have the free will to do as they want with it.
  18. I am pretty sure they are 99% focused on bug fixing but you may be right. We'll see I guess.
  19. Alright, here is my contribution. Shortest I could make it is 15 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FLqPa4tWvY&feature=youtu.be
  20. Tilde, type manageparty
  21. This is an excellent idea imo! That would make con much more worth it.3% seems high but the core idea is sound.
  22. I know with weapons, there is a base assest bundle that affects all item files of that type of weapon. I am not sure if that exists for armor. So, you might have to edit each armor file. Time consuming but doable. I am not sure if modding item files currently works. I tried to edit a couple talents and ran into a few stumbling blocks. Once its working, you should be able to add existing scripts (effects) to item files.
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