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Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

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Everything posted by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

  1. I think Brilliant needs to change all together. Why? Look at the level 9 Invocation His Heart Did Fill With the Light of the Dawn. AoE cone is the same as Set to Their Purpose, and it gives one resource back to those it hits plus the Chanter. So, Set to Their Purpose with Brilliant, as a level 7 Invocation, does what a level 9 Invocation does, but better. So, if they were to retain what Brilliant did, but reduce its frequency then they would have to also do something new for His Heart. I honestly think it is more balanced to completely change Brilliant, and leave His Heart as is. The Chanter can still slowly replenish resources to his team at a large cost of phrases, but not cause an AoE resource regen passively that can be maintained 100% of the time with a smaller cost. Yeah, I agree. I'm fine with Chanters having something that gives Brilliant inspiration, but Brilliant itself is just a little too powerful. Just rework brilliant itself. Also with the removal of Brilliant from Chanters, does *any* class have the ability to give a Brilliant inspiration?
  2. Yeah, I agree with you. It's not a "bug" because it's clearly working according to the description but it seems like a power that's only useful on Story Time mode at this point.
  3. Trick to Gorecci Street is stealthing past it. You don't need to fight and the good loot remains in place.
  4. Blunted Criticals seems to be fixed, it's only -15% now.
  5. It looks like this was an across the board change and all items that had recovery or action speed bonuses got the bonuses halved.
  6. AI scripted weapon switching is in the beta patch, though it could use further development and conditionals etc.
  7. Look we're just giving her what she really wanted: death For the Devil of Caroc, every ending is a good ending.
  8. The memory leak is a Unity problem and comes from having a lot of save games at once. It's a common problem in Unity based games, the new Battletech game has the exact same issue.
  9. The pro move is definitely Geomancer Maia. She barely even has to take any wizard skills, she can just use grimoires to cast almost as well as Aloth while also having excellent ranged damage. If she uses Llengrath's Martial Masteries she can self-buff herself for huge potency with weapons, and if you need debuffs, she can swap in a Grimoire of Disruption for all the essentials (expose vulnerabilities, etc.) Plus, she can then bind Blightheart *as a wizard* for bonus corrosive damage to everything.
  10. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's probably a bug then, but there are still a lot of import bugs with created histories (for example, you have to NOT assemble the endless paths blade in order to have the fragments in a created save, but the exact opposite is true in an imported save). If getting Devil Bonus + BP is fixed, then I'd posit Grieving Mother as the best candidate for the pool. While it depends a bit on your build, stat points are a bit fungible -- you can take Int a point lower than you would have otherwise, and trade something else up a bit higher -- and Grieving Mother is the least likely to have reactivity in future expansions or other content, given Avellone's departure, her general non-interactivity with the rest of the world, etc. Sagani for example could easily show up in expansions or sequels, ditto Zahua, etc.
  11. This is true. I'm inclined to think the problem has gotten worse, but that might just be nostalgia talking. I think it probably has gotten worse, but the games are also a lot more complicated. I mean, Darklands was buggy as **** when it came out twenty years ago, with gamestopping bugs and all kinds of problems, but you could also fit all of its quests into a ten page word document. What has gotten significantly better is post-release patches and support, I suspect because of platforms like Steam that make ongoing sales of legacy titles a good source of corporate income. What's really changed is that players can now confidently expect that if they wait a month or three **** will get fixed.
  12. As a (fellow?) Haligonian this would be amazing. Oh no, I just know it from googling "sea shanties" on youtube last week after Deadfire left me wanting more. It's easily the best modern iteration on the format.
  13. I dunno man, you'd be surprised at how complex games like this are to test. BG2's modding community is still discovering bugfixes. But in general I doubt anyone's arguing that PoE2's bugs aren't bad just because some games have horrible problems with their physics and graphics engines (and also everything else BETHESDA). That would be reductive. But there's nothing wrong with generally commiserating about bugs in games and remembering that Obsidian isn't the worst offender in this area, despite its reputation, in the meantime. Fact is - and it's a bad fact, but a fact nonetheless - good QA is hard to come by these days, for reasons that are complex and very nearly paradoxical. Industry standards are low. /shrug I don't think it's a matter of industry standards. I don't think I've ever played any RPG that was free of major bugs at release. Certainly every major modern RPG has had extensive bugs at release. That's why the first D:OS game got an Enhanced Edition a year later, and the 2nd one is also getting one a year from now. The root issue is that these games are hyper-complicated -- especially if they're open world -- and it's not possible for them to be bug free at release. A lot of the bugs simply aren't found / documented / reported until you throw a hundred thousand players at them.
  14. I wish they'd done a version of Barrett's Privateers.
  15. Actually, wait, nevermind, I've figured out the Steam Top Sellers thing. Everything above Deadfire in the sales list either has multiplayer or is currently selling for less than $20 or both.
  16. It's still showing up in Steam Top Sellers for me. "Top Sellers" are weird though. It's being outsold by a number of games that seem to be objectively worse (conan: exiles is sitting at 66 on Metacritic). I wonder how much of the problem is marketing and how much of it is declining appeal for isometric RPG's.
  17. Deadfire is less buggy and better balanced right now than PoE 1, D:OS 1, or D:OS 2 were at release.
  18. Does feeding her to the bloodpool get the breastplate to show up? I thought you specifically needed the ending slide where she get's torn apart by villagers. I don't know how it's supposed to work but I can confirm that in *generated* histories made using the PoE II history creator, sacrificing the Devil to the Blood Pool also results in her breastplate appearing in the shop. A lot of things behave differently in actual imported saves though.
  19. Devil of Caroc is the best choice to feed to the pool by far, as (at least in created saves) she needs to die to get the best armor in the second game, and her blood pool bonus is great when it carries over. Grieving Mother is also a decent choice.
  20. There's a good chart of check frequencies here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VOXnwhAVZ2bqGJgw-cgJlG0TIqt9j3zJJbRx1epH3ho/edit#gid=0 Deadfire aristocrat will have the most checks.
  21. Yeah, that's fair. This is probably the least buggy-at-release RPG I've played in the past few years -- DOS 2 and Kingdom Come deliverance were both worse, KCD *much* worse -- but the bugs in the import process are particularly stingy.
  22. Hrm, makes sense. I suppose the Singing Scimitar doesn't really have the defensive enchantment bonuses that keep the build survivable.
  23. You might still be a little low level for that fight. It's very difficult if you try it immediately out of Port Maje. Head to Neketaka first, do a few local quests there, come back.
  24. Yeah your tanks probably need more damage-dealing ability or more engagement. If tanks aren't a real threat the enemy AI is smart enough to ignore them. It can also help to ahve your tanks open the fight rather than your backline.
  25. It all depends. PoE right now is a lot less buggy than most other recent RPGs were at release -- I had worse bugs playing D:OS 2 or Kingdom Come Deliverance at release by far. On the other hand there are still some bugs. Up to you. First big patch should hit early june.
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