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Dead Skin Mask

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Everything posted by Dead Skin Mask

  1. Before the fight begins hit the start button go under items and filter them to only display useable items. Hit Atton with all three stims and then use a melee shield of some kind. My Atton was a melee fighter so I cut the Twin Suns down without any real effort using a critical strike and flurry combo. If you are still having trouble do the above but when the fight starts run over to the the last table on your left and wedge Atton in there with his back towards the wall. If you do it right only one Sun can attack you at a time. Also you can use the start/use item trick to heal yourself quickly during battle. Hope that helps. Cheers!
  2. Cinematic and make sure the bloody ending gives the player a little bit of freakin closer. " Cheers!
  3. No reason? So there is no reason for single player games like Ninja Gaiden to use XBox live to supply downloadable content to benefit their fans. I would actually view the Ninja Gaiden content as an expansion pack because it patches the camera and adds more weapons, levels, and enemies to the game. Did I just say patch? Yes I did and there have been a number of patches avalible via XBox live for both single and multiplayer games. Looks like Hades doesn't know everything after all. Bet Hades didn't know games also benefit from being live aware because it's free advertising. The game you are currently playing is always displayed next to your name on XBox live. Wrong once again Hades you silly man. Well guess what silly Hades you don't, but I will admit I agree with you on that last part of your statement! Cheers!
  4. I agree with the leaving the women at home part but I think the Mandalorians were much more like the Vikings in that they were not above raping and pillaging. As a matter of fact I have found an account of Canderous's first in battle which I will post below for you in order to prove my theory. Canderous holds his vibrosword to Aryn
  5. The ending for me was like being handed a sh*t sandwich instead of the filet mignon I deserved. Cheers!
  6. To express his opinions of the game? Since when did you become the board nazi Jad'en? Cheers!
  7. TSL's plot revolves around the events that took place at Malachor V. My question is why didn't we get some in game movies showing us pieces of the battle as you recall events with npcs? This would have cleared up a lot of things for me because I felt most of the conversations about the battle were vague. The movies would have helped me fill-in what was going on instead of my PC just saying "yeah I remember I was on the bridge and you were in a monkey suit." Maybe it
  8. Yes. Workbenches eating my items after I upgrade them, game crashes which includes one while trying to save my game, dialogue glitches, cut scenes skipping for no reason, characters flying across a map, a floating party leader instead of a walking party leader, and of course that ending which I will give Obsidian the benefit of the doubt and say my game disk must have malfunctioned. Cheers!
  9. WTF are you talking about? I have had manditory patches/updates for Splinter Cell 2, Halo 2, Battlefront, Rainbow Six 3, CS, and Crimson Skies via Xbox live. Cheers!
  10. If you didn't like Sudeki's ending just wait until you see TSL's ending. " Cheers!
  11. Jedi Guardian 16/Sith Lord 12 Str 27+8 Dex 14+2 Int 14+2 Wis 19+4 Char 16+3 Fort 19 Ref 19 Will 22 Vit 369 Force 426 Def 25 Skills: Demo 33 Inj 35 Pers 35 Awa 17 Force Powers: All DS and universal powers maxed Feats: Master Flurrry + Critical Strike Master Conditioning + Strength Master Melee + Lightsaber Master Two Weapon Fighting Cheers!
  12. Yep that pretty much sums up my experience with the game. <_< TSL just wasn't finished and it should have never been shiped as is. Cheers!
  13. I just beat the game on DS and all I can say is the game was rushed in a big way. The story seems rushed in the sense its not fleshed out in the end the way it should be, the game/game play is really buggy, and sports one of the worst endings I have ever seen period. When I saw the ending I thought to myself I spent 40+ hours of my life playing this game for that? TSL starts strong but sadly the rush job factor catches up with it. A lot of the time I was playing through the game saying to myself this would have been so much better if they just spent a little more time tweaking this or that. This game could have been better than K1 on so many levels but sadly due to its unfinished state it falls well short of that goal. TSL is a squandered opportunity for greatness that only required a little more development time. I doubt I will even play through the game a second time because I really don't wanna deal with the crashes and the other BS only to see another lack luster ending. P.S. Darth Nihilus??? WTF! I never thought there would be a Sith character who was worse than Darth Maul. Sadly I Guess I was wrong. Cheers!
  14. EGM is 1up.com and vice versa. 1up.com is just the online portion of EGM. Their reviews are the same and they share a lot of staff members. Cheers!
  15. I know the Spike tv awards are lame, but I got an e-mail today from 1up asking me to vote for them as the best game site on the net. I have no clue why 1up would want a Spike tv award, but they want it none the less. I say we all vote and instead of 1up getting an award they can take a bite out of the Sh*t sandwhich that was their TSL review. Just go to the site and with a click of the mouse vote for anybody but them. Yes it's that simple and you can vote as many times as you wish. EDIT: EGM is also up for an award vote against them as well. Cheers! SpikeTvAwards
  16. I am asking the XBox owners of this forum who are playing the game to post a review on 1up or any other game site of your choosing when you have finished the game. Wether you loved it or hated it get the word out so people have more than one opinion to go on. This would be a good thing for Obsidian and gamers in general; I hope you join me in speaking out. Cheers!
  17. You never posted that the video review was up and I hope to god that poser line of yours is some lame attempt at humor. Cheers!
  18. Gamespot Its got some good game footage. The review is still crap though. Cheers!
  19. Do you mean Gamestop? I didn't know Gamespot had stores. Anyway that is exactly why I order my games online. I don't pay tax and I never pay shipping either because I order during a stop watch sale or a publisher free shipping promotion. I will be getting my copy of TSL Dec 8th at 3:00pm via my free Fed Ex 2 day shipping deal. Sure I may not have the first copy on my block but atleast I know I will be getting a copy before the week is out. You have every right to be angery The Omnifarious Host and I hope you get a copy of the game soon, but maybe next time you should go the online route and save yourself the trouble. Cheers!
  20. The funniest thing is Greg Kasavin gave Riddock a 9.3 and Doom 3 an 8.5. WTF! Dude I beat Butcher Bay in one 8 hour gaming session! Thank god I rented it. How in the name of Zeus's butthole does a game with no replay value and only 8 freakin hours of gameplay get a 9.3? TSL has at least 60 hours of gameplay if you add in the replay factor and it gets an 8.5. WTF! I don't get it. Cheers!
  21. I knew Greg Kasavin was going to review TSL. That guy is such a douche. I have never once agreed with a review of his. The guy gave Fable an 8.6 and TSL an 8.5. Cheers!
  22. How did you get two free shipping? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ordered TSL during a Gamestop 48 hour stop watch sale on all Lucas Arts games. The deal was so good I pre-ordered TSL, Republic Commando, and Battlefront all together and got 2 day free shipping on all three games. Cheers!
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