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Dead Skin Mask

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Everything posted by Dead Skin Mask

  1. Thanks for the mp3's stop_him. 666th post! Cheers!
  2. Your workbench probably ate them. My workbench gobbled up quite a few of my lightsabers on several occasions, resulting in me having to reload my game. Bugs, arnt they grand! Cheers!
  3. I would have liked to have seen what kind of Jedi Nihilus was before he turned. I would have also liked to have known how he became this wild beast of the force. Any resemblance of a personality would have been good too. Darth Nihilus is just Darth Maul with clown shoes if you ask me. Cheers!
  4. My vote is for KOTOR 3 being a completely finished game. Cheers!
  5. Darth Nihilus = Darth Maul with a gag order against him " Cheers!
  6. I plan to never again go near a game that Mike Gallo is associated with. Cheers!
  7. Oh, blow it out your ass! Just because you can't seem to find anything else to play on the XBox, doesn't justify the above rant. Don't preach to me about how I should be overjoyed that Obsidian released K2 on the XBox. Personally, I have a library of XBox titles I would rather play than this unfinished excuse for a game. Look, if you want to get down on your bleeding knees and worship Obsidian that
  8. Finally, someone speaks the truth. Click Cheers!
  9. More like Obsidian didn't have the time to implement it. What a freaking rip off. Cheers!
  10. I had the exact same problem on the XBox version. If I tried to issue more than one round of combat orders to my party they would just stand there and do nothing, or only one of them would execute the proper attacks. I just got use to the fact I would have to pause and issue orders for each combat round. This was a real bummer for me since in K1 I never had a problem with dishing out three rounds worth of combat orders to my party. For me not only was it more fun to devise a three round strategy in combat, but it also made the combat and the game itself look more cinematic. Cheers!
  11. Two words for you Hades... Ninja Gaiden! " Wrong! Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow along with almost every other XBox live title has received patches both minor and major. A patch for Battlefront will be released this month which will correct various problems with the game and increase the multiplayer max to 32. The patch will also feature a new map called Jabba's place. Kind of blew? Well I guess that
  12. If K3 is anything like K2 was I wouldn't even piss on the K3 devs if they were all on fire. So I guess the answer to your question is no I wouldn't buy the game. Amen. Cheers!
  13. Yes of course I did. <_< Cheers!
  14. One thing I could do in K1 that I wish I could do in K2 is issue more than one combat round worth of actions to my party without the combat system getting all fluttered. One of the most frustrating problems in the game is when I plan out a three round strategy only to have all my orders erased because the combat system can't hack it. <_< Cheers!
  15. Kreia is wrong the Mandalorians don't really die. The Mandalorian race instead because of Jango becomes the Clone Troopers and later the Storm Troopers. There is also Boba Fett who still lives as well if you go by EU. So the Mandalorians actually become stronger than ever even though it's just one member of their race duplicated millions of times over. Cheers!
  16. Agreed the Mandalorian steals the show again. Cheers!
  17. I also hate people who tie things up into nice little packages in order to wrap their feeble little minds around. Cheers!
  18. Exactly, bottomline is Obsidian just used the armor and headgear from K1 plain and simple. Fan boys will make excuses for anything as long as it serves to further blind them from the glaring truths they are not ready to accept. Yes utterly stupid, just like debating modern military weapon cycles and how they co inside with K2. Even though Fan boys will make excuse after excuse Obsidian should know an excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort. Cheers!
  19. Wow within a five year span here on earth there are plenty of new things that get created. The items could be made by the same company and look similar I would have no problem with that but using the same items from the previous game and slapping a new name on them is just plain being lazy. Look at the Sith mask aka the hunters mask for starters. Instead of designing a new mask they just use the old mask from K1. Good thing the Sith wrote their names on the back of their masks in those days otherwise they would be confused as all hell. Cheers!
  20. I got lock ups; one such lock up occurred while saving my game which rendered the file corrupt. Luckily I always back up my saved games although most people don't. Had I not backed up my game I would have had to restart after already investing twenty plus hours. I wonder how many novice gamers who don't backup their games had this happen to them. The workbench would eat weapons and armor as I was trying to upgrade them from time to time. Dialogue that skips randomly. Poor AI and pathfinding. Oops my bad we are only talking about glitches in this thread. Cheers!
  21. Is it just me or were the rest of you as unimpressed as I was with the way Obsidian re-used armor and headgear from K1 in K2? Even Obsidian's new armor and masks were just old skins from K1 slapped with new names and stats. I will give it up for the new Jedi robes even though they looked stale instead of free flowing and yet again you couldn't raise the robes hood. However I must admit it was better than nothing. After playing the game I feel compelled to ask the question; would it have been that hard for the devs to bust out some new skins for the masks & armor in K2 instead of giving us this recycled garbage? Cheers!
  22. Don't be sad you can always wear the Revan mask form K1 that just has a different name slaped onto it. Kids look! Awww! So thats what a force mask looks like. That doesn't look at all like the mask from the unknown world, thanks Obsidian! P.S. Also give the old Sith mask from K1 a try. Obsidian has cleverly reinvented the mask by giving it a silly name and attaching some new stats. That's what Obsidian likes to call creative progress! Don't wait another second to try this at home kids! Take any existing item, don't bother changing the skin because that would just be silly, then add a new name, some new stats, and you are well on your way to producing a mediocre product done the Obsidian way. Cheers!
  23. God I freakin hate fan boys. *looks in HK 74's direction* " Cheers!
  24. How can you say it's an excellent sequel if you haven't even beaten the game once? That
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