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Dead Skin Mask

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Everything posted by Dead Skin Mask

  1. I love the dark atmosphere of Telos and I hope the rest of the game looks similar in that regard. I have to say I am impressed, good work on Telos Obsidian. Also it's nice to see the December release date being mentioned although I wouldn't put money on it being the real date until I hear December from Obsidian or Lucas Arts. Cheers!
  2. Yes indeed Dxun is the largest moon in the Onderon system which shares it's atmosphere with the planet Onderon. Onderon and Dxun were once the home of the Krath, the beast warriors, King Ommin, Queen Amanoa, the nobles from the Empress Teta system Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, and of course we all know Dxun is last resting place of Freedon Nadd. Cheers!
  3. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D The definition of ironic. So easily amused. You must be a member of the extra chromosome club. How special for you. I mean arn't you special. Oh yeah by the way thats an impressive display of emoticons you used there. You do enjoy the pretty colors don't you. Yes you're a pretty baby! You like those pretty colors don't you. Cheers!
  4. Shdy314 I think you could talk yourself into believing anything. And yes you are a pretty baby! Look at the shiny keys! So pretty... So pretty... Geez! Cheers!
  5. Yeah you're right I had a brain fart I apologize. On the other hand this thread has been done over and over agian. I even think one thread about Dxun and Onderon is over 400 posts. Cheers!
  6. You do know that Dxun and Onderon are a part of the Empress Teta Sytem don't you? Anyway there are a countless number of similar topics adressing this subject. My advice is search before you post because this thread is a waste of space. Cheers!
  7. Critic: Yes, the above post on the surface is definitely about steroid use in the Olympics and the bad choices made by stars who are considering their next movie role. However I and the American public can read between the lines and I believe it's more than that. Tell us sir what are you truely trying to get at? In my opinion I believe this is really about either JFK and the Cuban missile crisis or Richard Nixon and his barbie doll collection. Well sir which is it? *Just then an NBC anchor interrupts the program* Anchor: Secretary Tom Ridge has determined that this thread has become silly! As a result of such a proclamation by the secretary of defense this thread has now been upgraded to the color off Salmon. Any further attempt to be silly will result in the proper escalation of said color.... That is all... Now enjoy this short informational film entitled Iraqi's and their misfortunate problem of building their homes above our oil which is sponsored by Enron and it's founders Bush & sons. Cheers!
  8. I can tell you that I'm sure the Rakata elders never said something about their hyperdrives being powered by dark side energy. Look, the Rakata are the origin of the universes technology and yes they could use the force but thats it. End of discussion! If you don't believe me play the game again. Cheers!
  9. Can you honestly blame the console for this deficiency? Once again you sheepishly bark the Bioware party line. Next thing you know Adria Teksuni will be lying around in ponds distributing swords! And as we all know strange women lying around in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Cheers!
  10. Yeah sure it is Teksuni who says Nei! Seriously don't beat yourself up over the upcoming TSL DL content if you don't have XBox live. Just take a look at the sad sacks who did it over at the Bioware DL content thread on the KOTOR site. It's sad... So very sad indeed! Good thing I had live. Cheers!
  11. Once again although I hate to admit it I agree with Adria Teksuni on this subject. Oh the pain! After this much solidarity I had better build a bridge out of her or she will turn me into a newt. Cheers!
  12. Nobody suspects the Adria Teksuni inquisition! Back on subject people or face her wrath! If you wanna learn about a great Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas is your man. He was the master of Exar Kun and even though he failed Kun he understood all along Kun's tragic fate. He was a pretty cool mofo even though I hate Jedi. Master Vodo-Siosk Baas died by Kun's own hand but later on even though he was in the after life returned the favor. (Didn't wanna ruin it by giving away how he did it.) P.S. Seriously Zack Morris you're not a dumbass I only kid. Cheers!
  13. I was censored by Adria Teksuni! Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Cheers!
  14. Yeah I agree. The light side has never won by overpowering the Sith. The light side has always won by out smarting their adversaries. The Sith items should be stronger than the light. Cheers!
  15. LMFAO! In the words of Bevis and Butt-Head. "You're a dumbass!" P.S. Hick who goes by the name Zack Morris it's "you're hot." Freakin Dumbass. Cheers!
  16. Old Man: Just goes to show these days all the kids are on drugs and the adults are all on roller skates! *Announcer cuts in* Announcer: Let us now go to our coverage of the illustrious sport, horses riding midgets. *Camera pans over the Santa Anita horse track. At the starting gate the midgets prepare to have a thoroughbred horse mount their backs* Announcer: And they're off!... *The gates open followed by bone crunching sounds and cries of agony and death* Announcer: Oh lord not again! Ladies and gentlemen there seems to be some trouble at the gate... Yes indeed the horses have once again failed to make it past the starting gate. We at NBC apologize for the inhumane event you have just witnessed and would now like to show you the program previously scheduled at this time which is animals that are hell bent on killing Steve Erwin. Enjoy, wont you. (Leaving the door wide open, wink, wink snap, snap, grin, grin, say no more.) Cheers!
  17. Later on in the Greek and German philosophers parallel universe. The German
  18. Yeah I think I will have to go with Blackbishop and Adria Teksuni on this one. Cheers!
  19. Here I got one for you. Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord take advantage of the fact that they have no prior history and complete their made up plan of resurrecting themselves which the duo had put into action thousands of years ago or atleast thats what they say because nobody else really knows. Making stuff up as they go along Tulak Hord and Ajunta Pall transform themselves into the greatest Sith in the galaxy. Now with Tulak Hord being the new Sith Lord and Ajunta his apprentice the two Sith construct a mysterious super weapon that can't be destroyed, has double stampies, and no do overs. As the Sith begin to destroy the Republic fleet and countless star system fall under their evil grasp the Jedi fail to respond because they have no freaking idea who these guys are. The Jedi then debate for months whether or not these two Sith truely even exist and if this war could just be a figment of their imaginations. The resulting arguement resembles a parallel universe where Greek philosphers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle debate with German philosophers Nietzsche, Hegel, and Schopenhauer on subjects ranging from what constitutes true reality to mans pre-ordained role in society. In the end the dazed and confused Jedi are overwhelmed by the Sith and destroyed except for one rogue Jedi who was banished long ago for asking questions. Cheers!
  20. Yet Taris doesn't center around the doctor like Korriban does with the Sith tombs. The majority of my time on Korriban was spent exploring those tombs for loot and prestige. The fact remains that Bioware dropped the ball when it came to fleshing out the Sith Lords backgrounds on Korriban. The only reason I knew who Marka Ragnos (Who's name bioware actually misspelled in the game) and Naga Sadow was is because I had read the comics. If I hadn't I wouldn't have gotten any information on them from the Korriban section of the game because it just isn't there. Personally I can somewhat excuse that because most Star Wars fans will know who Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow are. However what gets me is Bioware made up two new Sith Lords and buried them right next to two of the greatest Sith of all time without any attempt to explain to the player their significance or role in Sith history. Sure the Valley of kings had a lot of tombs but there were only three great pyramids and as we all know they were tombs for Menefre, Khafra, and Khufu. The tombs of Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos, Tulak Hord, and Ajunta Pall are the great pyramids of Korriban and there should be some kind of back story to go with each of these Sith. This could have been easily addressed by having Sith engravings on the tomb walls which you could have read and mosaics depicting their rise and fall. Now you mentioned that we never got the background on Malak's jaw and I agree with you that was another case of Bioware dropping the ball. Did Malak lose it in a fight with a Jedi? Did he lose it when he and Revan were battling one another for the mantle of the Dark Lord just after they had first found the Star Forge? Did Malak just suffer from a case of poor hygiene? I guess we will never know. Personally I liked KOTOR a lot and me saying Bioware sucks is like me saying Primus sucks if you catch my drift. All in all KOTOR is one hell of an RPG with a great overall story. I just wish Bioware did some things better. Cheers!
  21. Excuses are like a s s holes everyones got one but in this case bioware has two. Cheers!
  22. First off Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord are Sith who have no EU background at all. Secondly they were both made up by Bioware with no installed past provided by the KOTOR storyline, basicly because Bioware sucks. Thridly Ajunta Pall never says Tulak Hord, Naga Sadow, and Marka Ragnos saw the Star Forge! Ajunta Pall was referring to the Star Map on Korriban which he and the first Dark Jedi, who had left the Jedi order, and then conquered the Sith, had discovered on Korriban. They then destroyed one another over it's amazing dark power. The thing is though some comics have touched on the first Dark Jedi who fled the order and none of the stories ever mentioned Ajunta Pall or for that matter Tulak Hord. This Korriban tale is a joke! Ajunta Pall and Tulak Hord have no extensive history in either the EU or Bioware's KOTOR tale. Seriously why do these two lame jackholes deserve to have their respective tombs located next to two of the greatest Sith Lords of all time in the form of Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow. The answer! Nobody really knows and will probably ever know because of Bioware's sloppy story writing. Tulak Hord and Ajunta Pall in the end amount to nothing more than a pair of names. Personally they both serve as the two low points in my KOTOR game experience. Cheers!
  23. Okay the Ebon Hawk could have items left over from the first game depending on dark or light just to be reminded or somthing. Cheers!
  24. You mean the Ebon Hawk had a bad maid? Cheers!
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