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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. I thing I noticed is that my GPU (ATI 5750) is getting pretty hot. 71 degree Celsius. That is unusual. Normally would be 60 degree. Besides that, Starwars described my impressions pretty well.
  2. Now I'm not so sure about that. Hey! What are you trying to say? The guy presenting the Rabbits game was over the top as well. Edit: Ah, Assassin's Creed. I really like the games, but a new game this year again? Too much for me.
  3. Now I'm not so sure about that.
  4. https://twitter.com/#!/MikeyDowling/sta...854524211085312 Maybe an announcement on Wednesday?
  5. BiA: Inglourious Basterds
  6. Mass Effect again.
  7. Looks really great.
  8. You may want to check out this guide.
  9. Patch is out... A lot of changes.
  10. Have just played Torchlight today. It has plenty of loot which looks all the same.
  11. I really love how FNV DLCs are connected together in one or another way.
  12. Strongly disagree. I prefer this kind of cutscenes over the cinematic approach of other games. Edit: Just to be sure. I'm speaking about those paintings.
  13. Renevent, have you watched Giant Bombs Quicklook of Dungeon Siege 3? The Stonebridge 'map' seems big to me. But I don't know if we will have be more maps like that in the game.
  14. But you will be able to play a female protagonist. Beside, with the exception of Dragon Age II and the Mass Effect series, none of the games you mention is offering fully voiced playable characters with a basically different personality. And while you get one female and one male character in both Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Dungeon Siege 3 is offering two female and two male characters, which will be fully voiced. Personally, I don't care if the playable character is mute or fully voiced, but it seems like the later one is preferred by gamers and reviewers.
  15. Where is the YT version?
  16. Another video impression. It starts with Anjali. http://www.justin.tv/indis/b/287102019
  17. Katarina, Reinhart, Lucas, Anjali. In that order.
  18. The reason why many here are interested in the game.
  19. Looks great. I can't wait to play the demo myself.
  20. Never expected 90+ scores.
  21. Damn, too slow. Well, the Eurogamer article has a video, which shows the features.
  22. Call of Duty Elite adds monthly fee. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of COD.
  23. Found 46 different Ragman. The group is now public, so you can join without an invitation.
  24. I know. But maybe not all of them are interested in playing DS3 or co-op. Maybe you haven't create a Steam-Community ID yet? Launch Steam and go to the community tab. It should ask you if you would like to create a community id, I think. Normally, http://steamcommunity.com/id/el_dugong and http://steamcommunity.com/id/Tigranes should be working, if you have created a community id. Couldn't find you either. Yup, I found you. I'm gonna make this group now public. It will be much easier to join.
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