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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. Doesn't prove anything. Supershadow probably bought it to trick several fans and just be a jerk and not sell it to lucasarts when the time comes.
  2. Kreia. Palpatine had the decentcy to put on a hood when he did his evil bidding, so nobody knew. Everyone on the Ebon Hawk suspected Kreia of foul play. Palpatine had the Jedi, and the Senate played along for YEARS.
  3. Vandar, Dorak and Zhar were only Council members at the training facility on Dantooine. Its possible that Vrook, Zek-Kai Ell, Kavar, Atris and Vash were permanent members since the Council is constantly rotating with a few permanent members.
  4. Read a few posts above you. As for the updates...glad to hear that GOTO will be meeting his end soon. :D
  5. Phew. I saw a post that said Lucasarts shut you down. You gave me quite a scare. :D
  6. PC can always be upgraded so you don't have to spend nearly as much at one tim. With an Xbox, the graphics and some other things can't be upgraded and you have to wait for a newer version to come out and that puts you out more then a PC would for a new video card. And you can always add and PATCH things. Sure Xbox has Xbox Live but some games don't have that. A game on a PC however, you can be 99% sure that there will be updates.
  7. Ebon Hawk but with some upgrades. Like a new room or two.
  8. Download the miles sound tools. Your going to have to do a little exploring through your files. Program Files > Lucasarts > KOTOR 2 > Streamvoice. Its in one of the folders in Streamvoice.
  9. Also, do you think you can post in white? Its hard to read your posts. And the italics don't make it easier....
  10. They don't necessarily need to have Revan and Exile playable. Just complete the story.
  11. Nu uh. No movie. It would make certain things canon and either way, theres going to be alot of unhappy people. And who wants to put up with unhappy fans?
  12. You'd probably get more sales from a female Revan. You have the feminists who want to see a powerful female in a leading role and have the guys drool over the hot chick with a lightsaber...or TWO hot chicks with lightsabers.
  13. Not what I was expecting but its better then nothing.
  14. Might be a typo since I can't find it in the Save Game Editor...
  15. From what I've read, they can't as of yet give a date.
  16. Mandalore. Also known as Canderous of Clan Ordo. A loyal mandalorian who fought in the wars. And became a mercenary for the Exchange leader, Davik Kang. Unhappy with his job, he tracked down the winner of the swoop bike races on Taris and had her/him steal launch codes. Together, they infiltrated Daviks base and stole the Ebon Hawk...on which they traveled along with Carth Onasi, Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, T3-M4, HK-47 and Juhani for the Star Maps which would lead them to the Star Forge. Even after discovering the swoop bike racers long lost secret, that she/he was REVAN, he remained loyal. After the Star Forge crisis, she/he took Canderous, HK-47 and T3-M4 at the edge of the galaxy being that she/he had remembered some things. Told Canderous to unit the Mandalorians scattered across the galaxy and revealed the location of Mandalores helmet. Thus, he became Mandalore. And no, you are not an idiot. I played that until I met my one true love. KOTOR.
  17. Kotor II jedi robes. It would be a nice feature if you can remove them and put the hood up. I'm not fond of the Kotor I robes since they don't really look like the robes without the cloak. The inner robes aren't as tight as they look in Kotor I.
  18. You might want to delete all of those threads you created...
  19. A Jedi can probably sense a giant laser coming right at them and either jump out of the way or if they are skilled with the force, force it back to where it came from. Also, they have had alot of training to be resistant to such injections and poisons. And they would sense those two things and be prepared for them.
  20. It doesn't have on the gameplay but on the storyline...unfortunatly, that was cut where your influence mattered in the end. But you can still get some cut scenes when you enter the Ebon Hawk.
  21. Your going to have to be mean and brutal to Visa. Treat her as a slave. Or just use the save game editor.
  22. It left the player clueless. It was like: "Uh...what just happened?" Since there was no explanation on how the Ebon Hawk rose again, and where your party members were.
  23. You have more influence with Visa probably. It is way to easy to get influence with her...
  24. Agreed. Both times I saw it, everyone laughed. But anyway...I was expecting more of this but George didn't come through. I did go at midnight though. The second time is better then the first time. I kinda hoped that it ended with Obi-Wan and not the Lars. But I'm glad that Padme is dead. (I almost cheered in the middle of the scene)
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