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Wild Storm

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Everything posted by Wild Storm

  1. Obsidian made a post about a content patch, and then LucasArts demanded they remove the post. Who gave up? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was actually talking about the sound and movie patch.
  2. I think Obsidian and Lucasarts gave up on it. But since my sound is fine and the movies don't bother me much (plus, the actual important ones might be re-done by Team Gizka )
  3. Well, I'm not sure if its the same for XBox, but on Gamecube, you have to put in the Action Replay Disc and enable certain codes, open the case and put the game in.
  4. Shall I direct you to team-gizka for even more cut-content?
  5. T3-M4 vs R2D2 would be pretty even. Being that we've yet to see T3M4 create oil spills and ignite them, I'd say this goes to R2. Boba Fett would win hands down. Jabba. Vogga doesn't have that kind of muscle around him. Palpatine. He did take over the Galaxy, didn't he? Darth Maul. Bao-Dur wouldn't stand a chance. Han. Atton does have Echanti skills but if Han can keep his distance then he can take him out with a few shots. Depends. If Chewie and Zaalbar can team up and take out Hanharr first then I would say Chewie. Zaalbar is just a big softie. Sure, so is Chewie but I think Chewie is more aggresive. Princess Leia. Princess Leia actually has a will to live...
  6. TSLRP is the The Sith Lords Restoration Project. Basically to restore anything that the devs cut-out due to Lucasarts deadline (basically important scenes and areas and make the story more complete) And the cave is when you enter the tomb in the cave, there is a room where there is a dead body (which looks like Dustil Onasi) and if you keep looting it (even if its empty) Hssiss's will keep spawning in.
  7. Its not a bug. It was intentional so anyone who missed the dialoge for various of reasons can access it again.
  8. They are restoring cut-content. Not doing requests for something like that (something that was intentional but fix it just because someone doesn't like it)
  9. Hmm, that setting seemed to make the computer gods very angry with what I'm playing right now, but I'll try it when I play K2 again - thanks! Hah, yes, I was amused when upgrading my video drivers suddenly gave my character the power of force sight. If it was documented I totally missed it, so I just thought that my caps lock key was making my computer go nuts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here is what you do to fix it: Go to Display (Start-->Control Panel) Settings (Control Panel --> Settings Tab) and click Advance. There are many tabs but the one you want it the one that has an ATI symbol (if you have an ATI) Color. Simply boost up your gamma, brightness and contrast a bit (not too much)
  10. It acts perfectly normal until I press Caps Lock or something (I have a keyboard that shows a display of when you press caps or num lock or volume) so that game will pause itself and brighten up to the games settings and not my gamma settings.
  11. You probably have your gamma too low. I'm not sure why my come out so crispy clear, even if I have gamma too low (you set it in the graphic options from the display panel)
  12. Actually, there is cut dialoge that suggests that if you take certain armor to Bao-Dur then he can modify it so it suits him but only him. So, that would be interesting to have that put back in. The only problem is modyfying every single armor (and mod armor) so that its good for him.
  13. Phft. Honestly. He was there to help the situation on Onderon. What better way then helping the Queen? He isn't her bodyguard either.
  14. Steal my images again and I guarantee you a lifetime of misery and despair with no hope of escape. <_< Nah, just kidding. Although I suggest in the future, you make sure its hosted by imageshack. Being that its the only one where you don't have to have an account to upload images. (if you don't and its from another site, it chews up bandwidth)
  15. I don't see how this would work in the game. I mean, the first ones were destroyed and if Revan was DS then she'd have them. And if your LS, then there would be no way to get them since only were created in the first place.
  16. Every party member has the Apathy is Death line. I'm not sure why they didn't all get included in that scene.
  17. Jolee is mentioned at least twice. Once from Disciple (talking about lost tales) and talking to Handmaiden (pulling a Bindo) As well as he had his own robes.
  18. Heh. Then why is Malachor called Malachor V? There probably has to be four other Malachors.
  19. I just chose a random name. Exile: Jainia Ters (LSF) OR Raith Pace (LSM) Once the Restoration Project comes out, I'll come up with official names for my DS characters.
  20. I've heard a file where it has two versions the current and the new one and I didn't hear any difference.
  21. I don't remember that. where did it say that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its said all over the game "she remembered something that she'd done and she went back" its obvious that she remembered what she did at Malachor V (break the Jedi) and went back. Once there, found out about the "true sith" and went into the Unknown regions.
  22. Hm. Its possible that Revan did. Remember that Revan did return to Malachor V after KOTOR 1 and gazed at the future from the core of the planet.
  23. AFAIK, the projected completion date is still "when it's done". Bear in mind that they still haven't announced their actress yet, and once that's done there's going to be at least some work needed before it's ready for production. I'm also impressed with the progress they're making. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why are you answering TSL Restoration's questions? They have keyboards of their own! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because its been said many times and just let them save themselves some time. Remember: the less questions you ask, the faster it'll get done. (probably not but oh well)
  24. Am I the only one who seems to have perfectly good audio?
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