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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. The island is an island. What do you think it is? A giant turtle that moves around and the losties are on it's shell? The reason why people can't see it is is because it's out of phase with the rest of the timeline. When you go to and leave the island, the time is different. This was shown in Season 4 between the boat Michael was on and the island. And you can only go to the island on a specific bearing. Otherwise you don't see it. Presumably, it's from the glowing cave. MIB found the source of the cave through a wall. Experiments. The Dharma Initiative worked out you could do things like time travel. Why does the Master from the Doctor Who series turn mad and evil when he looks into something when other time lords who do the same don't? Just because. Dr Who fans accept this without question. There's no special meaning, it's just because. Probably about the best analogy I can think of. That's TV for you. No. Yes you should.
  2. That's the important part of the whole pregancy issue. If you were conceived off island, you could be born on the island. eg. Jacob, MIB, Aaron, Alex, etc. If you were conceived on the island, you would die. We've never seen anyone conceived and born on the island. Something the island does in the first tri-mester, maybe the electromagnetism or some other 'magic' affects the foetus.
  3. No, the pregnancy problem was there with the Dharma Initiative before Jughead was detonated and presumably from the beginning of time on the Island. I put it down to having something to do with the island itself. It can give and take life.
  4. A lot of those questions I don't see important to the major story arc of Lost. I mean what sort of question is "Did Frank die on the submarine?"? Who cares. He's not an important character.
  5. You're being rather cynical lately. Personally, I think the major story arc has been explained. Smokey has been explained, Jacob has been explained, the seeing of the dead people ala Christian Shepherd and Locke has been explained, the numbers have been explained, the moving of the island has been explained, the Others have been explained, the Dharma Initiative has been explained, Widmore has been explained, the whispers in the jungle were explained. Maybe the only major thing was Walt. I doubt he will get explained but I don't think he was anything major imo. Unless I have forgotten something big then I am reasonably happy with anything they serve up really. It's all the little things that won't have an answer for, which there are many.
  6. I think the following remakes are pretty good. Alice in Wonderland (1951) Ben Hur (1959) The Blue Lagoon (1980) The Bourne Identity (2002) Brewster's Millions (1985) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) The Fly (1986) The Great Gatsby (1974) The Hills have Eyes (2006) House of Wax (1953) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) The Puppet Masters (1994) Red Dragon (2002) The Thing (1982) Walking Tall (2004)
  7. You just did. Hook, line and sinker.
  8. This is when you don't read your schoolbooks.
  9. I think they should have cut out one of the filler episodes and made last weeks episode a two-parter with the second part about how the temple, lighthouse, statue and heiroglyphs and then carried onto this weeks episode. The filler episodes this season just streched out the alternate timeline story too much which they could have condensed and making way for a second part of last weeks episode. Such wasted potential.
  10. The writers did have a 'bible' at the start of the series of where the series was going to go and how it was going to end. But it seems it was only a vague outline. Many sources have confirmed they did have this bible. However, the problem is they decided to put in this 'really cool stuff' not realising that this 'cool stuff' needs to be explained which they probably didn't have the answers at the time. A good example is the Numbers (as per below quote). It's also cool to throw in an egyptian statue and heiroglyphs, but where did they come from? It's cool to have a lighthouse, but where did this come from? Yeah, we'll just throw in a lighthouse which will explain the numbers but not explain where the lighthouse came from. It's cool to have the island, but where did the island come from? etc. I hope one day they show this bible they had at the start of the series so all the fans can see what they had at the start, what they had planned and what they had to work with. Here's an interview with the Lost writers and Stephen King from 2006. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,1562722,00.html
  11. Here is a list of shows which have been officially renewed (and cancelled) for the 2010-2011 season. ABC:
  12. Jacob and MiB new game. Quite funny. *Major Spoiler if you haven't watched the latest episode* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8JBYlNTf-Q
  13. After 15 pages in this thread.
  14. I agree. I've seen the word monkey refer to many types of people including asians as well. There's the famous George W. Bush website http://bushorchimp.com/ Also many 'white' people have been shown to look like monkeys. and these monkeys don't look black!
  15. I agree. Just what 'is' the mother ? Is she a smokey humanfied ? How did "Mother" take out all those villages and bury whatever was down the well. Was she able to turn into "Smokey" aswell ? I suspect she could. She probably went into the light previously which is why she told Jacob never to do it. She probably didn't want either of them to become so powerful. And he stabbed her before she could talk to him. Hence he was able to kill her!? I'm assuming the temple was built over the hole that his mother showed him. Which is maybe the spring in the temple? I don't quite understand how anybody in that era would have figured out that spinning a wheel in the pocket of electromagnetism would allow them to leave the island. I dunno maybe there's always been Alchemy of sorts through history which could explain it.
  16. a good episode. at least we know who adam and eve are now. Seems with Lost, there are more questions than answers for every episode. Similar to what the mother said. 'Every question I answer will lead to another question.'
  17. My biggest problem is that the main actors are weedy nerdy skinny ass emo frankfurters. Especially Jurassic Park boy (Sledge). I don't really believe in his acting when he tries to go hardcore. And John Basilone was a towering superman, who would have looked quite at home on the cover of duke nukem or castle wolfenstein. They royally flapped Iwo Jima. I know in Part 8, they wanted to tell Basilone's story, but Iwo Jima would normally be considered the climax of the Pacific Theatre but we got 12 mins of it. I think 3 or 4 John Wayne movies did the Pacific better. I feel the series has been a disjointed mess with some flashes of brilliance in a sea of poo. - the pacific the definition of getting it wrong
  18. I notice a lot of American politicians wear those little American Flag badges on their suit. Perhaps to be patriotic? I wonder if any of those politicians would have to take off their badges if they visited a school or any other function on Cinco de Mayo day.
  19. I think the ending of the episode would have been better with at the end.
  20. Kick-Ass. Awesome movie. Loved it.
  21. Correct and perhaps most Westerners (other than local western countries like Australia/NZ) have never heard of Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia. If Jemaah Islamiyah had the same tabloid reporting like Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Iran than you would also have Indonesia in the spotlight as well. I'm sorry but that's not true (OK, I probably misread your post - I'm drunk). Indonesia is far more democratic and secular than almost any country in the Middle East, and they also make a habit of consistently making terrorist crackdowns. They are a close ally of Australia and not just the government, the people too. They have no patience for extremism. Don't get me wrong, I loathe Jemaah Islamiyah, but so too does the majority of Indonesians and its important that Australians understand that. Heck, the Indonesian government took out one of their leaders (Noordin) in a covert op just this year, and Indonesia's newspapers could do nothing but sing praise for his death. Yes, you did misread my post. I've highlighted and italicised the point of my post. I'm not talking about Australia and Indonesia distaste or cracking down on JI. I was stating that 'perhaps if you go to another western country' such as Italy, Greece, etc. would the ordinary person on the street know about JI? Would they know about al-qaeda? Would they know about the conflict between Israel and Palestine which includes Hamas or Hezbollah? I'm willing to bet they probably know about al-qaeda and the Israel/Palestine conflict, but wouldn't know anything about JI. Why is that? Is it because more media attention is placed on things like September 11 and the Israel/Palestine conflict than the Bali Bombing? Last week I read an assignment my gf's neice had to do for uni about Terrorism and she wrote about September 11 and made no mention of the Bali bombing. To be honest I've now realised that fact and at the time, I forgot about Bali and JI.
  22. I agree. I've watched the entire Series recently and it seems it's always been about Jack and Locke throughout. At the end, they'll probably be on the beach playing a game of backgammon.
  23. Finally got around to seeing The Book of Eli. Great movie. Really enjoyed it.
  24. When Worlds Collide (1951). Had to laugh at the ridiculous 'cardboard painting' of the new world at the end. Other than that, a great movie.
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