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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. At least they're not five years old with the kids working in India for all our athletes to compete in the Commonwealth Games. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...d-and-milk.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2...15875-22011913/
  2. This is terrible. I mean Western countries would never use 15 year olds to work. Goes to McDonalds, KFC, K-Mart, etc...
  3. Yeah, I think I might like it on repeat viewings now that I've had time to digest it. Watched Ninja Assassin today. Great movie. Surprised to see J. Michael Straczynski co-wrote the screenplay.
  4. I agree. I like Crazy Claire. And it was creepy how she said to Jin... "That's not John, that's...my friend" with a big smile on her face. And the way she killed that guy. Great Stuff. Also, did you pick up on Jack's appendix scar in the flash sideways? He got that on the island in Season 4 when Juliet took it out.
  5. It's interesting to see possibly Kate as a candidate. Although not one of the original six numbers. Lostpedia has all the candidates listed. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Candidates
  6. Maybe not a weapon, but a stick of celery could look graceful on a person like Doctor Who.
  7. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Finally got around to seeing this and.. what a slow boring movie. Totally different to the previous five movies.
  8. Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopuss. Saw the on Youtube and just had to see how ridiculous this movie was.
  9. Obviously he didn't pay his taxes.
  10. That's no moon. It's a space station.
  11. It was another slooowww episode with some answers coming in the last 5 minutes. And no claire? WTF? They just leave last weeks episode hanging there and no continuation in this weeks episode of what happened to her. My theory is that Smokey wants to get off the island and needs someone to take him off and Jacob is keeping Smokey on the island by recruiting people to either a) replace him if he dies and b) for his (Jacobs) recruits from letting Smokey recruit anyone else to take him off the island. *shrugs* I don't really know.
  12. I'm the owner of two cats as well and if you really need to wash your cats (eg. if they have fleas), there are easier ways to do this than to put them in something like that. I've washed cats in the past and it's easier to hold them, put them in a laundry sink and let luke warm water run over them while applying flea shampoo to them. Rinse the shampoo off, have a towel ready and wrap them up to get any excess water off and then let them sit next to a heater. After about half an hour, they seem to be okay. With these machines, I don't see any benefit why you would put a cat in one of them.
  13. Daybreakers. Not too bad. It was okay.
  14. Jeremiah Seasons 1 & 2. Pretty good. Pity there wasn't a third season.
  15. These are my two cats sleeping.
  16. You're suggesting torture has never worked and truthfull information has never come from someone that has been tortured?
  17. As a Tea drinker, I can assure you Coffee Breath does exist and it's as bad as smokers breath depending on the type of coffee someone drinks. Coffee Drinkers don't notice it just like smokers don't notice their smokers breath. Non-Coffee drinkers (just like non-smokers) can smell Coffee Breath. I find Coffee Breath can be so obnoxious and foul that it can make me dizzy. A google search on Coffee Breath will net you over a million hits and some funny stories from people's experiences. So it does exist. And it is different to other acidious drinks like Tea. Tea isn't as acidic as Coffee and you don't really get Tea Breath as bad as Coffee Breath.
  18. Coffee Breath is nearly a bad as smokers breath. Unfortunately coffee drinkers are like smokers, they don't realise how bad it is.
  19. Every intelligence agency does it. You're not going to get any information by just asking nicely.
  20. Hypothetical scenario: Mr. X is known to have very close ties to Organization O, whose members have been convicted for committing random acts of violence against innocent civilians in the past. State Security Organization S has intercepted information that an attack on a population center identified only by codename is imminent. As a precautionary measure, all members of Organization O have gone into hiding, save for Mr. X. Procedure P is proven to be a reliable method for extracting information from uncooperative subjects, but will subject the individual to considerable physical pain and mental stress. It will, however, leave no lasting scars. Question: would it be wrong for S to detain Mr. X and subject him to P in order to acquire the information necessary to prevent the attack? Aye or Nay? The only thing missing is the Codename E for the attack on a population center. and then everyone in your scenario could go to SEXPO and have a big party.
  21. Alcohol should be made illegal too. It does more harm than cigarettes.
  22. Come to think of it, it was a bit slow and boring. It seemed to be one of those episodes that took a while to set things up for the next few episodes.
  23. Good episode. Now we're going to find out what happened with Claire.
  24. It's a new series that started today. I think I might watch the first episode tonight and see what its like.
  25. I was browsing new TV shows and came across this show called Past Life. Is this any good? Interesting premise if you believe this stuff. From Wikipedia - the TV series was inspired by "The Reincarnationist," a crime thriller whose main character, Josh Ryder, solves a 21st century crime with memories and clues from his past life in ancient Rome.
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